My 5X'S by pass

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Holy Cow, they really went in there digging around!

Glad your doing better now. Got the ol tubes cleaned out and you should be better then new.

Hang in there..lots of good yellow years ahead of ya! :))

Tom H.

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Hey Gary,

Your looking pretty good for what you have been through.

You've got your zipper now, which gives you some bragging rights.

Do what the doc says, the diabetic part you can manage with not too

much trouble, just need to manage your diet closely.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery!


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Wow grubby they really worked you over!! Did you get the license plate of that truck?? ;) Time to get on to the part where you start feeling like it was all worth it, and you'll be better n ever! Glad your back with us.

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Glad to see your up and around Grubstake. Looks like you had a Dr that could cut a straight line or atleast follow a traced line. Your scar is way straighter than my fathers. Hope to hear your back in the fields soon.


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And you be careful. As I have written earlier my father went thru this in Feb this yr. He feels so good he's been working around his shop and fell from a ladder a couple of weeks ago, he said he never hit the ground (cought himself on a rung) but he did feel a pop in his chest that didnt have any pain with it. He went in for an echo (something) to find out if a one of the metal clips / wires had broken. I havnt heard the results should know tomorrow.

So when you start feeling better go out and get all the exercise you can handle but Be Careful.


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Glad that you made it through another one, and that they were able to help you to this extent! Should make you better than the stents did, once you are healed.

Just don't get to feeling so good that you pretend you are Tarzan, at least until your chest heals, LOL!


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Hey Grubstake,

Glad you're doing much better now. I think you're going to feel 150% better once you recover. I have talked with many that have had similar procedures and felt great a few months later. Wishing you a speedy recovery my friend. Can't wait until you're back out there chasing down those nuggets.

Rob Allison

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Posted Today, 04:40 PM

I just thought to myself, if I ever have another heart attack, like this one! I'm going to put my pistol in my mouth and end it right there! I am not going through this kind of pain again! Grubstake

Well Grubstake:

If that be the case then you better not have another heart attack,looks like someone got at you with a chain saw!..

Glad to hear you are feeling somewhat better...and for the lead save it for obama!!!!!!


Ps maybe give him a led enema....

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Hey Grub, That's what my wife said after her first cesarean section. Thank God she didn't mean it or we wouldn't have a fine guy around like 'Oldies 1955'. Now I can't compare having a baby taken out through your abdomen to getting your chest ripped open by a chain saw, but the further away we get from the ordeal the rememberence of the pain and trauma lessens. Right now you are still in the rough part of it so remember there are some great days ahead for you and if it happens again hang in there and don't disappoint those great guys and gals that are hoping and praying for your recovery. You are much loved and we want you around for a long time.

Old tom

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Gary.. welcome to the chest zipper club! You are lucky about the super glue, they put staples on mine..... not just a pain, but 20 pains in the chest and about 40 in the right leg........ I hated them so friggin much, I took them out myself! Mrs El Dorado just about killed me for that one!

Exercise to the max, work through the pain and you will get well soon enough........ The emotional roller coaster will subside also. Dr told me the heavy emotional stuff was from being technically dead on the OP table for 20 minutes or longer while they stopped my heart.

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Hey Grub:

Your horemones are probably all wacked out....I mean lets face it, there was some guy digging around in your chest playing with organs that were not meant to be played with!

Besides, if you go and off yourself....who am I gonna learn from????

Tom H.

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