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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello All, I thought this might be a good time to show this video by Kevin H. and the new formula program that Doc from Doc's Detecting came up with. This time of year, many specimens will be found while detectorist are out searching for gold with metal detectors. You might find this video and formula very helpful to find the gold content of any specimen you might locate with a metal detector or even on a mine dump. Specific Gravity Download formula program - Video by Kevin H., from the GPAA
  2. Hello All, A partner and I manged to get out today and do some prospecting/exploring. Working well below some old mines in the alluvial areas we managed to turn these 5 gold nuggets up. We were using the GPZ 7000 and Minelab GPX 5000. We also dug up a small handful of tin, wire, nails, bullet casing and a few bullets. The weather was excellent, looked like it was going to rain a few times, but never did. 1.37 Troy Ounces, biggest was .6 Ounces (just over 1/2 ounce solid)
  3. Hey Desertpilot, Ya, it's a tough deal. He will never be forgotten for sure. I have already been to a few places here around Wickenburg that I showed him and had memories about us being there prospecting.
  4. Hey Fishing8046, It truly is a trophy! Large gold nuggets and specimens are hard to find. It's a great looking piece and I appreciate you sharing it with us. Wishing you a few more of those big specimens.
  5. Hey Fishing, Great looking nuggets and you have something to always remind you of Chris. I can tell you, Chris was always excited to hunt for gold. When I first met him, he would "hound" me on locations. I knew the feeling, as everyone started at one point knowing very little, so any information or help would really speed up your success. Chris learned quickly and became a very successful gold detectorist, especially down South. There wasn't many patches that I showed him where he didn't find a nugget or two, one really nice 2+ ounce specimen. It breaks my heart thinking about him being gone. Like you mentioned, he loved the outings, looked forward to them. There was no question he loved to get groups of guys together camping and prospecting. I wish now I would have went to more outings knowing what I know now.
  6. Hey Fishing, I'm a bit confused, beyond it's a great specimen. You said the Dry weight, which would be the total weight is 504 grams. I'm not sure how there would be 583 grams of gold within a 504 gram specimen, as that is the total weight of the rock, correct? If the dry weight is 504 and you had 504 grams of gold, then the entire rock would be gold, right? I think you might have typo-ed a number, if not, maybe I'm confused.
  7. Hello All, I finally have a good stock of the new Doc's Control Head Cover, Wrist Strap & Arm Cuff Cover Kits available for both the Minelab Gold Monster 1000 and Equinox Series . You can order online or Ebay below. Online Store Gold Monster 1000 Cover Kit - Online Store Equinox Series Cover Kit - Ebay -
  8. Hello All, I finally have a good stock of the new Doc's Control Head Cover, Wire Cover & Arm Cuff Cover Kits available for both the Minelab Gold Monster 1000 and Equinox Series . You can order online below. The Gold Monster is a 3 piece (cover, wire wrap & arm cuff) the Equinox is 2 piece (cover and arm cuff) Online Store Gold Monster 1000 Cover Kit - Online Store Equinox Series Cover Kit -
  9. Hey Guys, Ya, "Follow the Drywashers" is right. I have found a lot of gold, especially back when I was younger and did a lot of exploration. I can remember one day there was so much gold, mostly small gold 1/4 to 1/2 Gram stuff, that I was so tired of digging nuggets. They were all in very large screen piles and most of the gold was 6-8 inches deep, mostly faint targets missed by VLF users back in the day. No telling what the VLF's originally took out of this area.
  10. Hey Guys, Brown Nugget - That is just the dirt or clay still attached to it. I didn't clean them, they were right out of the ground and I took the picture.
  11. Hey Guys, Thanks for the comments. Walker - Not you ..... LOL I'm not that good.
  12. Hey Guys, Chris's Father contacted me tonight, they need to sell all his detector stuff. He will be sending me a a list of what items Chris owned. I know for a fact he had a Minelab GPZ 7000 that was a proven gold finder. Chris found plenty of gold with it, even some really nice ones. I will list the items here on the forums. If anyone is looking for a really good, GPZ let me know.
  13. Hey Guys, I get tons of gold nuggets pictures showing your success from metal detectors, searchcoils and accessories you purchased from us. These products have allowed you to find deeper gold, smaller gold and gold in other spots potentially missed. I would love for you customers to post the gold pictures here if you would. I love seeing the text messages pictures, have hundreds of them, but it would be nice if you post them here on the forums so we can share with others gold is out there to be found. Do I have to give you an incentive to post your gold nugget pictures ..... LOL
  14. Hey Guys, Ya, I'm thinking since I seen some detector digs down lower, that they were using at least a VLF, but maybe not a good detectorist. The spots where I found gold, they placered and drywashed nearly down to bedrock. All of the nuggets were in cracks that were never scrapped out, just the overburden removed and looks like maybe they swept or vac-packed the bedrock. However, they didn't dig out the crevices. I just happen to be exploring with my GPZ, so I think a good VLF might have gotten all of them, for sure a good PI or GPZ. Many years ago I had a claim in the Bradshaw's that had decent gold and nuggets on bedrock. A guy showed up one day, asked if he could drywash. I told him, I had no problem, just show me what you find. If you happen to find something really big and nice we would have to split it. He agreed, he just wanted to drywash somewhere. He worked all day with his younger son, probably 5-6 hours. They cleaned up and got about a Gram of gold. He was excited about it, said he might come back again if he was welcome. I didn't know the guy really at all, just showed up one day. Later before I left, I thought I better detect his drywash tailing piles and the bottom. Low and behold, I found a nice 5 Gram piece in the tailing pile that he screened off and several smaller 1/8 Gram pieces in the schist bedrock cracks. They didn't detect at all. I felt a bit bad, as I had around 6 Grams of gold they left behind, 6 times the gold lost. I'm sure if he knew what he left behind, he might of never left the site ..... LOL
  15. Hello All, Done some exploring recently on some old ground where we found a lot of gold around 10 years ago. I just happened to turn around a bend in a small wash and see small digs, old footprints and then some rocks tossed out of the wash. I continued to work up the wash a bit, then hit a spot where someone really placered, maybe even drywashed a bit. I focused on this location for a bit, ended up hitting 4 gold nuggets with the GPZ that were either missed or maybe never even detected. Hard to believe someone would have left them behind, but they pretty much did 99% of the work to allow these nuggets to be sitting within detector range. I really hate to cherry pick gold, but if you're going to do all the work and not detect, or detect well, someone will find them ..... I have now dubbed this place the "Footprint Patch."
  16. Hello All, Figured there is no better time to start exploration than the beginning of the year. I was able to escape before some family and friends came over to try my luck exploring an area I had my eyes on for some time. I have passed by this spots several times, just kept thinking I'll try it later and never made it back. Sometimes you always want to go to where you found gold, old patches and such to eliminate the skunk. These two nuggets, combined for a total of 11 Dwt's (just over 1/2 ounce) and were found in a new area. I was very surprised I found two really nice chunks and no small gold. Normally it's a bunch of small gold and you get lucky and get a nice chunk. I will have to check this area out more, as I just touched the surface with a quick 2-3 hour GPZ run over the area. I managed to find the typically desert rubbish also, lead, bullet casings, wire, a few boot tacks and some small bits of tin. It's out there! Wishing you all a successful 2019 season.
  17. Hello All, We have added a few new detectors that were not listed before for the 2019 season. We would love to earn your business and get you started out finding gold. Give us a call if you have any questions, we would love to chat with you.
  18. Hello All, Well we just ended the 2018 season. I have to tell you, I'm blessed. The 2018 season wasn't the best for business, but at the same time it wasn't the worst. The overall economy is much stronger, so hopefully that means business will get better this new year. My wife lost her Mother earlier this year, so that was a very tragic turn of events. Right towards the end of the year, I lost a great prospector friend. You never know what might happen, so you really need to cherish all the time with family and friends. As for gold hunting, it seems like every year my time in the field becomes less and less. I was able to get out a bit towards the end of the year and even found a few decent pieces. I'm hoping I can really get out the first quarter of the year while the weather is still beautiful and do some exploring an maybe working some old patches that could be hiding some better gold at depth. I want to personally thank you all for supporting Rob's Detector Sales. We truly appreciate it and hope we can continue to help new prospectors get out and find their first piece of gold with a metal detector. God Bless you all and hope your 2019 season is Golden.
  19. Hello All, Well I'm not going to get into details, as I don't know enough. However, I'm going to miss a great friend and prospector that loved to chase gold here in Arizona. I'm going to miss all the text messages through the week asking about gold areas, when we can get together and such. I guess we always take for Granite that our friends, family and loved ones will always be around for another day, week or year. Looking back, I wish I would have dropped all my plans and went out detecting with him, knowing what I know now. I know I will never swing a coil with you again here, but I'm hoping what you see now is far more rewarding than any treasure here on Earth. I will always be thinking about you and all the great adventures (not enough) we had together. God Bless you my Friend. Picture 1- Chris found a nice 2+ ounce gold nugget/specimen in a place I showed him, old SD/GP patch. Picture 2 - Chris with a few other customers back when he first stated out, with the Minelab SDC 2300.
  20. Hey GS, Experimenting with various settings on the GPX units is the key. From one location to the next, the ground conditions change and even the type of gold. The GPX has so many combinations you can play with. I remember many years ago at one of the big Minelab Dealer Conferences an Engineer stated the GPX has over 2,000 various combinations. The GPX is probably the most versatile detector on the market. Congrats with your continued success.
  21. I still have at least 40 copies left if anyone is interested. I have it listed on Ebay and my online store.
  22. Hey Guys, Same too you, wishing you all a Happy New Year. Hope you all have a very successful 2019 season detecting and searching for gold.
  23. Hey GS, Thanks for sharing, that is some beautiful specimen gold for sure. Hope the streak continues into the 2019 season for you.
  24. Hello All, We now have also the new Advanced Guide available from us online -