Cute when they are young...

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Yeesh.. What I fear.

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My personal opinion....they aint cute any time! :o

Tom H.

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Yep that'd be a Northern Pacific Rattler.

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I agree with Flak, a buzztail is a buzztail. About 30 minutes before posting this, nicely after dark, I came within 3 feet of a Western DB about 30 inches long. Slow, sluggish, and skinny, but..... Tends to raise the pulse rate when that happens.

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My brother went to a garden-nursery in san diego county and bought some potted plants...his son came home that night and nearly stepped on a snake...turned out to be a very small young it hardly had a nub on the tail...I took it out to a place away from people and turned it soon as it got in the weeds it became almost invisible...

my points are...

be careful when buying plants...

small rattlers are very difficult to see...

they are all dangerous..

and ,

it was a very pretty little snake.


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