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Welp ol Dad did it up good this time.....Down at the Q, he hurt his back...pretty bad. After that he was in pain and had some surgery for melanoma in a lymph node under his left clavicle. He was still not feeling good but thought it was just his back, went out to do the irrigation on his property on Tues.  night......went down hill from there. He could not walk 30 feet without huffing and puffing, lots of pain and short of breath. Finally called 911 on Wed. They came out with fire trucks and ambulances ablasing. Got im into the ER real fast and found out he has blood clots in his lungs. So......they are medicating him to bust those up and are doing all kinds of other tests.   I was able to talk to the pulmonary Doc today and he was pretty positive about everything working out in a few weeks. 

So, if you could send up a prayer or positive thought, I know he would appreciate it. He loves the forums and you folks  and will be back soon.

Tks all.
Tom H.

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Update. Went to see dad today. He is doing WAYYYY... better. They did find another blood clot in his right leg and will give him some kind of medicine to reduce/get rid of that one. He was eating more and wants to go home. I talked with the Doc. and he said he may be able to come home on Sat. His pain level is really down a lot now. 

Thanks for all the prayers and positive thoughts.

Tom H.


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Thank you everyone. Dad is a lot better and coming home today. He still has a clot in his leg and the doc. said they are just going to let the body assimulate it. It is small.

Thanks again for all the prayers and well wishes.

Tom H.

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I want to thank each and every one of you guys for you prayers and good vibes.  They were indeed felt at the time of need.  

This was a rough one for me as I had no inclination just what was going on.  I put it off too long trying to get the family Easter Celebration going.  Finally called in the paramedics in and they got me to the hospital.  Extreme pain and couldn't breathe.  Lungs full of blood clots and wouldn't let oxygenated blood flow through lungs.  Clots came from an operation that I had two weeks prior.  Had me on a heparin drip for three days and that took most of the pain away and now I have to be on Eliquis the rest of the way, no more blood thinners or aspirin.  Life feels good again and I thank God for my 'Return to Life'.  Old Guys, Don't try to go too far after feeling something go awry.   Get it checked on most times Medicare will take care of it.  That's what you worked an paid for your whole life.  

   A very grateful 'OLD TOM'  

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Hey Old Tom,

     What great news to hear, Gold Bless!  I'm so glad that the prayers helped out.  It's great to see a Father and Son team out prospecting together and enjoying this great hobby together.  

I know you always do this, but Thank God when you're out prospecting when you see HIM through all the wonderful creation around you! 


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