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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hey Chuck, We appreciate your business and long time friendship. You're going to love the new SDC 2300. The orders are really coming in now for the unit as many "proven" field tests have been validated. While many doubted the ability of the SDC during the early stages guys like myself were picking up hundreds of smaller and larger overlooked nuggets. I have paid for the metal detector here in Arizona with 7 trips into the field. I have collected right at 3 ounces of smaller gold for over 100 nuggets (I still have to post some more finds). We have just got in the new Headphone Lead that allow you to use the SDC with any 1/4 inch headphone jack of your choice. We also got more 6000mah 1.2 volt NiHM rechargeable batteries in. You can see both of these items now listed on my website. W also have the replaceable 8-inch coil covers, SDC 2300 carry bags and more. Looking forward to hearing your report on the new SDC 2300. P.S. Anyone potentially looking for a new SDC, we have them in stock, honor the 15% Minelab Military discount and include free shipping/insurance and field instructions. Rob Allison
  2. Hey Bill, Never heard of the battery burning up the metal detector (hopefully I understood you right). Maybe you meant it burned up the battery. That being said, never heard of that issue. You don't want to let the GPX batteries sit long without a full charge and every couple of weeks preferably to recharge them fully for storage. If you don't, they will develop a bad cell and quickly become bad with a very short detecting time on them (if any).
  3. Hey AJ, Sounds good. I'm just returning from the 4 corners Power Plant. I'm hoping to get out one of these weekends coming up and run the SDC again.
  4. Hey Chuck, You're welcome. Yep, Dawn is a keeper for sure.
  5. Hey Guys, I would agree 100% on the batteries. I went out a few weekends ago, back to back. I forgot to charge the rechargeable's over night, so I stopped at a local store and picked up a 4 pack of Duracell's. They lasted one day and I paid like $20 for them. I would highly recommend getting 5000 or 6000mah rechargeable's. I have some 6000mah C batteries for sale now, but haven't listed them yet along with the headphone adapters to use any standard 1/4 headphone you like.
  6. Hey Guys, Thanks for all the comments. I have to agree with all you guys. The EMI seems much less on the SDC in my opinion over the GPX 5000. The easy of operation and the fact I can pack it long distances without any hassle make it much more detector friendly for me in the places I have been hunting recently. I agree with Steve, since the unit is much more sensitive, I seem to be hunting much more methodically than the "run and gun" scanning. It seems to be working, as I'm finding small ones I have missed in places I know I have scanned over with the GPX 5000 that I probably should of heard under "careful" scanning and paying close attention. Looking forward to spending more time with the SDC 2300 this winter on some new ground. Even though the GPX 5000 might be on the sideline for prospecting new ground, it will be the detector I go to to make sure I'm not leaving the "trophy" nuggets behind or at deeper depths!
  7. Hey Buckeye Boy, Great finds! Hope your patch continues to produce some nice nuggets for both of you guys. Keep us updated if you would.
  8. Hey Guys, Hope all that go to the hunt are successful. It has been years since I last visited the Rye Patch or surrounding gold fields such as Sawtooth, Rabbit Hole and other smaller fields. Found small bits in all the known fields in the district, but never had the luck of a bigger nugget over 1/4 ounce. No question, the fields in that area have produced many biggies. Good luck all!
  9. Hey Chuck, First, we appreciate your business on the new SDC 2300 that you purchased. Secondly, I have viewed the link you posted and would love to see a much larger picture of the two big nuggets. Even though I'm a avid supporter and advertiser in the ICMJ, for some reason I can't read it only yet. I will talk with Sally soon, or at least read the article once the magazine arrives. Sounds like some great finds by several detectorist at Ganes Creek.
  10. Hey Guys, Thanks for all the Birthday wishes. I've been blessed making it 42 years. Wishing for at least another 10 good years of nuggetshooting. We appreciate all your friendship and business over the years.
  11. Hello All, Wanted to show you what my SDC 2300 found just this weekend working a old spot below a pocket type vein here in Arizona. We worked this area really hard in the past, finding close to a pound of gold below the vein. I figured this would be a good area to give the SDC a try since it has increased sensitivity to small gold and in some spots seems to have better mineral immunity. Low and behold after about 3-4 hours of working below the vein I picked up 9.5 Grams of the good stuff. Not a bad run figuring we hit this area pretty hard with the GPX 5000's already, along with all the detectors prior going back to like the GP 3500. Most of the trash was found on the outskirts of the patch, but only found 1-2 nuggets in that zone. I was hoping the patch extended out further than we originally found. More impressed with this detector than ever after this hit. I will post more, as I hit 8 more nuggets in different spot the following day which we also dubbed "WORKED OUT." Take care, Rob Allison
  12. Hey Guys, Great post so far. I started prospecting for gold with my Grandfather as a youngster and this planted the seed in me. I really didn't get serious until I started taking Geology classes in early 1990-1991 at a Community College. One of my college instructors was a gold collector and had one of the best collections of Wolfenite and Gold crystals in the Southwest. I spent all the free time before and after class talking about gold areas in Arizona. This is when I started doing a lot of dredging, drywashing and panning. I didn't get real hot and heavy into metal detecting for gold until the 1993 or 1994, but owned several VLF's before that. I just turned 42, so I have actively prospected for gold for the last 24 years. Twenty of those years was pretty much hard-core metal detecting for gold nuggets throughout the Southwestern US and Alaska. Met some great friends along the way and memories that will last a lifetime.
  13. Hey Tom, Great new finds. Looks like the storms tore up some areas, while other areas it didn't do too much. I went back to a spot Friday and picked up 20 nuggets and didn't expect to find much. Then Saturday evening I went back to another spot really expecting to clean house and found just 5 small ones. Dennis found 3 in this location also, so 8 Saturday. Congrats on your new finds. Thanks for sharing!
  14. Hey Dan, Welcome to the forums. Not real sure around San Tan, but North and Northwest of Phoenix within an hour are many places. Some of the major placers going Northwest around Wickenburg (rough hour from Phoenix) would be the San Domingo Placers, Vulture Placers and many other smaller ones within the Wickenburg area. You also have a bunch of placers North of Lake Pleasant all the way up towards the Bradshaw Mountains. You're pretty much guaranteed to be in gold country if you stay West of the 1-17 and North of Carefree Highway all the way towards Prescott. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  15. Hey Paul, I picked of 20 more this morning. I actually got tired of digging the damn bedrock up (very hard) to get them. You will love the SDC. My wife Dawn mentioned you might be in the market and you will have the credit for the coil. Not sure if you're a vet, but the 15% does help.
  16. Hello All, By any means I don't have any bragging rights, but I'm really impressed with the new SDC 2300. It's now my primary prospecting metal detector, but will bring in the GPX 5000 on areas that have deeper depth and potentially larger nuggets. I have used the SDC 2300 on about 6 hunts so far to spots I have hunted hard. I have pictured almost 50 nuggets found with the SDC 2300 since I started. There are a few nuggets I couldn't remember if I found with the SDC or GPX 5000 when I first started, as I toggled between the two finding a few with each. I'm a good ounce to 1.5 ounces to date with the SDC. Another ounce or so and I can say I paid for the unit working just old patches during the Summer months. Really excited to take this deep into the hills and explore with it. The sensitivity is close to the GB2, but still has great PI mineral immunity to hot ground, ironstones and volcanics. Hoping to get out in the next couple of days to explore this old channel I found on the top of a ridge. I'm hoping it pans out, rather than a few bits here and there. Thanks for all the Birthday wishes.
  17. Hey Guys, Paul - Yes MAP on the GPX 5000 is $5795.00. The 15% gives you a pretty good discount on any Minelab, but more on the higher end ones. Chuck - I'm real surprise more haven't taken up the 15% deal. I have had a handful since the promo started, but I would guessing more would get in on this. Like I stated, 15% off several thousand dollars is worth it.
  18. Hey Paul, I don't think I ever met Tex, but heard about him. Over the years, Rich Hill had handful of carekeepers, prospectors and miners camped all over the place. Some were real deal carekeepers, others were just saying they were to camp on the ground. The one carekeeper that pops to mind back in the 90's was a guy named "Bear" that lived at the base of the Devil's Nest claims. He would run guys off, but he also allowed others to hunt the claims. That was great you were able to get the guy the help he needed. I think Vet's are some of the most important people in the World, but they seem to be the ones that don't get any help or assistance once they are out on their own. It's a same, you would think the Government would give these guys what they deserve.
  19. Hey Chris & Steve, The guy from contacted me today about the Detacc coils. He said they are moving fast. I don't personally know anyone using them, but he mentioned Chris was using and purchased some. How are they performing vs other coils?
  20. Hey Way2cool, I believe it's a Canon Powershot with HD capabilities. Does great pictures and videos for the price. I think it was $300-$400 max back then, maybe even cheaper. That might have been with the camera case and small tri-pod I have with it.
  21. Hey Goldstudmuffin, I think if the price was down around $2995.00 the units would fly off the shelves. I probably will only use the waterproof feature during dredging season to scan the bedrock cracks, as there are small nuggets potentially in the area. Beyond that, it might be scanning some bedrock with some puddles of water hoping for a hidden nugget or two. Ya, the bird shot, or what we have "dubbed rat shot" is very tiny. I never found shot this small with the GPX series with small mono coils. I'm sure it's all over the place in areas, but hoping when I'm exploring remote locations there is minimal to no shot at best. Hope you're doing well.
  22. Hey Guys, I haven't had any issues with the SDC 2300 falsing, but have had many different coils false on the 5000. I'm sure the coil being hardwired and wired within the shaft really helps. I can't tell you how impressed I'm with the SDC. I have a few minor issues with the SDC 2300 designs, but they are minor from what the detector is doing overall. One issue is I seen to be bending over a lot with the detector. I wish it was a few more inches longer. I like to run a long lower shaft on my GPX 5000, so I'm used to having the coil further out then normal. Secondly, I seem to really have to pull my arm out of the arm rest, but have seen some are using the Minelab neoprene cover on the SDC. This might help and allow my arm to pull out of the armrest with strap easier.
  23. Hey Mike, Thanks. I appreciate that comment. Encourages me to make more videos despite all the bad comments on Youtube (mostly from jealous people).