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Hi JP,

First, I want to thank you for all the information that you post. I read all your posts and hope that you will keep up taking the time to help us all out. Don't get discouraged by all the naysayers because more people than you know appreciate all the informative posts that you make. Some of us just don't post as much as others, yet we still read everything.

I was reading the user manual for the GP4500 that Reno Chris posted and was hoping that you could elaborate a little more on the ground balance off mode. How does this differ from detecting in the fixed mode? Would you still have to ground balance when you turn on the machine or is it some sort of pre-set mode that would be similar to a bench test? Take care.


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You must be a mind reader Matt, I have just been out filming that very thing today. All I can say is it holds real promise for the US, especially in Arizona. Think quiet ground where ground balance isn't an issue, then think small mono and then think other settings in the menu structure such as eXtra, and Stabilizer and Gain and then look out.


The bigger bit in the picture was down 5 inches and was a boomer, I honestly did not think a PI could punch this deep on such tiny stuff.

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There are several areas that I can dtink of that hold great promise for settings such as you mention, the good thing about it is the gold is pretty high grade and the small bits are solid gold, the geologists described the gold as shotty or course so when you read about prospective hunting areas keep this in mind if the matrix will allow GB off settngs........Good Hunting Geo

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Hello Chuck, I'm maddly trying to get all the filming done on the video as we speak but will probably be a month away before I can even think of trying to finalise a product for sale. I also have to look for new stockists in the US as AZO WILL NOT be carrying any more of our videos. The problem with producing a video in time with a release is due to a number of factors, namely getting to know the machine is the first priority and then getting the shots to make it interesting. I have had a little more time with the GPX4500 this go round however we have just had one of the wettest summers on record so have been house bound for the duration.


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Are you saying you don't use a blue back screen so you can add the scenery later.O'h you do it the hard way out in the field in real life.

Maybe I'm wrong but I'd wouldn't think it would be hard to find a Dist. for your DVD's because not all dealers give training with the sale.With your DVD gives the buyer a kick start if they can't get hands on training.

Best to You and Yours!


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  • Admin

Hello JP,

I'm also looking forward to your new GPX-4500 DVD video. I know I probably couldn't order the amount as some of your other dealers, but I will do my best to order a batch and help you promote them. JP you have always been fair and honest to me, so it's my pleasure to help you out if possible.

Keep us updated on the release of the DVD.

Rob Allison

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Hi JP,

Thanks for the reply. I wish you could tell us more, but I guess we will have to wait and see. I detect in California and I hunt several different areas. The ground type varies. I do hunt some places that have really mild ground so it sounds like the new ground balance off will be the first thing I try at those locations and could really pay off.

I too am looking forward to the new video. I have purchased all of your previous videos and all of them have improved my detecting skills. Keep up the good work.


Put me on the waiting list for the new video.

Take care,


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I have extremely mild ground nearby and small gold. For most people the GB Off will not be an option but for my circumstances it is one of the more interesting new features on the GPX-4500. I'm figuring the snow should be just about gone by the time my GPX-4500 shows up and so I'm just fine waiting a few more weeks to get one. Perfect timing.

I feel like with the GPX I've passes into a new world. With my previous Minelab units I pretty much had a stock setting that rarely varied. It made for easy operating, but I always felt like the machine was capable of more. While this new ability to access the inner workings of the unit could be intimidating for some people I like the ability to tweak the unit for oddball circumstances - like small gold in extremely mild ground.

It should also be a boon to people hunting certain clean white sand beaches for gold of another type.

Steve Herschbach

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