Got a nice fat guy today

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Hey all:
Welp dad and I went out and did some drywashing and detecting today.

Trying to get out as much as we can here as I feel some heat coming our way.

I loaded my trusty 80 year old mule up with as much as I didnt want to carry and we headed in...

Got set up at the top of backwards wash and let dad DW while I did some detecting.

He got the pickers from the area up out of the wash that I popped 5 small nugs out of last weekend.

We were using Frank Cs little ol good!

I was out hunting different washes and tribs until around 11 and not getting squat.....I was smelling this faint odor....of a skunk :(

Got back to where dad was and ate some scooby snacks and decided to hit the wash I found some gold in last week end.

Was going to crawl back down it and hit the banks. I was running in ENHANCED this time to deal with the iron hot works good and I didnt notice any difference from the FINE setting on my test nug.

So........heading back down the wash im hitting the sides and banks, moving crap out of the way and I come to this little Y in the wash. Hmmmm...did I hit both sids of the Y? I hit both of them.
I get this screamer of a signal and figure its a nice 30 cal bullet. Dig it out from about 6 inches and HOLY SMOKES! Its a nice big fat nug!!!
After I got done kicking myself about 5 feet back up the wash for missing it on the first run I kept detecting. Sometimes I wonder about myself????

Come to a area that had a old claim marker post on it from 1965 and I get a really odd signal about 4 feet out of the wash. Im figuring its a staple or something from how it sounded.

Finally get it out and it was the little guy on the scale. Go figure. Sure did not sound like gold.

All in all it was a great day out and the good Lord blessed us again :)


Tom H.

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Right on guys! Dad looks like hes having a blast, Awesome!! I have been getting some odd sounding nuggets too lately, a small flat one last week sounded like a piece of tin the hollow raspy signal?

Nice chunker bro!


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Right on guys! Dad looks like hes having a blast, Awesome!! I have been getting some odd sounding nuggets too lately, a small flat one last week sounded like a piece of tin the hollow raspy signal?

Nice chunker bro!


Yup....youve heard it...faint sharp...not smooth and mellow.

Dig em all! :)

Tom H.

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Tom that's great!!

I new them other pcs had a big brother, nice you nailed em like that.

I sure wish my dad would get out and do some prospecting. You guys must have a blast sharing the gold fever like you do.

Really enjoyed you sharing the story and taking the pics, Thanks.

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