Short, Blazing Hot Hunt for some Gold Nuggets with the GPZ

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Hey Guys,

A partner and I decided to take a hike back into several patches that were a ways off the beaten path before it gets too hot. It required a good hour hike to the location and a bunch of climbing up and down. Luckily we started at 5:30am and arrived at the site right around 6:45am. By 7am we both were hunting, my partner with the GPX 5000 and 14-inch Coiltek Round and I was behind the GPZ 7000. After 4 hours of hard hunting, the temps were getting pretty warm and we decided to hike back out.

I ended up with 5 nuggets, 4 Grams total. Biggest piece was 2.3 Grams at around 8 inches. Partner got the skunk this time around.

It's out there .....


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Hey Guys,

Thanks for the comments. This areas is huge and has larger potential if you can work through the rubbish the old-timers left behind. I probably dug over 100 targets for the 5 nuggets. I found most of the nuggets early in the morning with only a minimal amount of trash, but after I hit the nuggets I really started to zone in and dug a ton of rubbish later in the day. No question, a lot of nuggets left, some biggies are there also. I have found them up to over 1/4 ounce, but know there are multi-ouncers as I have seen them found personally.

Grubstake - I will tell Dennis. We talk about that trip all the time and if we had GPZ 7000's there today.

Adam - Thanks. Wishing you and your crew the best. You guys are some of the best placer miners/detectorists I have seen. Takes a certain breed for that type of work.

Tortuga - Ya, I've kept the skunk off my back for a long time, but once I start prospecting for new ground, the skunk will jump back onboard.

Take care all,

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Nice gold Rob! :)
That 7000 sure is picking up those left overs.

It was only 85 up in Prescott this weekend. :)
Nice cool and a light jacket at night...ahhhhh

No gold though :) Did find some really old lead bullets that others missed or didn't detect in that wash.

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Way to go Rob. Yes I too am sort of dreading the day when I hit the skunk. I know it will come soon as I am running out of old patches. Although I did find those two new gullies, that were totally virgin to a metal detector as far as I could tell. The one yielded 9 nuggets and the last one 7 nuggets. That is pretty darn rare to find any new ground. But I have had better luck since I got my ATV back running.

It's nice to be able to take off across ridge and gully and get away from the old dig holes.

However, I know that all good things must come to an end. I just hope my good fortune and luck stays with me for a while because I am having a blast.


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  • 2 weeks later...

DOC... You are doing GREAT :)... I really enjoy your videos as the topography and geology is

similar to most of the Great Basin Range Provence.... While it is true all good things end and I'm

on the receiving side of the end, It still is a go for me to watch videos; and especially yours... jim

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Dear Jim,

Thank you! Coming from you, that means a lot. You are an icon to this wonderful hobby of ours, and I think I speak for all of us when I tell you we hold you in the highest regard!


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X2 What Doc just said about Mr. Jim Straight!

And Rob make that GPZ7000 5 -GPX5000 0 ... it's either the hunter or the equipment being used. If your partner is who I think he is it has to be the equipment being used! Nice job guys!

Mike F

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Hey Mike,

Same long time hunting partner. He gets discouraged now that over most of the old patches, it's hard for a GPX to snag a nugget. That being said, he's a master with the GPX, so he is snagging one here and there, just not like the GPZ is. I probably find 5 to his one on a average.

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Rob ... Sounds like he is not listening to the sounds on the gold patch! Time for him to get a GPZ ... or continue to get beat! I know I can only get beat just so much before I make a change! :)

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