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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hey Mike, Ya, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone out there. I just return home, man I'm stuffed. Hope everyone had a wonderful day or evening.
  2. Hey Guys, I was out around Stanton earlier this week and a customer said the Sierra Vista Motel closed in Congress. I was a bit surprised, as many of my customer stayed there each year, even new customers coming down for instructions. I called Cindy personally and asked, she said she has been trying to sell for several years. She said since she couldn't sell it, they decided to make it a place for their family. Just a FYI if anyone has plans on attempting to stay there in the future. The best places now will be Wickenburg or Prescott for Hotels/Motels or several RV parks outside of Congress beyond the LDMA Mining camp at Stanton.
  3. Hey Tortuga, Ya, those are classic GPZ nugs. No question the GPZ can find them little buggers deeper than the GPX or any other detector. That being said, I can also say they find the much larger nuggets that others technologies have missed. P.S. What about the most recent additions? Stop holding out .... hehe ...
  4. Hey Guys, Both the GPX 4500 and 5000 can find really small gold with the NF Sadie. Right now, personally, I think the best detector deal is the GPX 4500 for $2699.00. This deal will end soon, as I believe they may be discontining it for good. You equip the 4500 with a small coil like the NF 8x6 Mono and you're off finding tiny gold and still have the mineral immunity of the PI and good depth. For under $3k you can have a great set up to chase gold for the next 10 years or so. Just my thoughts,
  5. Hey Guys, No, this was not found recently, like last weekend. I had plans to make Bill Southern's Nuggetshooter outing, but I was really sick (about 5 days worth). This patch was found awhile back by myself and partner. There is more gold, a nice specimens is just peeking through on one of the pictures .... What's nice is the gold is a bit different with some unique shapes that don't so much show in the pictures. When the gold was cleaned, some beautiful edges and shapes are really shown. I've been blessed with some nice patches over the years, but that is not saying I or my partner has not done a lot of ground work, research and such. This does include a lot of days of not posting and skunks .... It's out there, keep the passion alive!
  6. Hey All, Thought you might want to take a gander at some more gold pictures. Can't talk too much about this patch yet, but it's a good one. All the gold is from a Minelab GPX 5000 and Minelab GPZ 7000. Two guys hunting together, gold nugget patches will be found. Hope you enjoy, it's still out there for sure! The largest piece shown (picture # 1) in one of the pictures is 1.9 ounces solid, several 1+ ouncers and a lot of smaller bits. I told the animals they are on Candid Camera right now.
  7. Hey Tortuga, Congrats! What about the recent ones from Bill's outing?
  8. Hello All, I'm going through my inventory and have the following detectors, Demo units used at show's, but never used in the field. They are all in new like condition with all items included, plus full warranty. These detectors will not be around long due to the price and condition. Figured right before Christmas would be the best time to unload them. (1) XP Deus Metal Detector, Model 22-WS4, Verison 3.2. New Price is $799.00. Your Price - $525.00 with free shipping. (1) Makro Gold Racer Metal Detector, New Price $599.00. Your Price - $475.00 with free shipping. Built on the cutting-edge RACER technology, the Gold RACER metal detector offers advanced gold prospecting capabilities. Operating at 56 kHz frequency, the Gold RACER detects the tiniest gold nuggets while ignoring harsh ground conditions and hot rocks in gold fields around the world. Standard Package Includes: GR26 (26cm x 14cm - 10'' x 5.5" DD Search Coil), Headphones, 4 x AA Alkaline Batteries. (1) Makro Racer Pro Metal Detector, New $599.00. Your Price - $400 with free shipping. (1) Makro Gold Racer Pro - New Price $899.00. Your Price - $625.00 with free shipping. These are great prices on great detectors that never been used. I will consider payment in gold, silver, potential trades, credit card or Paypal. Contact us if you have questions. Rob's Detector Sales 623-362-1459
  9. Hello All, I'm going through my inventory and have the following detectors, Demo units used at show's, but never used in the field. They are all in new like condition with all items included, plus full warranty. These detectors will not be around long due to the price and condition. Figured right before Christmas would be the best time to unload them. (1) XP Deus Metal Detector, Model 22-WS4, Verison 3.2. New Price is $799.00. Your Price - $525.00 with free shipping. (1) Makro Gold Racer Metal Detector, New Price $599.00. Your Price - $475.00 with free shipping. Built on the cutting-edge RACER technology, the Gold RACER metal detector offers advanced gold prospecting capabilities. Operating at 56 kHz frequency, the Gold RACER detects the tiniest gold nuggets while ignoring harsh ground conditions and hot rocks in gold fields around the world. Standard Package Includes: GR26 (26cm x 14cm - 10'' x 5.5" DD Search Coil), Headphones, 4 x AA Alkaline Batteries. (1) Makro Racer Pro Metal Detector, New $599.00. Your Price - $400 with free shipping. (1) Makro Gold Racer Pro - New Price $899.00. Your Price - $625.00 with free shipping. These are great prices on great detectors that never been used. I will consider payment in gold, silver, potential trades, credit card or Paypal. Contact us if you have questions. Rob's Detector Sales 623-362-1459
  10. Hey Geof, Ya, they made an attempt here also. I think Chris cleaned it all up, I also cleaned up a few post here. Thanks for the heads up, please report anything that don't seem right.
  11. Hey Uncle Ron, Ya, several guys here in the US tried to replicate the "Walco" brand, but their product in my opinion never really did. Walco's used a great wood and the craftsmanship was excellent. Many think they can just make a pick, but the quality never holds up. Bunk makes some great picks we carry, the Burro and the Hermit. We also stock all the Apex picks.
  12. Thanks Guys. Funny, I was looking at a spot and I walked over and turned on the GPZ 7000. Not more than about a foot from where I ground balanced the detector, the first target was this gold nugget. I continued to dig trash for another hour or so until I gave up on this location for now. The weather, at least in the mornings is much cooler. It did get close to 90 this last weekend in the lower desert.
  13. Hey Mike, Thanks for sharing the nuggets. Hey, you didn't get skunked. Good to hear the SteelPhase is performing well. I finally got another batch of them in, but I'm sure they will be gone quickly. I forgot to try it out on my GPZ 7000 this last weekend. The Minelab Gold Monster is amazing. I used it for about 2 hours in this wash I found a lot of gold. I was surprised I didn't find any small nuggets, but I did dig about a dozen small pieces of lead from hard bedrock cracks. I didn't have the right tools for working the small cracks, just a larger pick and the bedrock was very hard to break up.
  14. Hey Guys, Yep, the weather is starting to cool off, at least in the morning hours now. Today it got a bit warm around 11am or so.
  15. Hey Guys, Back about 15 years ago I was working for a large Food Distribution Warehouse. There was a guy I worked with all the time that went out Jeep 4x4ing one evening when it was dark. He stepped out of his Jeep and walked about 20 yards away to use the restroom and fell right into a mine shaft. He dropped 300 foot and died. He had several friends that were Jeeping with him, they couldn't find him cause it was so dark for about 10 minutes. They finally realized after shinning a spot light around, they all drove right in between several old mine shafts that were not marked or fenced off. My passed friends family fought with the Sheriff's Department for over a day, as the MCSO claimed the rescue was way too dangerous. In the mine shaft, was also a small car that someone drove or pushed it in, so the rescue meant they had to go below the vehicle and rescue my passed friend. It was on the news the next day about how to be careful out in the desert due to unmarked mine shafts. This was out around Casa Grande area if I remember correctly.
  16. Hey Mike, Get out there and get them! I got the good ole skunk today with both the GPZ 7000 and Gold Monster believe it or not. I was a bit surprised, but it happens.
  17. Hello All, Nothing to get too excited about, but this was the first target of the day. The rest of the day a lot of iron rubbish and lead bullets. I know there are some more nuggets in the area, just have to find them. Hope you enjoy this short video.
  18. Hello All, I haven't been out much this year, so I thought I would post this short video of a nugget and partner and I found several years back. It was found with the Minelab GPX 5000 & NF EVO 14x9 Searchcoil. It was a wash a partner and I were working down to bedrock and this piece was found in the bank of the wash. The wash bottom was decomposed Granite bedrock with some crevice or grooves in it that seems to trap nuggets well. This piece was right at 1.5 ounce solid. Here is the short Youtube video. We would appreciate a "LIKE" and FOLLOW OUR CHANNEL. Thanks!
  19. Hey Guys, Grubstake - It was interesting to see this country. Really makes you appreciate what you have. The majority of Jamaicans are just getting by. Many try to get into the tourist industry due to tips, American money. GPX Power - Plenty of that stuff all over. You can buy it pretty much on any street corner. At the major family resorts I never seen or smelled it. Bob Marley is an Icon over there. I bought a few hand paintings of him from the locals.
  20. Hey GPX Power, I believe you purchase from the first batch, which didn't include the pouches and the prices was slightly less. From the second batch and on I raised the price to reflect the pouch now being included in the purchase to make it easier. I sent you a PM, check it out. That being said, these units are selling very well and we are down to just one unit left in stock. I will have more coming in very soon, so I recommend a pre-order from our store or call us to insure you get one of the units on the next batch from Australia.
  21. Hello All, Well the family finally got to break loose and enjoy a week in Jamaica. This was our first trip there, but have traveled to many spots within the Caribbean. If you have not visited Jamaica, it's worth it. The people are awesome and there are a lot of places to see. We visited some of the main attractions like Dunn's River Falls & Mystic Mountain. The Falls were awesome, they are around 900+ foot high and the water is nice and cool and many waterfalls to climb through and under. The Falls were running very strong, as there has been a lot of rain in Jamaica a week or so prior to our arrival. We spent a lot of time Snorkeling and exploring the beaches, but didn't do any detecting. I really enjoy the underwater life, as I could spend all day just floating around the coral reefs observing. I learned a bunch about the culture and what is going on in Jamaica. What was surprising is they just got their independence in 1962 from the British. Many locals stated that about 75% of the businesses are now owned by the Chinese. The locals expressed some frustration, but they again they said it's bringing in jobs. I wanted to visit the Coffee Factory, where the famous Blue Mountain coffee is grown. The Mountain is around 7000 foot above see level and this is where the coffee is grown. Jamaica has natural resources, primarily bauxite, and an ideal climate conducive to agriculture and also tourism. The discovery of bauxite in the 1940s and the subsequent establishment of the bauxite-alumina industry shifted Jamaica's economy from sugar and bananas. They also product a lot of Limestone. There are two huge ports where ships come in and have both of these products loaded up. No Gold found in Jamaica, but their Rum sure is good!