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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello Guys, Grubstake - Sounds like you had a great hunt up there. Sure wish I was there, it's so freaking hot here in Arizona now. Was town in Tucson for 7 days, a bit cooler for detecting and working! Bob T. - Have you been hunting much? I can't wait for the pushes to start back on the 24K claims. Have some good ideas for the club this year and some nice nuggets will be found. CaptGrumpy - How's it going over there? Heard your friend found a nice 97 grain quartz and gold specimen. If you get a chance, have him post the nuggets here if he would. Shep - Leaverite and I didn't have any problems on the upper patch with the Coiltek Mono's. I ran mine three days up there and didn't find one single ironstone. Did find a few hot zones, but nothing I couldn't re-balance over and elliminate it. I was running in Sensitive/Smooth most of the time with a Gain of about 13. The first patch Gary took us to I couldn't keep the coil balanced. Some of the worst ground I have hunted with the GPX-4000. I had to use Gary's Wallaby DD Pro the second part of the day and found a nice specimen piece below where you found the 33 Dwter. Miner Matt - Most the patches were thick, very few areas real open. I'm sure your claims are the same. Wish we could have met up during our visit. Been doing any detecting lately? Take care, Rob Allison
  2. Hello Glenn and All, Excited to hear the results of "Week 1" at Moore Creek. Hopefully someone found something of size during the first week. Sure wish I could have been there, but just have too much going on here at the moment. Take care, Rob Allison
  3. Hello Uncle Ron and All, Seen the results over on Bill's forum. Looks like Mike C. found three small nuggets from Uncle Ron's hammered patch. Pretty much the results I expected, more smaller nuggets at depth. Be interesting to see if Montana or Jim P. can score any nuggets from the patch. I think they are both top notch nugget hunters and should find another nugget or two. It's very hard to get every single nugget out of a patch unless you dig the entire patch up. AZNuggetBob - Good talking with you, be careful of the PM'ers that are prying on you! LOL ... We need to hit some of those places we keep talking about. I'm sure we both can get something for those areas. There are some areas over here near me that I need you the check out. I know there are hidden patches, just can't seem to figure out where the gold is coming from. Take care, Rob Allison
  4. Hello All, Sorry it took forever to get at least part of the story up, but been extremely busy on my end. Many might remember that Grubstake Gary invited Leaverite and I up for a hunt several weeks ago. I must tell you; this was one of the best trips I have even been on. California has so much "Eye Candy" from the gold, nature and landscape. Leaverite and I left early Sunday morning and arrived in Mariposa around 5pm. We both were a bit tired from the long drive, so we decided to visit Gary. We were not going to start hunting until early Tuesday morning, so Grubstake suggested we visit the Fairgrounds to see one of the best gold and mineral displays in the country. Monday Leaverite and I checked out the Fairgrounds and seen some beautiful California gold and tons of mineral specimens from around the World. We also decided to take a trip down to the Merced River and check it out. Man, talk about crystal clear water.... I wished I could have dropped in a dredge, but the dredge season didn't start until the following weekend. Well, here are some pictures of gold specimens I took and what the Merced River looks like. More coming soon.... Rob Allison
  5. Hello All, Just wanted to let you all know I'm leaving out of town again starting tomorrow morning. Dawn will be running the business while I'm gone. Have some out of town work, but maybe some beeping too! Friend found some nice pieces down South, mentioned he needed some help investigating the surrounding areas. Hope you all have a great weekend and find some nice nuggets to boot. Rob Allison
  6. Hello All, Sorry I haven't been able to post the California finds and story as of yet. Been extremely busy with the business and playing catch-up. Dawn sold more metal detectors and accessories during the time I was gone than I did in a couple of months! I'm leaving out of town again, so I'm hoping she can continue the trend. Leaving early Saturday morning. Maybe to a newly found patch that has produced some big lunkers, not far from a famous Tucson resident! Will do my best to get the story and pictures up before I leave. Take care, Rob Allison
  7. Hello Jerry, Yep, the hunt was great! The Coiltek 14-inch Round Mono is deadly, probably the best coil I have ever used. Coiltek has sold more than 2,500 of these coils just here in the US. Shep just purchased one and many others are going back to them after using many different types of coils and manufactures. I just order a good batch of them from Doc recently and they are all gone. Hope to get back there and hunt with Gary and you soon. P.S. I haven't got the pictures posted yet, been trying to play catch-up since I've been home. Still only about 1/2 through will all the stuff. Take care, Rob Allison
  8. Hello Chuck, I haven't heard about any problems due to "unsensitive" GPX-4000's. There has been a few GPX-4000's that shut down, but that was due to a loose wiring problem that was easily fixed by Minelab USA, Inc. The GPX-4000 should be way more sensitive than the GP Extreme, and at least just as sensitive at the bare minimum. I'm sure you have contacted Minelab USA, Inc. about this issue. If there is a problem they will be able to get it resolved ASAP. Talk with Dick Shultz if you get a chance. Please keep us updated, Rob Allison
  9. Hello Jerry, Congrats on the new nugget find. Did you find it in the thicker area or the open area? I'm sure there is a bunch of gold still at that area. Wish I had more time to hunt with you guys. Great hunting with you, Rob Allison
  10. Hello Bunk, Congrats on your new Bradshaw gold specimen find! I would investigate that are more, there should be more pieces around somewhere. Take care, Rob Allison
  11. Hello Gary, Will do. I'm at my parents house right now for a cookout. Rob Allison
  12. Hello Jim, I would have to agree 100%. Gary, Dorthy, Uncle Allan and Jerry are hard company to beat. I had one, if not the best prospecting trips ever experienced and it had nothing to do with gold. The friendship, experience, memories and stuff I seen was priceless. I'm truly blessed I have such great friends in my life. I just got word about Gary's wife, I hope everything turns out well. Dawn mentioned to me everything will be ok. I will say a special prayer for Gary and his wife tonight. Take care, Rob Allison
  13. Hello All, Well I'm so tired right now, but just wanted to let you all know this was one of the best prospecting trips I ever had. It wasn't about how much gold I found, but the friendship and lifetime memories that I can always cherish. I've know Grubstake Gary for many years, but never met him in person until this trip. I can say he is one of the most genuine guys I have ever met. I think Gary was just as excited as Dennis and I were. Many of you know the heart problems he has even know he has a "Heart of Gold!" I know I should never questions the Lord, "but I asked him why someone so great had to suffer?" I know Gary shares the same passion for this hobby as I, so I wish and pray for his health, wellness and even a big huge gold nugget! If there was anyone that deserves one, it would be him. During the trip I finally got to met Jerry and his Uncle Allen. Both are great people and hope we can get together for another hunt. Shep was also there, and many of you know Shep and how great he is. However, just don't let him fix you a "Cocktail" at the end of the day. I will post more about the trip, including pictures later. Rob Allison
  14. Hello Grubstake and All, Just wanted to let you all know Leaverite and I decided to pull out of Mariposa around 8pm last night. I just got home about an hour ago. Going to get some sleep, and will post more about the California nugget hunting trip later tonight/early tomorrow at the latest. This was one of my greatest prospecting trips ever! Chat with you later, Rob Allison
  15. Hello All, I'm sitting here at Grubstake's Computer making this post. This trip has been great so far. Shep, Dennis and I hit the patch hard today. I scored over 1/2 ounce worth of nuggets, Shep and Dennis both got a couple of nuggets also apiece. Just wanted to let you all know I'm doing fine and having a great time! Hi Boo, Love You! Rob Allison
  16. Hello All, Thanks for all your comments. I think all the Online and Prospecting Shop try, some just put a bit more effort into it. Prospecting is a passion of mine, so I contribute 110%. What I tell everyone is, if you ever have any questions, don't hesitate to call, email, private message or post a question(s) here on the forum. If I can't help you out, I will find someone that can. Take care all, Rob Allison
  17. Hello All, Thanks! This is a much needed vacation. A friend mentioned a few days ago, "Rob, I never knew you had so much Gray hair!" Well I told him it was from all the stress of running all the time with very little rest. Working full-time + overtime, attending college, running the business and trying to prospects and do other stuff can be stressful at time. Wishing you all the best, Rob Allison
  18. Hello SkipperBill, Thanks for the business. Your stuff was shipped yesterday US Priority Mail, so you should see it within 2-3 days. I'm sure some nice nuggets will be found on the 24K claims this season. I'm sure I will see you then. Take care, Rob Allison
  19. Hello Bill, Sent you a very detailed email the same day you sent it. Check your "Bulk" mail also. Sometimes since I'm using a Yahoo email address it might get tossed into a "Bulk" or "Spam" mail folder. However, I did respond back to you about the coils you asked about. Give me a call if you can't find the email. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  20. Hello Steve, If I didn't already have plans to head to California for a week, I might have jumped on that week. If you haven't been to Moore Creek you're really missing out. Great people, great food and lodging and most of all great gold! Steve, you run a great camp at Moore Creek. Hoping to get back up there some time before you sell the mine. Take care, Rob Allison
  21. Hello Uncle Ron, Congrats on your new patch nugget additions. Sounds like you're really cleaning that area out. I would have to agree, both the Coiltek 14-inch Round Mono and the NF 14-inch Elliptical are great coils. I've owned both, and still continue to kick butt with the Coiltek 14-inch round. I think the two best coils in my opinion on the GPX-4000 are the Coiltek Joey Mono for small gold and the Coiltek 14-inch Mono for larger stuff at depth. Like anyone, you must find what combination of metal detector and coil(s) work best for you. Obviously you're doing well with the SD2100 and NF 14E. Take care, Rob Allison
  22. Hello All, Just wanted to let you all know "Rob's Detector Sales" is running a special for any Coiltek Searchcoil purchase. Purchase a new Coiltek Searchcoil (any size or configuration) and receive FREE US Priority Mail Shipping/Delivery Confirmation and a Coiltek Baseball Cap! Here is a list of all the Coiltek Searchoils that are available for any Minelab SD/GP or GPX series metal detector. Coiltek 10x5 Joey Elliptical (Mono or DD Pro) - $190/$199 Coiltek Waterproof 11-inch Elliptical Platypus Searchcoil (DD Pro Only) - $219 Coiltek 11-inch Round Searchcoil (Mono, DD Pro or Anti-Interference) - $210/$219 Coiltek 14-inch Round Searchcoil (Mono, DD Pro or Anti-Interference) - $299/$329 Wallaby 17-inch Elliptical Searchcoil (Mono or DD Pro) - $349 Coiltek 18-inch Round Searchcoil (Mono, DD Pro or Anti-Interference) - $349/$359 Waterproof "Mini-UFO" 10x17 Elliptical Searchcoil (Mono Only) - $329 Waterproof "UFO" 24x12 Elliptical Searchcoil (Mono Only) - $349 Coiltek 19-inch "Dingo" Waterproof Searchcoil (DD Pro Only) - $349 Coiltek "Big Red" 24x12 Solid Elliptical Searchcoil (Mono or DD Pro) - $359 Coiltek "Bonzer" 21x27 Elliptical Searchcoil (Mono, DD Pro or Anti-Interference) - $549 Questions on any of these coils, please email me at - , or call - 623-362-1459 or ask me here on the forums. Take care, Rob Allison
  23. Hello All, Just wanted everyone to know a good friend and I will be out of town from May 20th thru May 27th. I need a break from all the work, overtime, college and the business. We will be hitting numerous placers in the Mother Lode State. If you need anything, please contact me before those dates, or call and leave a message and I will return your call when I return. Take care, Rob Allison
  24. Hello Karl, I was very surprised to see you up there, but it was great! How is my old Coiltek 14-inch working for you? That is a proven gold finder. I was really busy that month with field instructions. It a bit slower now, but still have some instructions to give for some new Minelab purchases. Hope to see you more out there way when it cools off a bit. I'm heading to the higher country for a week of nugget hunting. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  25. Hello Grubstake, No, just worked 30 hours in the last couple of days due to some Emergency call-outs. Worked 17 hours straight yesterday and didn't get home unil 9:30pm at night. Just got up this morning, no nuggethunting for me this weekend. Sent you back an email. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison