Four pieces...

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I took a few hours today and went detecting with my friend George. We left about 1330 and headed to some private property that I have permission to hunt on. Everything found goes to the owner and when we fill up a good size bottle we make a 50/50 split. She gets to pick the pieces she wants and I get the rest. We started down in the canyon along the creekbed and were using our GB Pro's. After about twenty minutes as I was walking up the gut I got a nice mellow signal and looked down to see a bright and shiny nuggie laying right out in the open. The first piece was a gnarly little one. I moved on up a ways and was not getting any other signals so I moved up onto a mined out flat that runs along the canyon side. George was on the upper end detecting and had not got anything yet. After talking a few minutes I started up a low slope hunting as I went. No sooner did I hit the top of the slope and George hollered he got one. I went down the slope and looked at George's piece. It was also a gnarly piece and had been lying among some small rocks. His piece is the long thin one in the pictures. We went back to hunting and within ten minutes I hollered at George and told him I had found an earring piece. I continued working the rocky area I was at and within a few minutes I had another one. This target was a real solid signal and I had to dig down about ten inches to find it lying right on bedrock. This piece was rough on one side and smooth on the other, typical pocket gold for this area.

Neither one of us brought scales so we dont know what the total weights were. Two smaller ones and two nice ones. We were happy and headed up the hill to the rig. After taking some pictures we took the gold to the landowner and made her day. She was very happy and we were glad to have made her smile as she has had a rough time just recently losing her husband of fifty years. TRINITYAU/RAYMILLS

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Thanks for this report. Your posts are consistently the best, IMHO. Not only are there pics of the pretty gold, but there's always narrative or more pics of the geography and esp. the geology. I REALLY appreciate it all.


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Dern Ray!
Way to go!!!
Thats some fantastic gold and im glad you share it with the lady.

Keep at it. :)
Tom H.

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O boy now I want to go to California.

Ur a long ways from CA toto!! :P


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  • Admin

Hey Ray,

Great looking gold and now you have a new place to prospect. Great to hear land owners are still willing to allow detectorist to play around, even for a percentage. New ground can be rewarding even with a 50/50 split.

Wishing you much more success. Keep us posted.

Rob Allison

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