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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hey Goldfind, I know they talked about releasing a 20-inch Round and a 11-inch Round (being the smaller coil), but have yet to get any confirmation on the release date, availability or price. Hope this helps a bit,
  2. Hey Guys, Great thread on how important hydration is in the desert. Over the years I have only had one incident where I got heat exhaustion and don't want it again. I pretty much always carry 100 ounces of water, but in the Summer months I will make sure the 100 ounce bladder is full of ice, then fill with water. I will also normally freeze a small water and Gatorade (G2) and pack then along with me. After about 4 hours of hunting, I will go through all of these. I've tried a lot of the neck towels and haven't found one that keep the moisture in the hot Summer months very long. I don't want to have to use my own drinking water to continue to soak them.
  3. Hey AJ, Congrats on your finds. It has been about 3 weeks since I have been out, kind of getting the itch to get back out.
  4. Hey Guys, Speaking of Bees, the Wasps seem to be getting more aggressive also. This weekend I went out with a friend for just a few hours. He walked by a small Wasp hive and two of them flew over and stung him on the hand and arm. Later that evening, one smacked me in the back of the head, luckily I was wearing a hat. I'm sure it's just dumb luck, but seems as if they are more aggressive also.
  5. Hey Uncle Ron, Ya, some like the Camo, other's can care less for the color. I think it's kind of cool looking, something different. The reviews of this coil are pretty impressive. I have at least 10 customers with them now here in Arizona and California (maybe Nevada), they are all getting more gold with them. Most have said it's a way to get more out of their GPX or other Minelab PI's without having to take the 10k plunge on the GPZ 7000.
  6. Hey Chris, You have to see "Treasure of Sierra Madre" if you haven't yet. Here is a good clip from the movie -
  7. Hey Guys, I have tried all the harnesses and don't like any of them personally. They are all great products, Hipstick, Swingy Thingy & Ultra Swingy Thingy, Minelab Pro-Swing 45 and more. We stock and sell all of these items at our online store - I just hate to unleash the bungee every time I have to dig a target. The harness or these other items just seem to be goofy on me, never really like wearing them. I will probably pay the price later down the line swinging a 7+ pound metal detector around. I never wore a harness or used a bungee since I started detecting, so it's just a habit that I don't like them. They are great products overall and we sell a bunch of all of them. Chris Porter is the designer of the Hipstick and his site is -
  8. Hey Doc, All of your products have been top notch, so I'm sure the new covers will be right there with the rest of the stuff. Let me know when you get both covers available for sale.
  9. Hey Tortuga, It's a good movie if you like Western's, Gold Mining History and Clint Eastwood. Have you seen "Treasures of the Sierra Madre" yet?
  10. Hello In the Mountains, Thanks for sharing your GPZ finds. Wish more of my customers would share their finds, but they are out digging nuggets, trying to beat the rest from getting there. No question the GPZ can punch down deep, but the targets or nuggets have to be there. Thanks for sharing your beautiful nuggets/specimens, wishing you many more with the GPZ!
  11. Hey Glenn, Congrats on the find. No question you live where history dates back hundreds of years, unlike Arizona. Arizona just don't have the history like some of the back East States.
  12. Hey Mike, Ya, I'm real impressed with the GPZ. If I could only get Chris out there with me, we would clean some of our old patches out. I'm been working close locations due to the heat, but having good success. That being said, played around with the XP Deus last night around the house. Very impressive for a first run. Picked up a dozen non-ferrous targets among tons of rubbish. Never heard any rubbish, just a few chirps here and there.
  13. Hey Guys, I haven't played with the ForsGold yet, but did mess around with my XP Deus last night. Damn, I was impressed, but not real sensitive to small gold nuggets. A Gram and up it will do well. I ran around my house, which is loaded with rubbish and cherry picked several coins, one metal button, two pieces of lead, piece of brass and a few other non-ferrous items and eliminated all rubbish. I didn't have to dig one trash target, really impressed. I'm hoping I get the same performance from the ForsGold, but better sensitivity to small gold.
  14. Hey Guys, I seen this video some time ago, but another member posted it on another forum. Great "Then and Now" on the Bradshaw Mountains. I have been to most of these locations and looking at the video you would never know all that stuff was there at one time. Thanks Sharlot Hall Museum for the video.
  15. Hey CaliforniaGold, Congrats on the new finds. I wasn't able to get out this weekend with my new ForsGold, but hopefully next weekend for a day. Going to try it in some trashy areas to see if I can snoop a nugget out. I know the nuggets are there, I have found them digging tons of iron rubbish. Some seen to believe this detector is doing well working in these type of environments. Any further suggestions on settings and such?
  16. Hey Jim, Funny you mentioned that, Richard said there was a lot of book out there, but Jim Straight's were worth the weight in gold. No questions the way you write, the passion you share and your experience makes your books stand over most. Richard and I both know it! Uncle Ron - It's amazing how many people Richard reached out to. Nugget108 - Thanks my friend.
  17. Hey Jim, Haha .... I know what you're talking about. I guess some dealers will do anything to get attention ..... LOL
  18. Hey Mike, I ordered a ForsGold today from Arizona Outback. Chris said it was for you, but said I would put it to good use!! Hehe ....
  19. Hey Californiagold, I ordered a ForsGold metal detector today from Arizona Outback. I'm interested to see how it works as a VLF gold detector and in trashy areas.
  20. Hello All, There has been a lot of talk about Ground Balancing with the Ferrite tube on mineralized ground. I was finally able to get some in for my customers that purchased Minelab GPZ 7000's. If you're one of my customers, these Ferrite Tubes are free of charge and I will send you one out. The Ferrite Tube comes with a short instruction sheet on how to properly balance over the Ferrite. Here is a picture of the Ferrite Tube Package. I also recommend you visit this Minelab page to read the article JP posted on "Ground Balancing the GPZ 7000"
  21. Hey Hobby, The fiberglass coils were the first version of coils by Nugget Finder. Extremely lightweight and worked great. I think at some point, Nugget Finder decided to go back to a plastic molded coil as it wasn't as brittle. This is just my observation and opinion though. You don't see many Fiberglass ones around anymore, so make sure you take care of it and you will have a lightweight DD Elliptical for life. Hope this helps a bit,
  22. Hey Californiagold, Thanks for the info. Great to hear the CT Mono Elite is doing well also. How would you compare the Fisher Goldbug Pro to the ForsGold as far as searching for nuggets in trashy areas?
  23. Hey Matt, Great to have you posting on the forums again. I have to agree, my beautiful daughter is now 6. I have to admit, due to the nature of my day job, I spent a lot of her younger years on the road. I missed a lot of precious times that I will never get back. Thank GOD about 6 months ago I was fortunate to land a job in a different department that allowed me to challenge myself even more, but most importantly be home every night! My Daughter and I are like to "peas in a pod," in her terms BFF's or Best Friend's Forever. To think I put work and chasing gold before her was crazy. No amount of gold or work is worth more than a relationship with your children. The toughest challenge is to balance it all. I have to balance my day job, business, family life and detecting. I haven't figured out the "perfect"balance, but it's 100x better that what it was. There are times when I want to get out, but other things are more important. Then there are other times when the wife says, "Aren't you going detecting this weekend?" YES!!!!
  24. Hey Californiagold, Sounds like the ForsGold is doing well. You mentioned it does well in trashy areas also. Are you able to gauge the discrimination when you hit a target to tell whether it's ferrous or non-ferrous (potentially lead or a nugget)? How well is it working? Congrats on your success. Wishing you many more nuggets.
  25. Hey Guys, I never heard of guys having issues "recreational mining" around the Payson area. Here are my thoughts .... Today society "in my opinion" has everyone brainwashed that a simple footprint in the desert will destroy thousands of acres of land. For the most part, people like myself respect God, Mother Nature and the Land, so we have no reason to hurt or destroy. Yes, there are a few exceptions out there that believe just the opposite. New law enforcement officers, such as Forest Rangers are being brought up and taught by Environmental Groups and then they go out as a "gun hoe" ranger trying to throw around their badge of power. I have ran into guys like this in the field, BLM and Forest Rangers, trying to toss people out. When you ask them, what do you do for recreation, they get real defensive. Seems as if they are ok if they bring their family out quading, camping, fishing or whatever, it's OK. Almost like the NIMBY deal, NOT IN MY BACK YARD! Ok, I'm just ranting I guess.