PI that was for the African market

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A White's Dealer has said that the PI SSP ( super pulse pro ) of White's was made for the market in Africa. The thing is it didn't go well so the detectors have been sitting in storage for two years and maybe more than that. So now White's is in hopes that the American market will be better to them.

I'm not saying this is not a good detector and at the price it's a good buy for the money. You can get a PI at the lowest price we've seen.

When you see a video of people nugget hunting in Africa they all have GPX 5000.

I've been told there is nothing but poor people in Africa. Here I live in the land of milk and honey. My Cow went dry and my Bee's stop making honey.

White's this note is just for you. I don't know if others like being treated like a stepchild and giving us leftovers but I don't.

Chuck Anders

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When you see a video of people nugget hunting in Africa they all have GPX 5000.

I've been told there is nothing but poor people in Africa. Here I live in the land of milk and honey.

I have seen many makes of detectors being used by the African community. I believe alot of those guys with GPX`s are borrowing them from the wealthy for a percentage of the gold. Little by little some of those once poor individuals were able to nest egg some good money and perhaps buy their own detectors. If I could save money like they do, I`d be rich !

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Hi Adam

I'm sure you will find other detector being used in Africa but like I said GPX 5000 is all I've seen.

Then as you said the rich is their backers and the rich don't want to get their hands dirty. You can believe when you pull a nugget out of the ground your life went from worth little to nothing unless you can get it out of there. Oh you may have the nugget in your hand but there goes a guy with your nugget and it's still in your hand.

Chuck Anders

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On the trip Chris Ralph made to Africa recently he saw nearly no Minelab detectors in use. It was mostly Teknetics T2 and Fisher Gold Bugs.

In the early days when Minelab was hot it was the GPX 4500 being sold in droves over there. Apparently the locals figured out less expensive detectors can find gold. It did not help to have counterfeit Minelab product flood into the market.

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The correct name of this just-released PI detector is "Sierra Pulse Pro," not Super Pulse Pro. The "Sierra" part of the name refers to Jimmy Sierra, the innovator, and marketer. It is a simplified and modified version of the TDI SL. The differences are that the 12" coil is of true MONO design, thus offering what we'd expect from PI's: greater depth in bad ground on bigger targets with larger coils. Yet, the SPP can still get 2 grainers. The SPP has FOUR controls: 1) On/off/Gain. 2) Threshold. 3) Frequency adjust. 4) Ground balance. The ground balance knob is on/off and incremental, thus you can use it either in the NO ground balance setting, or, with adjustable GB. Where soil conditions are not severe, the NO GB setting gives excellent depth. Where the soil conditions are severe, you will need to GB. Also, in the GB mode, the high/low audio tone discrimination feature is operative. The SPP also has an improved battery system: NiMh (nickel metal hydride) which offers longer charge life than NiCd. Although intended for an international market, all the controls are in English. It is extremely stable, I was able to demo it at Lancaster and Las Vegas GPAA Shows at FULL gain without EMI. No, it isn't going to fully compete with a $6,000.00 machine, but being priced at $999.95 makes it the most affordable high performance PI on the market today. Hope this info helps; HH Jim

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I picked up Super Pulse Pro from Jimmy's page where the first thing he says is "My SuperPulsePro...." It was not until after I made a couple posts on the internet about it that I zoomed on the picture and saw the decal on the side says "Sierra Pulse Pro".

I like Simplified Prospecting Pulse even better but am just going to sidestep by calling it the SPP from now on.

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Hey Jim

I thank you for all the info on the SPP. The reason I said Super Pulse is that on one of White's site I went to had it listed as Sierra Super Pulse Pro.

Now if the TDI SL has reach it's saturation point in the US and with the low price of the SPP plus the free coil it may be a hit. Time will tell!

Chuck Anders

PS I guess Steve and I posting at the same time.

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Hey Guys,

I have to agree with Steve, back about 4-5 years ago you couldn't keep a GPX 4500 on the shelf here in the US. There were huge buyers, middle men and individuals buying and shipping them to Africa and reselling for a huge markup. There were even some dealers selling them for 3-4 times the MAP value, but honestly I just couldn't do it. I sold all mine at the MAP, maybe a discount if they bought larger quantities. I couldn't sleep at night knowing I was overcharging someone 3-4 times the price. I guess a businessman might say that is good business if you can get it, so I guess I'm a poor businessman with a big heart .... Go Figure .....

This was the first detector to really hit the ground running and finding gold. Everyone seemed to follow the lead for a few years only buying what was finding the gold. There were more GPX 4500's than other detectors, so it was the one finding the most gold overall.

Like Steve mentioned, there are still thousands of GPX's over there, but for the most part the people figured out the goldfields were virgin and it didn't require a $6000 - $20,000 metal detector to find nuggets. The counterfeit detectors really hurt Minelab's front end in my opinion. It was hard to stop the counterfeits, especially when they were extremely hard to ID and selling on the corners for pennies on the dollars vs. the Genuine Minelab GPX's.

I haven't seen or heard about the new White's PI. I hope it's a great unit like the Garrett ATX for a even lower price.

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Hi Jim

I see on Jimmy's site that he says to buy this detector it has to be in store in person.

Now with the free coil sale ending at the end of May that's not a long time to move something that White's been sitting on for two years. I guess this would be okay if you only had two detectors to move. I know all sales have to come to a end but this detector is new in a way and takes time to decide if one wants it.

When you said it can detect a two grainer I guess you were talking about the 6 inch coil?

It may have been better if it had the dual field coil on it. I know you can get the small coil where the big coil can't go. The dual field in the open covers the small and deep at the same time.

Jim the last time I saw you was at a Treasure Show here in Texas. Now that's something we don't have anymore.

Chuck Anders

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Jim here I am thinking about the in store in person to buy the SPP. I know when the TDI came out you had to buy it from a dealer that has training on the TDI. Maybe that was a good thing in the beginning but now with all the info on the net you can learn all you wish to know about any detector.

Look at it this way if I can a 6000.00 dollar detector from any dealer and get training if I wish but I can get all the settings off this forum I want. Then why do I need to buy a 995.00 detector in person? This is nothing more than a low end TDI SL and I couldn't read all about it in a month If wanted to do that. I could do it the hard way and ask anyone on the TDI forum like Reg who is bubbling over with knowledge on the TDI.

When I got my TDI dealers in Texas didn't have the training so they couldn't sell it. Now maybe some do but I buy from who I want. The thing is the dealer who had the training wasn't near but my phone made him near. I could call him and I could read so between the two and like all detectors have a learning curve but I got it without any trouble.

Chuck Anders

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Here is a little trivia for you about White's. Did you know that when the Goldmaster 66 TR came out it had two gold nuggets in a plastic case that came with it? The one I got had three nuggets in it and I still have the plastic case but just with one nugget. I gave the others to friends.

Some time after this I came a dealer for White's but over time it cut into my coin hunting time. So I gave the dealership up.

Chuck Anders

PS A friend has the detector and it still works great.

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Chuck, the two-grainer was with the 12", on the coil edge. Funny, I tested dozens of 1.5 and 2 grain bits, actually some of the 1.5 grainers DID signal, and some of the 2 grainers didn't, best compromise result was that the 12" coil could hit MOST 2 grainers pretty consistently. Since the TDI SL with the 12" dual field can get 1.5 grainers, the single field mono on the SSP trades some sensitivity for overall greater depth on bigger targets. Yeah, the SPP gets better depth then the TDI SL, but since I only have SPP's I can't make a definitive comparison test. As for TX GPAA Shows, "don't quote me" but maybe Abilene in the Fall. HH Jim

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