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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hey Grubstake, Dad is doing well recovering at home. He is having some minor issues with very low blood pressure in the morning, once he wakes up. He will get really dizzy and feel very weak. A few hours later, after being up and moving around, the blood pressure seems to stabilize. They are trying to get his blood pressure medicine adjusted right. Did you ever have issues with this after a heart attack?
  2. Hello Afreakofnature, Sorry I wasn't able to see the post. Yes, please post what Nenad has to say about the Steelphase on different detectors outside the GPZ 7000. I'm hoping to have another shipment here soon.
  3. Hey Ron, There is no question there is probably a lot of health benefits to certain Vitamins and Supplements we can't use, or have been banned. Have you ever read about Vitamin B-17? They call it one of the greatest cover up stories in the US.
  4. Hey Guys, Thanks once again for all the thoughts and prayers. We are going to have a "Celebration of Life" for my Mother in Law today. All the family will be getting together to remember all the great times we had together. My Father is doing really well. He is up walking in the Hospital now and they said he might be released today or tomorrow for sure. Everything went very well in surgery, no complications or issues, and they ended up doing 3 arteries. Also, they used to slice your entire leg to get the vein out of it, now they just make two small incisions and pull the vein out. Pretty slick .... My Father will have a long recovery to get back to full strength, but he is doing well.
  5. Hey Guys, Thanks for sharing that link, great information there. I have one SteelPhase in stock, but I'm going to hold it and play around with it. I'm not sure when I can get more, I'm hoping Nenad has more to ship us soon. We are several months from our prime time detecting weather, so I'm sure guys will want them. Anyone using one now, please keep us updated on the performance?
  6. Hey Uncle Ron, Heard about it and how it could be useful. That being said, I thought it was only legal in 30 states where Medical Marijuana is legal right now. Here is a diagram I found - What is the cost of the stuff Ron? If too many prospectors get on this, there might not be any gold left in the goldfields!
  7. Hey Gary, Good questions, I know it has to do with Filters. I found these two videos on Youtube if you haven't seen them -
  8. Excellent pictures and info Rod. Sounds like a great trip. Wishing you and the family a ton of fun & Prospecting.
  9. Hey Guys, Thanks for all the prayers. My Mother-in-Law fought the good fight, but she was so tired of fighting, the family decided it was best for her to go to the Lord. She passed around 9pm last night. It's been a rough night and morning. Payers for the family during this time of mourning and healing. My Father is scheduled for open heart surgery Wednesday morning (tomorrow) for a 2-3 artery bypass. Please continue to pray for my Father if you all would.
  10. Hello GS, This forum is pretty slow, so if you want you can post it over in the main forum. That being said, Yes the EMI at least here in Arizona is much worse this time of year. It has to do with the Monsoon storms, lightning strikes, clouds building and such from the storms many miles away. Normally this time of year is worse, the early morning is best, but the afternoons the storms start to really build.
  11. Hello All, Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. My Mother-in-Law as of today has made no real changes, better or worse. She now has been on the Vent (life support) for about 8 days. The longer you're on this, the harder it is for the lungs and body to come off. We continue to pray and be strong for her, always hoping she will start making small improvements. I'm confident and Trust in the Lord. I would also like to add, that Sally at the ICMJ (International California Mining Journal) wrote this to Dawn and I - Sally is an absolute Gem of a person and friend. I encourage anyone that is not a subscriber to this great magazine and people, please do so! It's always great to have friends like her along with all of you, God Bless.
  12. Hello All, It's been a rough month, my Father is getting ready for Heart Surgery, now my Mother-in-Law has been in the Hospital on a Vent for the last 8 days. We thought she was making small improvements day by day, but a couple of nights ago, she took a turn for the worst and is back at square one. My Wife's family is taking this very hard. We continue to Trust in the Lord, but would appreciate the power of prayer. My Mother-in-Law is named Peggy. Please pray if you would. I will pray for anyone willing to send thoughts, prayers and concerns for her. God Bless!
  13. Hello All, We just got another nice batch of Equinox 800's in stock, along with some 600's and other accessories. You can view the items we currently have in stock on this link below - Detectors and accessories will only last a few days. Contact or order online to get one ASAP!
  14. I think you can still round up a copy on Amazon. That is where I found the picture. I guess any piece of info can be rewarding to some degree.
  15. Real nice Gary!! Wishing you much more luck out there. It's getting very warm, stay hydrated.
  16. Hey Guys/Gals, I just picked up a dealership for Anderson Shafts and products. If anyone needs anything right away, please let me know as my first order will be ordered and shipped soon. Anderson makes great shafts for just about any metal detector out there. The new Carbon Fiber Gold Monster 1000 & Equinox Shafts are the hot item right now. Let me know soon if you're interested. The items come from Canada, so it could take 5-7 days to receive.
  17. Hey Flak, I also just picked up both of his Minelab CTX 3030 books below. If anyone wants them, I think I have one on the site, working on getting the other up. Both books are $16.95 + $4 SH and we have them in stock right now.
  18. Hey Adam, I agree, the book wasn't done very well. If I remember correctly, a lot of photocopied info and pictures. I think Floyd had a feeling not knowing Rod Johnson very well to give him limited amount of information for the first Volume. This is the book cover -
  19. Hey Guys, Normally this time of year is very slow, at least for me. That being said, the Minelab Equinox has kept most dealers including myself more than busy. The demand Worldwide is crazy! I'm still struggling to keep these units in stock, especially the Equinox 800. I still have a few Minelab Equinox 600's in stock, but I'm sure they will be gone by this weekend. I just received in the new Book, The Minelab Equinox Series, from beginner to Advanced, by Clive James Clynick. We are selling this book for $16.95 + SH and it's flying off the shelf due to the demand of the Equinox series. We still have plenty, but we are selling them quickly on Ebay and the online store. All of the accessories are coming in slow. We just got more of the Equinox Waterproof Headphones, which are very difficult to keep in stock. These are $149.00 We have more of the smaller accessories in stock, coil covers, chargers, screen covers and more. The Searchcoils, such as the new 6" are still on back order. This coil will be a huge seller once it arrives. The new Headphones Adapter, 3.5mm is also another huge seller. We have them currently, but they also sell very quickly. This adapter will allow you to have a waterproof connector on one end (plugs into the detector) and then have a 1/4 headphone jack for your favorite aftermarket headphones. Please refer to the diagram on the bottom to make sure you have the right aftermarket headphones to work with the new adapter. If you are still searching for the Minelab Equinox 800's, we are getting them in about every week or so, but small orders. You can place a back order online and once they arrive you will get one of the first ones. To place a backorder, order on this link - Hope this helps a bit. The Equinox has been the hottest selling Minelab detector in the last 17 years of being a dealer for them. I have never seen a demand for a single metal detector like this.
  20. Welcome Burro. Ask us questions, the forums are slow right now, so I'm sure plenty are ready to help answer!
  21. Hey Adam, I believe Rod Johnson wrote that book. He suckered Floyd Allen to help give him some info for the book in return for some profits on the book. Floyd didn't get a single dime out of the deal. Richard and Floyd were best friends, so I'm sure some of Richard's info got into the book via Floyd. That being said, Floyd told me personally, Thanks God I never told Rod any really good locations!" The book never sold very well, Rod eventually took off to Texas. The shady deal that happened over the book didn't set well with Floyd and many others. Rod used to live in Northern, Arizona. Rod wanted to place me in the book, luckily I didn't share any of my personal info. Maybe I'll write my own book someday, or not ..... ?
  22. Arizona mining claims for sale. BCGold claims on the historical Black Canyon placers just North of Black Canyon City. Five contiguous claims totaling over 300 acres and nearly two miles of the creek bed. remote access, lots of untouched ground. $25,000 OBO for all. Indian Creek, located on Antelope and Indian creek just North of Stanton at Rich Hill. 2wd access year round. Seasonal water for dredging Antelope and Indian Creeks. Formerly part of the Red Twister and Red Metal mining claim group, under continuous claim since 1980. 30.4 acres, $10,000 OBO For more information send private message or contact Jim Pressley at six02-Eight82-8four7three or Rob Allison at You can see more pictures of the mineral claims on the Classified Section. Serious buyers only, all claims are patrolled and have surveillance.
  23. Don't ignore any piece of quartz that sounds off on your detector. You can see from this short Youtube video that gold isn't always visible on the outside. This large quartz rock has gold inside, but very minimal amounts showing on the surface. It was originally found with a Minelab GPZ 7000 down about a foot. In the video I'm using a Minelab Gold Monster 1000 to show you the hot areas where the gold is located within the rock. Hope you enjoy.
  24. Hey Jen, Nice looking gold. The SteelPhase are great signal enhancers. I can't keep them in stock, hoping Nenad has more coming my way very soon. I wanted to try one on my GPZ 7000 this winter over some spots I already hunted to see if it makes a difference for me. Congrats once again on the gold.