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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hey Guys, I agree, a bit expensive. I'm getting them from Australia and heard there is only one manufacture for the connector right now and that person has a wrap on them. If someone can find them cheaper for US customers, I'm sure it could be a seller. On another note, I have been getting the replacement "c" batteries from over there, but the price was also steep. I have found a US distributor for them, so I'm now selling 4-replacement C rechargeable batteries, 6000mah, for $50.00 rather than the prior $64.00. Just a FYI if anyone is looking to get more replacement batteries that have another 1,000mah to them vs. the stock 5000mah ones.
  2. Hey Chuck, Ya, Minelab never told any of us this was coming. I'm not going to say much, as it's a bitter subject for most dealers. When a manufacture starts running against their dealers, it's a loose-loose for us.
  3. Hey Chuck, Well I guess it's one of those things, he sells Garrett and we sell Garrett and Minelab! I like them both, but I'm not giving up my Minelab SDC 2300 for one, regardless what his video showed. I'm not missing any gold with mine. If I really wanted to show the downfalls of any metal detector, I could easily do that. There is no one detector, not even the Garrett ATX, that will find them all. I actually sell a bunch of Garrett's, not many of the ATX's since the SDC hit the market, but a bunch of AT Gold's.
  4. Hello All, Here is a great video on a recent, huge gold nugget found.
  5. Hey Slim, Just sent us the 10% fee .... LOL Just kidding. Glad you were able to sell it, the GP Extreme's are great metal detectors, one of my all time favorites.
  6. Hey AzNuggetbob, Been awhile since we chatted last. Hope all is well. Yep, I keep all those areas in the back of my head, some I have even almost forgot about. That being said, I have to give it up for "Tom" allowing others to hunt his spots. Most are so damn secretive they are scared someone will get a nugget from their spot. Tom has been pretty good to guys here on the forums, so Kuddos to him!
  7. Hey Paul, Ya, 700 small nuggets would be worth it. I have collected about 120 smaller nuggets now (all 4 Dwt's and under) with the SDC 2300 in the last 8-9 trips. I believe it's about 3.25 ounces now, plus or minus a few Dwt's. Most of these nuggets were found in places I have hunted before with the SD, GP and GPX. Some places the rain and weather conditions probably helped, but a good 1/4 to 1/2 were found in places I know I scanned before. A friend just purchased a SDC 2300 and went back over the same place he hunted that day with the GPX 5000 and Joey and found 5 he missed and picked up with the SDC. I'm hoping he will post the details this week on the forums. Congrats to the finds of the 700+ nuggets (I'm sure more by now).
  8. Hey Bruce, Haha ... Great talking with you tonight and that's an amazing find!! I will let you tell the weight and any story behind it, even though I know. P.S. Thanks for all your continued support and friendship over the years. Hope you're able to score some more Monsters with the new equipment you ordered soon. Rob Allison
  9. Hey Chuck, I seen that earlier today on the Minelab email. Here is the link if anyone want to view and read it - Great for anyone to find. Hopefully it's our good friend J. Porter out of Australia.
  10. Hey Clay, I'm very grateful to have a partner that allows me to take my customers to our claims. Our claims have been very productive in the past, great place for instructions and a chance to score a nugget or two. Customers love to find nuggets (don't we all?), but the most important is "learning your detector and settings." If you walk away with a nugget or two, but can't figure out the detector the following day, those nuggets might be the only ones you ever find .....
  11. Hey Chuck, Yes, we always have the Black Widows as they are probably the best all around headphones I have used on the Minelab PI's and even the VLF's that I own. That being said, some feel they are too tight on their head and I agree they can be. I recommend when they are new to pull them apart a bit, not too much where you break them, but enough to make them looser around the top of your head. Yep, we have all the SDC accessories here in stock. That includes the new waterproof headphones, replacement KOSS headphones, coil covers, carry bags, replacement 600mah "C" batteries, the new headphone adapter and plenty of SDC for anyone looking. Talk with you later,
  12. Hey Tom and all, Congrats on your guys finds. Always great to get out and get some nuggies! Road wash .....
  13. Hey Rick and all, I tried my adapter this weekend using the DetectorPro headphones. They worked great, but the audio wasn't as loud as on my GPX5000. However, I like the Black Widow's cause they eliminate all the outside noise that you get with the Koss UR30's. The adapter in general works great and struggling to keep them in stock. I have a few left with a big order already shipped and on the way if anyone needs them. Thanks for your business as always Rick.
  14. Hello All, Had some customers from Texas out today, but during the field instructions I managed to sneak out 10 more small gold nuggets for a total weight of 4.4 grams. Not a bad run playing around with the new detector for a few hours between instructions. Can't say much more besides the unit is amazing!! Anyone looking to purchase this unit, we offer the best package available. Someone might be able to discount the price (which they are doing), but you won't beat my training, package and lifetime support!
  15. Hello All, Today I had Mike and his Brother Jim down from Texas. Mike purchased two metal detectors from us, a Minelab X-Terra 705 Gold and a Fisher Goldbug Pro. My partner and I trained both Mike and his Brother the first couple of hours and then we all got out and started detecting together. It didn't take long before Mike's Brother Jim scored a nice 1/2 Grammer on one of the tailing piles. This got Mike pretty fired up and he scored a nice 1.4 Grammer not long after that. I ended up picking up a few pieces with my SDC 2300 during the same time frame. Within a few more hours of all of us digging iron rubbish, Mike and Jim both scored another gold nugget each. Mike got a real nice 3.9 Grammer and his Brother Jim scored another 1/2 Grammer. At the end of the day the tally was pretty decent. Mike from Texas - 2 Nuggets - 4.9 Grams total Jim from Texas - 2 Nuggets - 1.1 Grams total Rob (Me) - 10 Nuggets - 4.4 Grams total Partner from AZ - 0 Nuggets, one real nice candle holder Later in the day we drove Mike and Jim around to show them some other potential gold nugget areas since they planned on staying a few more days. Wishing you much more luck Mike & Jim and we appreciate your business! Rob's Detector Sales believes in giving the best training and support possible. Any gold nugget detector purchase from us includes a full days worth of field instructions in Arizona (value $300) and unlimited support beyond the sale. Thanks for reading.
  16. Hey Rabbitt, Dito what Mike said above. There is no memory with the Minelab GPX batteries. You can use them for a hour and recharge, or use them to they are about dead. I normally leave my li-ion batteries on the charger all night and then take off in the morning before I got hunting. This seems to work best for me.
  17. Hey Local, One hell of a field repair. I have broken that handle many times, but I have always had the SD/GP straight handle as a backup at my vehicle. I have broken way too many parts, mostly lower shafts and handles from slips and falls. Tore a bunch of power cords up also in the past, one reason I love the Goldscreamer Power pack so much now. Thanks for sharing!
  18. Hello All, Just a quick update, Minelab Americas Inc. is the only company I know of offering the 15% Military Discount if you have proof of your DD214 or Military ID in the US. This is a super savings for anyone looking to purchase a Minelab Metal Detector (any model). We have a bunch of customer taking advantage of the savings, so don't miss out if you're a Military vet, active or retired. Contact us at Rob's Detector Sales for more details on how to take advantage of this wonderful savings from Minelab Americas and Rob's Detector Sales. Rob Allison
  19. Hello All, Just a quick update, we now have the new SDC Headphone adapter lead for the 1/4 inch jack in stock along with "6000" mah NiHM rechargeable batteries (pack of 4). Both of these items can now been seen and purchased on our online store at - We also have the replacement 8-inch blue coil covers and SDC black carry bags in stock (not on store as of yet). Thanks!
  20. Hello All, Just a quick update, we now have the new SDC Headphone adapter lead for the 1/4 inch jack in stock along with "6000" mah NiHM rechargeable batteries (pack of 4). Both of these items can now been seen and purchased on our online store at - We also have the replacement 8-inch blue coil covers and SDC black carry bags in stock (not on store as of yet). Thanks!
  21. Hello All, Just a quick update, we now have the new SDC Headphone adapter lead for the 1/4 inch jack in stock along with "6000" mah NiHM rechargeable batteries (pack of 4). Both of these items can now been seen and purchased on our online store at - We also have the replacement 8-inch blue coil covers and SDC black carry bags in stock (not on store as of yet). Thanks!
  22. Hey Chuck, I know exactly what you mean. I'm honored to be one of the top dealers for Minelab as I know this is just the "tip of the iceburg" on what potentially can come out in the future.
  23. Hey Mike, Congrats for getting able to get on the show. I'm sure I can speak for most, we are all looking forward to seeing you on the show and how Tony does at the end of the year. The big dredge is interesting and hope it gets up and running by the end of the season and recovers a ton of gold! Wishing you and the crew a ton of luck and most importantly SAFETY! Keep us updated.