Owl wash gives up a few

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Hey all:

Got to go out with a good friend today to owl wash.

Mainly for him to school me on using the GB2 and for me to give him the rundown on using the 5000 as he will be using it this weekend at Quartzsite.

He found some with the GB2 and I got the half grammer on the left with the 5000.

It was down about 25 inches through celiche and under a big iron rock......ok.....it was down 6 inches. :)

He was finding #9 birdshot with the GB2 along with the nugs.

I was finding all kinds of bullets and schrapnal and finally found the nugget. I was getting discouraged...but kept digging :)

No skunks today! Weeeeee...

It was a good time today and I hope he really rips it up down there in Quartzsite.

Tom H.

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Nice job on the skunkbuster Tom....I wouldnt recommend going to quartzsite. There is no gold left, and dogs hate the stickers. That gold bug will always have its place until a PI can truly hear what a gold bug does.... ;)


I hear ya....the GB2 still finds stuff I cant hear with the PI. We did some target comparisons and he was deffinently hitting small stuff I could not hear even with the 6" mono.

I thought it would....but it didnt. OH well. Each one has its place in the whole scheme of things.

Heck with the dog! I hate stickers! Sat down on a nice wad yesterday and had to have my bud pull my pants off my butt!

Tom H.

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Nice goin Tom, yer makin me real "ITCHY" here. I've been stuck at home for awhile haven't been able to get out.

Gotta get caught up so I canget out prospectin.

Thanks fer the pic.


Well good...im glad im making YOU itch!

Everytime you post you make ME itch. :P

Dont you hate obligations....I know how you feel.

Geeter done and get out there. :)

Tom H.

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Great shooting for the both of you! Just like Frank, been stuck at home with rain all week long.


Heck...with what youve found the past few weeks you can just sit there and play with nuggets until the rain stops. :)

Dont tell me you dont pull them out and keep looking at them..pushing them around on the table...holding them to see how heavy they are........I know I do. :)

Glad you found what you got...thats awsome.

Tom H.

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Youve got gold!....you just need a shovel to push it around. :P

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  • Admin

Hey Tom,

Congrats on the gold you and your friends turned up. Doctor said I can use my wrist a bit, so I spent a few hours swinging. I found a nugget that was about 1-2 grains in size!! At least I can still find gold. A few friends done much better, but I will let them share their part of the story if they choose.

Talk with you later,

Rob Allison

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Rob, I'm glad to hear that your wrist is getting better. Getting cought under one of those huge cable reels can not only crush your wrist but do a man in. I never argued with one of those babys but had some differences with a couple of Blackjacks in the pole yard. Trying to dodge one of those guys and look out for your buddys cant-hook is double duty and I got brused a couple of times. Nothing like what you are going through though. Guess you don't fool much with the long ones, I suppose most of your time is spent atop those huge towers. Now that would scare the bejebbers out of me. Keep swinging the ML and good luck to ya.

Old tom

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Hey Pete,

I ain't gonna change anymore diapers for him. The next time around it's his turn. He's a good kid though, he does leave a few small nuggets for me to dig up. What he usually does is to place a red marker on top of a target and I come along behind with the small coil on the Gold Bug Pro and dig up the nugget (or hunk of lead). That is how the 'Owl Patch' got its name.

Tom was digging up a target in a beautiful shady spot in a wash that took a fourty five turn went on for thirty yards or so and turned another fourty five back again. It was a very hot day in the desert and I guess we hunted a little harder there. The coil Tom was using was huge and I had the small Gold Bug so I came over to pin point it. He had the 5000 on audio and it had made some queer noises for a while. Then in flew this Great Horned Owl and sat in a tree a few yards from us. We figured out that the squeals emitted by the 5000 sounded like a wounded animal to the owl and he was looking for a easy meal. It was a pleasant experience observing each other for a while and after taking his picture I tried to get too close and he said, 'The hell with you' and vamoosed. Every trip is different and we try to get the most out of them even if we have to take out the 'Old Skunk' now and then.

Old tom

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Gee that 5000 must have been in pain screaming on that target Old Tom, was it a keeper mate :)

Maybe the wise old owl took one look at you both and remembered "Pa told me about them grizzled Gold Prospectors & the way they just

love some Owl Stew now n then" and he thought "i aint your dinner tonight" :):wacko: and skedaddled hahaha...

Great to hear of your trips out bush with your boy, truly golden times ay.


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Yeah, it was a keeper Pete and we found a few more there also. Tom took a friend there last trip and found a couple of small ones so it is still giving up some. I'd like to get back there and do some digging under the gravel and rocks it might yeald some more. I have to wait for a while though as I fell on our last trip and hurt my bad shoulder. Now don't tell me that I am going to have to take it easy at my age because that is what every one around here is telling me. I'd rather die in harness then to waste away in the stall. The way one keeps young is to work hard when you have the ability to do so. Slowing down is natural but quitting is is not in the book.

Old tom

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