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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello All, Been overwhelmed with work and the business right now, but finally was able to get some pictures from the recent Phoenix Gold Show. This show was a great hit for "Rob's Detector Sales." Many customers stated I had one of the best metal detecting displays they have ever seen. This year I really tried to display all the metal detectors, coils and other accessories. Thanks to everyone that purchased at the show. Rob Allison
  2. Hello Grubstake, I also got that last night. Not sure what is going on with his forum. Rob Allison
  3. Hello Jim, Thanks for your help. The first 3-4 hours it was non-stop. I was from one customer to another and Dawn was processing orders as fast as possible. The show was a huge success for us. Today we had a huge amount of phone calls and messages and my email box is stuffed full from the weekend show. P.S. Raffled two nice gold nuggets, one Saturday and one Sunday. Both customers called today to collect their new gold nuggets. Thanks! Rob Allison
  4. Hello Guys, I just looked and it don't show anyone having a Birthday .... Wonder if it was some type of glitch? Rob Allison
  5. Hello Guys, The Gold Show is in the main building. You enter from the North side of the building. Today is the last day and it will run from 10am - 5pm. The State Fairground are on 19th ave. and McDowell. You can enter from McDowell, 19th Ave. and I believe Encanto also. You can't miss the place if you get near the area. Grubstake - I believe I talked to that couple. Very nice people! Today will be a bit slower since it's Sunday, but so far it's been a great show and I've gotten to place a lot of forum names with faces. Take care, Rob Allison
  6. Hello All, Just wanted to let you know the Phoenix GPAA Gold Show was a great hit for the first day. I done 10x the sales is just one day vs. two days at the last Mesa Show. Want to send out a special "Thanks" to Dawn, Jim P. & Leaverite for their help. This morning the crowd was three deep, but later in the afternoon I could finally chat with some people. Great to meet all the forum guys/gals that I've been chatting with on the forums. Spent some time talking with Reno Chris and Dave McCracken also. Hope to see you all tomorrow if you missed today. Take care, Rob Allison
  7. Hello Oakwoodcutter, Sounds fair, lets start from the beginning again and forget about everything from this post prior. I'm sure you agree, not everyone will have the same opinion about hunting, metal detectors and searchcoils. However, that's how we all learn from good debates. There is nothing wrong about voiceing any honest opinion about a product. Talk with you all soon, Rob Allison
  8. Hello Seeker, Still haven't heard what the prices will be. I was hoping to have a batch of the new coils for the Phoenix Gold Show, but looks like that is not going to happen. I will have a couple of test demo's I'm using for anyone wanting to take a look and see how light they are in person. Will keep you all updated on the prices the minute I find out. Rob Allison
  9. Hello Guys, I don't want this to turn into another battle between people. In that case, I will delete the entire thread. I think Grubstake and OakWood, both being truckers should respect each other. Oakwood, if I was into milking out customers or making big bucks I wouldn't be selling metal detectors and searchcoils. I am one of the premier US Minelab dealers and I know it hard for other people to deal with that since I do it part-time and don't advertise. Go figure, I must be doing something right. P.S. I don't care much for all the paper stakers, but there isn't anything we can do about it. Rob Allison
  10. Hello Oakwoodcutter, I've always allowed others to voice their opinions about products here, but it's hard for me to believe your opinion if you haven't used them. I've had many opportunties to sell different manufactures besides Minelab and Coiltek. In my opinion Coiltek has always been superior when it comes to design, technology and support. When there is a problem, Coiltek don't hesitate to step up and look at the problem or warranty. To be honest, I've read some of your posts and they all seem to be negative or against something else. I know after this weekend's Gold Show there will be a lot of people lined up for them. I guess you won't be one of those guys. P.S. I seen you also took a shot at my friend, Grubstake. What I can tell you about Grubstake is he would have held your hand and got you over a nugget. Seems like you need the hand-holding ... Take care, Rob Allison
  11. Hello Wes, To my knowledge the new GoldStalker coils won't be waterproof. Waterproof coils will be a bit heavier since they are filled with an epoxy substance. These new coils are noted for their size and lightness! I've been testing them for some time, just couldn't talk about them until now. I'm sure the first batch that comes in will sell extremely quickly. Take care, Rob Allison
  12. Hello Reg, I don't think the Sensitive/Smooth is the best for small gold nuggets. I actually find smaller, and smaller nuggets in deeper in the Sensitive/Extra mode. However, if the ground is somewhat mineralized, you will get more noise and the SS might be a better choice. Hope this helps, Rob Allison
  13. Hello Adam, Grubstake and Friends, The Coiltek Platypus series are hot! One of the main reason is they are 100% waterproof. There has never been a small waterproof searchcoil available for the Minelab SD/GP/GPX series. Now Minelab users can snipe Rivers, Creeks and even work the beaches with the big Minelab PI's. The Platypus is also very stable since it's filled with an epoxy material. The coil windings can't move since they are surrounded with this material, which makes they "false free" and "100% waterproof." The Platypus series also come in DD Pro and Mono. I prefer the DD Pro if you're working around a lot of trash or want a bit more mineral immunity. However, the Mono is the hot ticket if you're looking for the most sensitivity and depth. I don't know much about the GoldStalker series since they are so new. I do know they are freaking lightweight and very sensitive. Not sure about the prices on the new GoldStalker series. Take care, Rob Allison
  14. Hello All, Well since the official release is out, I can now talk about the new GoldStalker Searchcoils. When I first started testing the searchcoils, I invited my good partner Leaverite to help. The very first day he decided to test the new 18.5-inch Elliptical Mono on his GPX-4000. After about an hour of testing he called me down the wash to check out a specimen he just dug at depth. The specimen might have been about 1/2 Dwt in size, but the depth of the hole was amazing for the size of the piece of gold. The hole was nearly 12-inch deep and the specimen was lying on bedrock. Not sure exactly what settings he was using on the GPX-4000, so hopefully he will jump in and let us all know. However, I know he was impressed with the coil and depth abilities. Here are a few pictures of that day. Rob Allison
  15. Hello Guys, I've been testing both of these coils, along with a few others not listed and they are amazing. The new Goldstalker Searchcoils are so lightweight, very stable (don't false), excellent sensitivity and great depth. With the 14-inch elliptical Mono I've found nuggets down to 1 grain with the GPX-4000. My partner found a small 1/2 Dwt specimen with the 18.5-inch elliptical that was nearly 12-inch deep! I couldn't believe it when he first mentioned it, but went back to see where the nugget was lying on bedrock. Coiltek has done some amazing things to these coils. Take a gander at the picture below. Also, not sure I will have any of these coils available for sale at the Phoenix Gold Show next weekend, but will have several of them on display if you want to see in person how light they really are. Questions, give me a call or shoot me over an email about them - Rob Allison
  16. Hello Carlos, The BLM doesn't require any type of permit to prospect. However, the US Forest Service is getting stricker and requiring permits & Plan of Operations for dredging or highbanking. I'm sure it's just a matter of time before detecting requires some type of permit to make them more money. To cross, hunt or camp on State Trust Land, you also need a State Permit. Hope this helps, Rob Allison
  17. Hello Dredger, The pick next to the new Goldstalker pick was a Walco W3 with a 20.5-inch handle. The new Goldstalker picks are stronger than even the Walco's. The Goldstalker is a bit heavier since they are using a thicker pick blade for more strenght when prying and digging into hardpack gravels. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  18. Hello Matt, Thanks for sharing the pictures. I was hoping you might post the picture, but thanks for sending it to me. That is a great looking specimen! The Coiltek Platypus Mono is a hot coil, expecially on the GPX-4000's! Been selling them "hand over fist!" Can't wait to come back up there, Rob Allison
  19. Hello Woody and Reg, I know AZNuggetBob was interested in that also. Could you tell us why Minelab used the colored paint on the circuit boards? Why would someone want to remove the paint, to see what Minelab has done or reverse engineer what Minelab has done? Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  20. Hello All, Pat and his wife from Tucson came down Saturday morning for their field instruction on their new Minelab GPX-4000. Pat came down last month from Tucson and purchased his new GPX-4000 in person. Pat seems pretty excited to have one of the best gold detectors on the market and hopes to clean up some of those Tucson goldfields! Saturday morning I met up with Pat and his wife. Before we started field instructions I gave them a brief overview of the geology and how the old-timers worked that particular area. I'm hoping Pat and his wife can apply some of the information to the places around Tucson. Pat played around with the metal detector a few times before coming down, so he already had a pretty good feel of the unit. After about an hour of instructions Pat took off on his own finding and extracting targets. Most of the targets were fragments of cans, a few bullets, but eventually got over a small gold nugget. The small gold nugget was tucked inside the bank, lying in a clay layer right on top of bedrock. Pat seemed pretty excited to find his first gold nugget with a metal detector. Pat pulled out his small toothbrush and started to clean the nugget on site. It's really great seeing someone find one of Mother Nature's Treasures. Pat, thanks a million for your business! I know it's just a matter of time before you and your wife are off finding more gold nuggets. Make sure you keep in touch. Now I have to examine that hand stacked wash I found at the end of the day. P.S. Was going to meet with another customer from Morristown today that also purchased a GPX-4000, but the weather cancelled that until another time. Take care, Rob Allison
  21. Hello Grubstake, I guess Dennis and I will have to come out for a week. Maybe Matt will guide us around? Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  22. Hello Woody, Thanks for the information on the SD2000 mod. However, for most, they will never do it, nor do they know how. Many would probably end up screwing something up and then be out of a metal detector. For the guys that are very tech savy like yourself, then it might be worth modding a unit with all the stuff you mentioned. Take care, Rob Allison
  23. Hello Guys, I didn't even see it .... What are you talking about? Rob Allison
  24. Hello Reg, When I refer to "lesser PI's" I'm referring to price vs. Minelab's. I probably would find gold just as much with an SD with my experience, but I know I wouldn't get the depth on smaller gold and find the small stuff I can find now with the GPX. I'm still not convinced the SD is going just as deep on larger targets where I hunt. I've done some testing of my own on my ground conditions and I've seen slightly better depth with the GPX. I don't put any faith in what another detector (including Minelab's) can do in another country. I hunt 99% of the time in Arizona, so I put faith in those tests more than any others. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  25. Hello Reg, No, never tried or considered selling used cars. I would rather stick with something I know and support. Unfortunately it's not US made. Would you recommend me selling the GPX-4000 and trying something else out? Do you think I could be just as successful? Talk with you soon, Rob Allison