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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello Doc, I seen this post earlier today from work, but couldn't respond to it. I must say I'm still speechless… I just can't believe he's gone! Plaz was a great friend. Over the years we spent a lot of time talking on the phone and sending emails back and forth. This is terrible news and all my condolences go out to Julie and his family. Plaz you will never be forgotten. I know you're in a great place with our loving and caring LORD. Heart Broken, Rob Allison
  2. Hello All, I caught just the end of the news this evening where it stated they caught a handful of illegal aliens. Sheriff Joe said they will possibly be charged with felonies and could face up to 4 years in prison due to the new immigration laws. They were all crying the blues and said they just want to work. Yes, I feel sorry for them, but I blame it all on that corrupt President Fox in Mexico. He could create jobs, but he would rather support the drugs and crime. Take care, Rob Allison
  3. Hello Chris, Curious if you tried a smaller searchcoil such as a Coiltek 10x5 Joey or Minelab 8-inch round on the exposed bedrock areas? Surprised there isn't any smaller gold down in the bedrock. Do you think the old-timers when they ground sluiced the area dug out some of the bedrock? I know in some area here in Arizona the old-timers removed several foot of bedrock to make sure they weren't missing much. P.S. I would be scanning all those areas just along the edged where the old-timers stopped digging. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  4. Hello Beachgirl, I think you're right, my girlfriend Dawn always says they are not the same size. I told her I didn't pay much attention though .... Haha ... Was finally able to access your webpage. Looks like someone might of hacked it? What do you sell, or is your site just informative? Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  5. Hello Anna, Sorry to hear about the mobile home burning down. I sure hope everyone was alright. Humm ... I'm not exactly sure how you would separate all the glass and different metals (silver/gold) since they are in a melted mass. I'm sure others will give some advice. Wishing you the best, Rob Allison
  6. Hello Reno Chris, Thanks a million for posting the nugget and story. First I would like to say that's a nice nugget with some good character shown. I really enjoy seeing pictures of the old time workings. Makes you wonder what some of their sluices looked like when they were into the paying gravels. Did you happen to find the nugget in virgin ground or in a pile? Looks and sounds like the area has a lot of potential. Thanks for sharing, Rob Allison
  7. Hello Uncle Ron, Pretty interested cactus you spotted there. How did they feel, kind of sticky and hard? Take care, Rob Allison
  8. Hello Tadenn, Sounds like you might have the stock 10-inch elliptical coil and either the smaller 6.5-inch elliptical or larger 14-inch elliptical. The small 6.5-inch is absolutely deadly on small gold. With a higher sensitivity setting, you will get more depth and sensitivity overall. However, you want to keep the sensitivity as high as possible, in some areas with a lot of mineralization you will have to back it down to operate effectively. You have to find a happy medium between high sensitivity and mineralization present in the ground. In areas with low to moderate mineralization you can run the sensitivity much higher than areas with really bad mineralization. Some VLF Basic Tips: ** Keep the coil as close as the ground as you can. An inch off the ground means an inch in depth lost. ** VLF detectors are motion type detectors, the faster you swing over a target the louder audio response you will get. Practice this and you will understand what I'm talking about. This won't happen on very faint targets, but stuff closer or near the surface. ** You are less likely to miss a "True Metallic" target by raising the coil over the target a bit vs. Ironstones, Basalts or Mineralization in general. If you place a small ironstone on the ground and a metallic target, you can move further away (higher) from the metallic target than an ironstone. Basically, this means you can null out an ironstone by raising the coil a bit in most causes. This technique must be practiced to master it. ** In areas where you want to increase sensitivity, you can set the Ground Balance a bit "Positive" and get a bit more sensitivity to small gold. This will make the detector a bit noisier, but this technique does work. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  9. Hello Grubstake and Shep, Grubstake - I would send you a Wallaby to try at Rye Patch, but I'm waiting for more to show up here. The Wallaby DD Pro is a hot seller, probably going to out sell the Coiltek 14-inch round soon! People can say what they want about it, but just remember Coiltek is selling thousands of coils. The Coiltek Platypus Searchcoil is also a sleeper coil. Shep - I received a few of Reg's emails. I'm playing close attention to them since Reg is probably one of the most knowledgeable guys when it comes to PI's and Searchcoils. I'm going to do some testing on yours also. Bill stated that when he repaid his yearly subscription for hosting the hosting company linked the old forum rather than new. You can still access Bill's forum from him main Website page or by clicking this link - Bill Southern's Nuggetshooter Forum Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  10. Hello Uncle Ron, Are you using the flex tubing system on wet or dry cracks? I used a strong drinking straw cause its easy to pack and if I break it I can get another one at Circle K. The device you're talking about sounds similar to the GoldTube that John at sells. I know what you mean about attitude. If I'm not 100% focused to hunt gold I won't go. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  11. Hello Tadenn, Thanks for joining the forums and I'm sure others will chime in and give advice/help. Years ago a good friend now passed spent a lot of time around Pahrump, NV searching for nuggets. Since I knew I wasn't going to make it out there I never asked him about locations or how much he was finding. I know it was good enough for him to drive from Central Arizona to Pahrump though. I used to sell Fisher Metal Detectors, so I know a bit about them. Is yours the orignal Fisher Gold Bug or Fisher Gold Bug2? The Goldbug will be a good starter unit for you. Practice ground balancing the unit over different types of ground. Play around with the settings and threshold to get the best performance out of the machine on the ground you're working. I would also practice listening to faint targets to get an idea what they sound like. Anyone can hear the easy targets near the surface, but many can't hear the faint whispers that could be nuggets at depth. With the price of gold now over $700/ounce, you will hear more about claim jumping and shootings. You just have to respect the status the land and mineral claims and find places where you won't get in trouble. There are hundreds of thousands of acres of open BLM land to hunt and you might even consider a prospecting club if one is local of your area. Good luck with your ventures in Nevada. Feel free to post anytime, there are no dumb questions. Take care, Rob Allison
  12. Hello All, I just added the Detector Protector Hat to the pinned link above. If you're looking for one of the greatest inventions to prevent skin cancer from the head, ears and heck area, this is the hat of choice. The hat is made out of soft lightweight t-shirt material with SPF 40. When you sweat or wet the hat down before detecting its like having an air cooler around your face, neck and head. Here is a picture of the "Detector Protector Hat" available from Rob's Detector Sales. Protect yourself out there from the Sun! Take care, Rob Allison
  13. Hello D Dog, Test is working! Are you testing to see how fast I can reply back? Hehe ... Rob Allison
  14. Hello Guys, Thanks for the comments. All I can say it's getting hot and you need your snake protection & plenty of liquids. Grubstake - Normally when I'm working areas where the gold might be wedged in the bedrock I will carry a "Drinking Straw" and small "Flathead Screwdriver." The screwdriver works well for the tight cracks/crevices and the straw is for blowing them out to see if I can see the nugget or not. Sometimes you have to get real physical and bust the hell out of the bedrock to recover the small nugget. Uncle Ron - There was plenty of sweat going on. I went through a 100oz water bladder and three big Gatorade bottles. Luckily there isn't much trash, so you don't exhurt youself digging trash all day in the hot sun. I know Leaverite spent a good 15-20 minutes digging the nugget he recovered from the hard bedrock. Sometimes just one of these targets can really exhaust you. Any recent gold finds? Pondmn (Jerry) - I can't complain as of lately. I think I have taken about 100 nuggets now from 2-3 small locations. I'm pretty sure the cream of the crop is now gone, just a few dinks here and there left. It's getting hot, so it's now off to the high country for prospecting or short local hunts early in the morning. Did you ever get the 4-inch dredge from Keene? Bid Ed - I sure wish we could push the hot weather up your way. It won't be nice again until late October. Have you been doing any nuggethunting up there lately? Talk with you all soon, Rob Allison
  15. Hello D Dog (Jerry), Thanks for joining the Forums. Any chance you could tell us a bit more about yourself (prospecting experience) and what detector(s) you're using? You're always welcome to post, ask questions or whatever, so don't hold out on us! Thanks for joining and hope to see you posting more in the future. Take care, Rob Allison
  16. Hello Grubstake, Thanks for posting the picture of the nugget. It's time for the Rattlesnakes here in the Arizona desert, but I have only seen one so far. I pretty wear the snake gaitors I sell year round, but I feel much better with them when I'm wearing headphones. We also have some high grass in a few of the Arizona goldfields. You still using the Coiltek Platypus Searchcoil I sent you? I've been selling a bunch of them, so I have to Thank You for the great reports you gave on them to get the ball rolling. There is very little advertisement of them, some don't even know about them yet. Has Shep tried the newer Wallaby yet? Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  17. Hello Grubstake, Congrats on the new nugget find. Leaverite and I were crazy enough to get out for a short hunt today. I ended up with seven more nuggets and Leaverite scored one. I'm sure the weather is much cooler than here. It seemed like 120 degrees today ... Looking foward to the picture. Rob Allison
  18. Hello All, Well I had to work a few hours today, but decided I would be crazy enough to make a short trip into the goldfields at 100+ degrees ... Since Leaverite lived right down the road from my work I decided to give him a call to see if he wanted to join. You guessed it, two nuts heading into the goldfields in the afternoon in search for that elusive yellow metal. We both hunted from about 10am to 4pm searching over a few spots. During that time I drained a 100oz Bladder of water and three big Gatorade bottles. Luckily it was worth it, I ended up scoring (7) nuggets and Leaverite (1). All the gold was found with Minelab GP3500 Metal Detectors and Coiltek Searhcoils. Leaverite's nugget took some work to recover. I heard him banging on the bedrock for a good 15-20 minutes. I finally decided I better head down there and see what he had going. After a few minutes we were able to see Leaverite's nugget wedged in the schist bedrock (second picture below). Pictured below are the total nuggets found today. Mine are the left seven and Leaverite's single piece on the right. Just goes to show the gold is still out there and even more valuable now! Happy Hunting, Rob Allison
  19. Hello Guys, Yes, the video is Minuteman footage. This organization is at least trying to do something rather than sit and let the problem progress. You can see more footage and more information about securing the US/Mexico Border at this site - The MinuteMan Could you imagine if the President has to walk out his front door to this bullshit? Not knocking the President or other Eviromentalists, but just imagine if they lived down south near some of these trashed sites. It's kind of like NIMBY (Not in my back yard). As long as they don't have to deal with it, who the hell cares .... The problem is only going to get worse America has to do something about it. Why worry about other countries, lets try to secure and help our own for a bit. Oh I forgot, there is no money in it for the normal people, but war is great when you can line your and your friends pockets with black gold! Take care, Rob Allison
  20. Hello Environmentalists, I think it's time to stop worrying about someone digging small detector holes or someone driving their Quad on the Forest and start focusing on more important Environmental issues such as the video below. What does it take to open your eyes? Damn this is getting ridiculous if you ask me! People are getting rapped and killed at the sites in the video also. Illegals Trashing the Arizona Deserts Just my thoughts, Rob Allison
  21. Hello Gary, I never sold a bunch of gold, but I think the best ways would be on the Internet. You have online auction sites such as and You also have all the Internet gold forums that have classified forums. I wouldn't sell any nuggets to the refineries since they won't give nugget value. You would probably get a percentage of what spot price is during the sale. I would seek out jewelers and gold collectors if all possible. At spot price ($700/ounce) a Gram of nugget gold is roughly $22.50/Gram. That is just the spot price of gold, not really the nugget value of them. However, keep in mind you can name your price, but until you get the money in your hands the nugget value is "What you can get!" If I had an average looking one-ounce solid gold nugget I would probably let it go for about $750.00. This would be $50 over spot price and would make up for the nugget value and rarity of the nugget due to its size. Other might let the same nugget go for $600, while others would part with it for no less than $1,000. Hopefully I'm not talking in riddles ... I'm extremely tired. Rob Allison
  22. Hello Steve, That's one hell of a find regardless of the detector used. Congrats to Jesse (I hope that's the correct finder)! Gold nuggets like that are very rare when they are that size, so that is a life time find for even the best detectorists. I'm sure there are bigger, so if I'm lucky enough maybe one will get under my coil. I would much rather be real "Lucky" than "Good" anyday. Thanks for posting the picture. That's a great moment there with the nugget, hole and facial expression. Congrats once again, Rob Allison
  23. Hello Steve, I can't wait to get back on those tailing piles. Just for some of the people that have never been there, the picture below will give you an idea of the size of some of the piles. Look closely and you can see two people standing on them, I believe the middle person is Bob (AK) and the one over towards the right is Keith. I think it would take days to hunt a pile(s) like this to the point where you would feel confident there is nothing left near the surface. Take care, Rob Allison
  24. Hello Flak, I just checked it and it seems fine. Maybe they were having some problems earlier today. Where are all the nuggets you've been finding? Talk with you soon, Rob Allison