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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hey Guys, I'm real surprised we were not notified about it. Many of the Distributors from my knowledge were not notified either, just rumors until everyone knew they were shutting down. Kind of weird .....
  2. Hello All, I haven't received any solid confirmation yet, but it sounds like Tesoro Metal Detectors could be shutting down their doors. Rumors of layoffs and going out of business have been floating around for about a week. If this is the case, we will no longer be stocking and selling Tesoro products. The Gifford Family has been in business for over 20 years manufacturing metal detectors. We wish them all the best in the future if the rumors are correct. Hope to have more solid information in the next couple of days. Thanks Tesoro for allowing us to sell your products for many years.
  3. Hey Doc, Will do. Probably will be Friday or Saturday. Thanks!
  4. Hey Doc, I moved this post here to the main forum. I agree, wear Sunscreen and long sleeved clothing. I had a small round red circle looked at last year, maybe about the size of half of a dime. It was Skin Cancer, had it removed with the MOHS surgery. They ended up taking about 3 times the area, the cut out area was at least a quarter, maybe half dollar size. I couldn't believe it, but they removed it all in one attempt. That all being said, there are some studies that show some sunscreen with chemicals could be causing skin cancer ..... Go figure, what do you believe. Are the chemical in the sunscreens today causing a reaction, or are they truly helping you?
  5. Hello All, I noticed he don't allow any comments on his videos. He would probably have hundreds of Bullshit comments on them.
  6. Hey One4gold, I don't believe so. This spot I hunted pretty good with the GPX 5000 with stock and 14x9 Blitz searchcoil. I returned back to this location when the GPZ 7000 first was released. I found 3 nuggets on this outing and probably a dozen trash targets. I don't believe the SDC with the 8" coil would of had a chance to find them.
  7. Hello All, Just a FYI, Rob's Detector Sales will be closed from Oct. 5th thru Oct. Oct. 12th. All orders from the online store, Ebay or Amazon will ship on Saturday Oct. 13th. We will try to keep track of phone calls and emails the best we can while we are away. Thanks!
  8. Hey Gary, Right on, great story and pictures. Keep them coming.
  9. Hey Dennis, Excellent report on the Steelphase and how it's working in difference configurations. Thanks!
  10. Hey Guys, They are discontinued. If I had a 100 of them they would be sold. I have tried to get the publisher to re-print, but they haven't yet.
  11. Hey Tortuga, Thanks bud. I enjoy doing them and glad they get guys fired up. Hopefully they can help some out there get involved in this great hobby.
  12. Hey Mike, Sounds good. I have played with mine around the home and I like it, just haven't been able to get out in the field with it yet.
  13. Hello All, Here is some older footage of a wash I was working with the Minelab GPZ 7000. Not all the targets were gold nuggets, but were down on bedrock in the right locations. Hope you enjoy.
  14. Hey Guys, Trying to get some reports or at least customers with finds already to report on the new SteelPhase Enhancer. This unit is great, never heard such a smooth, clean enhancer like this one. We are down to a couple more units, then we are waiting again for the next batch to arrive from Australia. Order online -
  15. Hey Steve, Great to hear from you. Ya, it's starting to cloud up pretty good here in the Surprise, AZ area, only about 30 minutes from Wickenburg, AZ. Could be a nice cool week coming up and hopefully a nice weekend for us to prospect.
  16. Hey Guys, IMPDLN - Ya, great picks, but don't fall on them. A few guys tried to manufacture something very similar, but the quality wasn't the same. GPX Power - Ya, I know what you mean. I don't have any Moderators, don't really believe I or we need them. I will "NEVER" ask anyone to donate to my forums, as I feel it's a way we all can chat for free and discuss ideas and there is no reason to have to pay for that. As you know, I don't need anyone to praise me for being a nuggetshooter. I believe I have been very successful over the years along with really helping others with training and information. That being said, I'm still learning every year as I spend more and more time in the field. I don't think anyone will know it all, there is a lot of skill involved, knowledge of your equipment and a good portion is just luck. I think being the first detectorist on the ground, or over that spot first is the key. I'm a firm believe, majority of the gold is shallow in new areas.
  17. Hey Gary, Always nice to find those spots where the bedrock is like riffles, or at least very rough. You can almost bet in those spots if you get a nice signal is could be gold. Sometimes the small lead and BB's can fool you, but they seem to like the same spots as gold. Congrats on the nugget find. Would love to see and hear more adventures from you. Talk with you later,
  18. Hey Guys, GDM/PV - I haven't been back to that wash since the GPZ 7000 was first released. I found that nugget and a smaller one the same trip. I originally found the location 10-15 years ago working some exposed bedrock about 1/4 mile down creek from where the video was taken. As you get further up the wash, the more choked the wash becomes with vegetation and large rocks. The wash need to be dug up, but would probably require either a lot of time handworking it or a small backhoe or excavator. I'm pretty positive in the deep spots there are some lunkers, but the bedrock from what I know is 3-4 foot deep, maybe more in spots. Burro 168 - Thanks for the comment. Congrats on the 2.6 Grammer, that is a nice nugget. I would say that nuggets from about 1/4 to 3 Grams are the "beans and bacon" of the nuggets out there, majority. The larger stuff around 7 Grams (1/4 ounce) or better are much more scarce. Thanks for the business and you success with the 14" Elite. Keep us posted on your future finds if you would. Take care all.
  19. Hey Dennis, Thanks the comment. I guess people just don't post here anymore .... Yes, the Walco's were awesome. They W3's were very popular, but that was the Walco Wombat I was using in the video. It had a longer handle, longer pick point and a bit wider blade. I almost fell down on it one time on the side of a hill. It just grazed my rips, tearing the skin off for about 3-4 inches. If I would have fell directly on it, it could have punched a lung. Great pick, but sometimes scaring to hike around with. Long story short, Walco burned a huge bridge with Doc back in the day. I couldn't tell you how many I sold, let alone what Doc brought into the US.
  20. Hello All, Just a FYI, I shipped all backorders tonight (9-25-2018). I have a few more units left in stock, but they will be gone within a day or so. You can order online from us.
  21. Hello All, Here is an old video I found back around 2014-15. I was using the Minelab GPZ 7000 metal detector, working a small ravine where I found many ounces of gold throughout the prior years. This was one ravine or wash where I always brought the next best detector to give it a whirl. For at least 10 years, I have been able to return back to this spot and find a few pieces deeper that were missed. It's a hard spot to work at least with larger coils, as the ravine or wash is loaded with large cobbles. This particular day using the GPZ 7000, I managed only a few targets, but this one happen to be gold. It was a faint whisper type target under a large cobble. I managed to remove the cobble and this is where the video pretty much starts. The nugget weighed right at 1/2 ounce and was probably 18-20 inches deep. The ravine or wash needs to be handstacked and then detected. There is no question, there is probably several ounces of larger nuggets still hiding at depth. I have dozens of older videos I haven't uploaded to Youtube. It's just a matter of time uploading these darn things. Hope you enjoyed. It's out there and "maybe even where you find it!"
  22. Hey Guys, Ya, I found one of this guys other videos and at first it caught my attention since it was in some other country. I thought for just a brief moment that the guy might be on some virgin placer deposit in some other country where you hear stories about the early gold rush days. After you watch some of his video or view his channel, it's very clear they melt down computer parts and such and get the gold out. I'm not sure if the guy is trying to sell these on Ebay or other marketplaces for "real genuine gold nuggets" or not. Looks like he is using volcanic rocks and molds, to give the gold some character. Chris Gholson - If this was your video, like in Australia, I would buy it! ?
  23. Hello All, Here are just a few of my customer's finds, comments and pictures. I will be adding more. The Minelab Equinox series is amazing and I have never seen such a demand for a particular metal detector in the last 20 years.
  24. Hey Doc, I agree with you, I have found majority of my gold in places where it should have been. The spots favored what we know about gold, weight and where it deposits likely, likely mineralization, old-time workings and much more. It was a great article no question and I think it got a lot of people re-thinking about where the found gold and where they might look in the future. The ad would have looked better in the ICMJ ?