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  1. So sorry to hear about this, Rob. My heart goes out to you and your family.
  2. Sending you and your family healing energy, Rob!! That was smart getting checked out early. Storms will pass!
  3. I'm not sure what is more impressive... the gold or the hands, showing the work that went into finding the gold. Nice work!
  4. Nugget hunting is not a lazy man's game. I go days and days without gold. But all of that fades away when you find your "Lost Gulch". I also prefer to hike way out away from the roads. If I am worried that nobody will find my body, then I am probably looking in the right place. 😄
  5. very nice, Tom. Keep it up. Love see'n the yella! Andyy
  6. honestly, no idea. But does it matter, as long as it works? 😆 But yes, I have huge cabin fever right now. I've been spending a lot of time going over maps and then driving out for a few hours to see what the areas look like (no detector). Just a straw and my hiking legs. But not more than 30min hike from my 4x4. Just looking at the geology and for bedrock. In a couple weeks when it drops into the 80's at night, I will be out every weekend detecting the night. I have some great spots lined up. Keep it cool, Bob!
  7. Now that hurts, Bob. Sincere pain, deep within me. I need the suit just to hide my pain. I don't accuse your Widget-em-abob of being an imitation!! 😆
  8. Yes... @AZNuggetBob with your Wishstick and my Pendulum, the gold will cave to our wishes.
  9. @AZNuggetBob Too funny. I had my checkbook out and everything. But I can't be bringing back long lost relatives!! shoot no. They were lost for a reason! @oldies1955 that is great you got out with the 6000. I just haven't had much time. When it is 100deg at night, I figure it is time to wait. Of course, when the temperature drops, the bug season will be here, too. If we ever get a good rain, the bugs are going to be bad at night. I can't wait for a meet up with everyone. I'm not sure that will happen, but I can hope. Then we can bring Bob's Wish Stick and my Pendulum 😎
  10. And if you do go alone ... carry a SPOT GPS device. Never needed it, but feels good to have it. Oh, and nice gold, Rob. I haven't gotten out much lately, but that fever is starting to burn again. But with these temperatures, I can't even do the night hunting thing. For now, maybe just some google prospecting.. or pull out the pendulum. Probably couldn't do worse. LOL.
  11. I hunt a lot at night... and I have found very few moon bakers. Unfortunately, I still need to carry the detector with me, to detect the gold, and swat the bugs away from my headlamp.
  12. @AZNuggetBob - yeah I remember you telling me this clue when I was starting out. Anything you write down, I pay attention to and try out. Your advice has put me on gold spots that I normally would have passed on by. So thank you sir. (but I agree with Tom .. that was supposed to be our secret ... darnit!!)
  13. AZNuggetBob - I haven't spoken to you in a long time. You are one of handful who really got me hooked on gold prospecting (what 6 or 7 years ago). Hopefully some time in the future I get to shake your hand and say thank you. Cheers.