Old Tom Another Season of Gold !!!!!

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Happy Birthday Dad...

Just remember...nembsobutleeimegachucken vejas!

I heard that a lot when I was a kid for some reason.

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What Tom is trying to say in fractured Hungarian is 'Don't do that any more boy, watch out'! Yeah he did get that a lot.

Thanks for reminding me guys as if my bones didn't know it when I got up this morning. It's great to be on pention and ripping them off every year I get older. Got to make up for all the blood, sweat, and tears I gave them for so long. Both Ma Bell and Country got there due now it's my turn. Thanks a million guys, It's great to be remembered.

Old Tom :spank: 80 wacks

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Happy Birthday!!

I am in my mid 30's and wonder how long my body will let me do this.

It's great to hear your making it out for the hunts, gives me hope that I may be able to do it at your age, if I may live so long.

Happy Birthday and many more nuggets to you!

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