Nuggetshooters Logbook

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I was told by a fellow forum member about the Nuggetshooters Logbook and was wondering if anyone here knows where I can pick up a copy of this program? I am awaiting the response of another great member who says that he may have a copy stashed away somewhere, which I hope is the case! But to be on the safe side I am hoping that someone out there can help or point me in other directions in case this falls through. I am willing to pay for the program. Not asking for a freebie! Thanks.

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Hey Chris,

I remember years ago seeing it somewhere, but like another member stated, you can make your own with just a simple spreedsheet. When I first started hunting nuggets in the early 90's I had one I made up using Microsoft Office. I had a column for the date, location, county, size of gold ... ect.

Hope this helps,

Rob Allison

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Thanks everyone for the replies. Guess I will start working on making one myself as suggested. Shouldn't be too hard.

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I take a picture of everything I find on the coil and on the scale. The picture are named with the date and place I found them. The pictures are in files that are arranged by month and year.

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If you have google earth you can mark your spots you find stuff at on it. Put a little note on "5oz nugget"

Helps you see the lay of the land and where the nuggets are turning up.

So far I have found no ryme or reason to where im finding them! But, im trying. :)

You can also mark areas you want to try...put the coord in your GPS and your off and running.

When I find gold I mark it with my GPS and then that night mark it on Google Earth.

Tom H.

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Hi Tom,

Hope you are doing well, my friend! Glad to see you and your dad are getting out and finding some gold. In reality, I have never thought of using GE that way. I do have the program and when I open it up, I can barely see the earth due to all of the push-pins marking all of the gold claims I have either been to, or have access to through all the clubs I am a member of. The one feature I do really like about the Logbook is the ability to attach a picture to each log.

On another note: Thank you to Wonderer for getting me a copy of the disc. Now all I have to do is hope that it runs on Windows Vista 64-Bit and Windows 7!

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Hi Tom,

Hope you are doing well, my friend! Glad to see you and your dad are getting out and finding some gold. In reality, I have never thought of using GE that way. I do have the program and when I open it up, I can barely see the earth due to all of the push-pins marking all of the gold claims I have either been to, or have access to through all the clubs I am a member of. The one feature I do really like about the Logbook is the ability to attach a picture to each log.

On another note: Thank you to Wonderer for getting me a copy of the disc. Now all I have to do is hope that it runs on Windows Vista 64-Bit and Windows 7!


You can change the color of the "pins" to a of color of your choice so you can tell at a glance what it denotes, you can also adjust the size and the opacity of the pins so that you can see through them to whatever degree of opacity you like so you can still see the terrain.

When you add a pin or right click on one you already have on GE you can bring up it's properties, click on the tab within the properties window labeled "Style and Color" and adjust, change the pin to whatever you like.

There are also a great number of pins A.K.A. place marks available in Goggle Earth by clicking the pushpin icon in the upper right corner of the Properties window, you can select from a large collection of place marks that will also help to denote what you have marked, you can also upload a custom icon from your computer or the internet via the icon collection window, a little metal detector is a great one for where you've found gold detecting, a little drywasher for areas good for drywashing, a little dredge for good dredging locations, or even little gold nuggets, etc..


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WOW....I never knew that many options were available for GE. Thank you so much for that information. I was actually kind of bored with the program, but now I am excited to use it again.

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