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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hey Guys, AzNuggetBob - Thanks for the compliments. I'm not even half the nugget hunter I used to be. Now doing these field instructions I see some of these younger guys (like I once was in my 20's early 30's) getting into nugget hunting. They show the same drive and passion I once did when I first started. I would hunt from Sun up to dark, hike miles a day and get excited on every nugget find I made. I don't have the same drive I once had, but I've been trying to rekindle it. You're an icon if there ever was one. One of the first die-hard patch hunters around Rich Hill and other known goldfields throughout the Southwest. I wish I would have known you back in the 90's. Jim Straight - Ya, I still remember talking about the meteorite book and all the ideas. Have you even talked with Reg lately? Talk with you guys later, Rob Allison
  2. Hey Dave, Understandable, it's much cheaper to build or modify your own handle with button. We all know anything Minelab sells is pricey. I didn't want to make it sound like you didn't know about the ground balancing, but it's amazing on how many believe the handle with button is the only way to ground balance the unit. Wishing you much success! Rob Allison
  3. Hey Robert, Congrats on the new find. When you're finding them like that, you and the detector are dialed in. Curious on why your Stabilizer setting was down at 6? Not that it effected you finding the nugget, but was the threshold that unstable to drop down to 6 vs. like 9 or 10? Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  4. Hello All, Over the weekend we had 5 customers out for field instructions and training. During the course of the day, I was able to to play around with my Fisher Gold Bug 2 for about an hour in an old patch and scored 2 nuggets on the shallow bedrock. Nothing to get real excited about, but after I found these one of the customers decided the area looked good and scored 2 more below me. Here is the picture of the two nuggets. Hope you enjoyed. Rob Allison
  5. Hey Guys, The first group of field instructions was this weekend. We had 5 customers out, all had their own detectors, but some wanted a test run on the GPX 5000 for an hour or so. More than half the group found at least one nugget, one customer scored 2 right off. Everyone seemed very happy with the training and area they got to hunt. If you join us on one of these outing, all the gold you find it yours and you can even use a Minelab (including the GPX 5000) or Fisher metal detector if you don't own your own. Here is a group shot, minus one customer that wouldn't stop detecting for the picture ... Give us a call to learn more about the 2013 season schedule. Rob Allison
  6. Steve, Oh great, now I have to dive with Doc!! I'm hoping I can get up that way. Would it be worth dragging a 4-inch up that way, or it that too small for that area? I have a gallizion potential projects and areas of interests, so I'm hoping I can make it up there, if not, I'm hoping Doc will give it a whirl.
  7. Hey Justin, Great finds. What's the deal, everyone else gets an invite .... Still no water where we need it down here ... the dredge is collecting dust! I will let you know when the water is rolling and we can strip the bedrock clean. The GPX 5000 and the NF 14x9 is a killer combo Robert. This is my setup 99% of the time, unless I hit a deep area or want to search for dinks.
  8. Hey Digger, Yes, it can be done. The stock Minelab replacements are $60 for the ground balance handle with button. You can do it cheaper if you want to do the mod yourself. I'm sure you know, but others don't realize you can still reach down and flip the switch to the "Tracking" postion and pump the coil up and down to ground balance it without the use of the handle button. You can also pump it up and down in "Tracking" and then flip it back to "Fixed" if you prefer the positon. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  9. Hey Stevo, Ya, a big chunk of ironstone. That being said, I have found many nuggets in areas that have those type of ironstones around. P.S. Ryan went out on field instructions this weekend. I'm sure you already heard. He got over his first nuggets right at the end of the day. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  10. Hey T-Bone, Awesome find! Thanks for sharing your find with us here. Wishing you much more success in that area. Keep us updated, Rob Allison
  11. Hey Rquag, Sorry I didn't respond back sooner, been on the run. Hey, I have a busy schedule this weekend, but looking forward to meeting you in the field. Let me know which one you think you want and I will bring it along during the instructions. You can also get a chance to poke around with the GPX 5000, or at least take a look at it if you want. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  12. Hey Steve, Just have a few seconds to post, but Thanks for sharing all your honest experiences here on the forums. Wishing you much success now that you have time to play. I'm thinking very seriously about the dredging deal, so don't count me out to early. We can talk more about it. Hope to see you posting here more in the future. Rob Allison
  13. Hey Blues, I received your email and will write you back. We can work something out. I've gotten a dozen or so email since I posted the thread. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  14. Hey Tom, Nice looking gold. Congrats on your continued success in the Arizona goldfields. Wishing you much more success!!
  15. Hello All, Just a quick note if you haven't seen it. Rob's Detector Sales is now offering training courses throughout the 2013 season for anymore interesting in searching for gold nuggets with a metal detector. I have "pinned" a topic at the top of the forums for all to see. I will continue to update the information and post the schedule of open dates. We will have several experienced instructors helping out, all with at least 15+ years experience searching for gold nuggets. All of my instructors have found hundreds, if not thousands of gold nuggets. I've been wanting to do this for years, but wanted to make sure I have the absolute best instructors available, not only with gold under their belt, but experience with the various metal detectors that are used. We will have at least several Minelab and Fisher metal detectors available for use, if you don't own your own metal detector. All the classes will be held on private mineral claims that have produced hundreds of nuggets in the past. Outings will be either around the Rich Hill area or in the Bradshaw Mountain, both historical gold nugget producers. Best of all, you keep all the gold and treasures you find! More coming soon ....
  16. Hello All, Due to the demand of customers wanting training classes, Rob's Detector Sales is now offering a full day worth of field instructions or training classes for anyone wanting to learn about this hobby of metal detecting for gold nuggets. If you own your own gold detector, then we can re-train or help you get back up to speed. If you don't own a detector, but want to learn more about searching for gold nuggets, we have several loaner detectors (PI and VLF) available to use during the classes free of charge. Instructions will be given by myself and several others instructors that have over 20 years experience each. All of my instructors have found hundreds, if not thousands of nuggets and are willing to share their experiences with you. You will have a chance to see high end VLF gold detectors, coin/relic detector(s) and the most power detector for gold, the Minelab GPZ 7000 in action. One day training courses are - $200.00 per person. You keep all the gold and treasures you find! To schedule a date or learn more about the training courses, you can leave a comment on this thread or email/call us. Rob's Detector Sales 623-362-1459 (o) 602-909-9008 © - email More information coming soon ....
  17. Hey Hunting78, Haha ... with all the gold you found, you might want to do instructions yourself. Give me a call, I know I've been hard to get a hold of lately. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  18. Hey Jim, You are right, it was Elizabeth. Funny, my Grandfather that was a huge inspiration for me to get into mining knew about them. He had one of their old brochures that I found at his house after he passed away in the early 90's. I've moved about 3 times, so I'm sure I've lost the brochure since I haven't seen it in years. I'm hoping one day I will go through some old boxes and find it. Richard doherty was going through some tough times, his long time partner Patricia was diagnosed with "Hip C" and shortly before that his long time hunting parter, Fugual Floyd Allen passed away on Christmas day. Two days prior to his death, I was at Rock Springs talking with him as he was down in the dumps and drinking. He told me then I was one of his closest, loyal friends and it brought tears to my eyes. We were both able to cheer each up a bit and then talked about writing a monthly newsletter about gold prospecting. When I left that day I felt his spirts were uplifted and everything was going to be ok. Several days later I received a call about his death at Rock Springs. Like I mentioned, Richard felt Jim Straight was not only a mentor, but an icon in this hobby of chasing gold. More to come .... Rob Allison
  19. Hey Goldstudmuffins, There are many patches out there to be found, just takes some time to locate them. Hopefully we can get out for a hunt soon if you're feeling well. Keep in touch, Rob Allison
  20. Hey Jim, Well I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I didn't know Gloria passed away. All of our thoughts and prayers are with you my friend. We both know Gloria is now with our great Lord, which Son was born today on Christmas day. I never got to meet Dorthy (Gold Dust Twins), but Richard talked about her a bunch. He said she was one of the best nuggetshooter's he's ever seen. At that time, Richard was with Patricia, so it was probably hard for him to talk about another Lady or partner, but he did at times when I mentioned the "Gold Dust Twins." Richard had an amazing way of teaching and talking with others. I would have never been as successful, maybe not even detecting now if it wasn't for his help early on. Richard spent endless hours helping me understanding metal detecting for gold, what to look for and all the techniques that might have taken me years to learn on my own. I still remember him telling me you have to "believe in the gold." Sometimes he would say stuff that would puzzle me, but later I would come to realize he was talking about believing in myself and having the ability to find it. That was more than half the battle was believing you could do it. It was a great loss when I heard about his traggic death in Rock Springs, Arizona. I think about the guy a lot when I'm roaming around the hills, thinking if I could of had just one more hunt with him, I could have told him how "Thankful" I was for all of his help. I'm sure he knew it and seen it when I found gold, but sometimes you just want to tell a person more that has helped you so much. P.S. Richard did talk about you a lot Jim. He really fealt you were one of his early on mentors with your early publications. God Bless Jim Straight and Richard Dorothy, my friends forever! Rob Allison
  21. Hey Fred, Thanks for the update on the two tours not in business anymore. On another note, I have to agree with Fred. I couldn't tell you how many times I was up on several Alaskan pay-to-mine operations and would always hear guys say, "I better be able to pay for this trip in gold." From what I seen over the years, there might be one or two guys in a group of 10 or more that pay for their trip and expenses in gold. About 3-4 more might break even and the remainder are lucky to find an ounce of gold. There are so many variables that can determine ones success on these tours. Some can be skill and experience, equipment used, knowing the area, being the first to the spot, luck and other factors. Rob Allison
  22. Hello Goldstudmuffins, It's a pleasure to know you guys. I personally have seen that collection grow over the years and even had the opportunity to hunt some of those patches with you guys. Without a doubt that is one awesome collection of SW United States nugget gold and specimens. At the current price of gold, size and character of some of those finds, that collection would go an easy $200,000 today. Not bad for a recreational hobby mostly on the weekends. Just goes to show we are in one hobby that can be very rewarding if you stick with it. Thanks once again for sharing such a beautiful collection of gold. Wishing you both and your families a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Your friend, Rob Allison
  23. Hello All, Well it's not any secret that my "good friend and mentor" is known around the World for his books. I have personally sold hundreds of copies throughout the World, some even to people in Africa involved in some of the more modern day gold rushes. Way before I started swinging a detector in the early 90's, I spend a lot of time dredging, drywashing, sluicing and panning throughout Arizona. At that time (and still are), the most informative books were written from Jim Straight. His books helped me in every step of the way. That being said, still to date, Jim Straight's books sell 10 to 1 over other books I carry. I'm honored to know Jim as long as I have and to be able to sell his wonderful books & booklets. Without two major mentors, Jim Straight & Richard Doherty, I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing now. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Rob Allison
  24. Hey Guys, Am I not seeing something right, it does say "Australian Prospecting Tours?" As far as Australian Tours, there are several that I know of. One used to be the Doug Stone tours, but I'm not sure if they are still going. I know Coiltek used to do some type of tours also, so you might want to check on them. Golden Triangle Tours at this link I believe - Try Troy Ounce Gold Safari's at -
  25. Hey Ryan, Welcome to the forums. Thanks once again for the business. The forum is a wealth of information on searching for gold, so hopefully you will be able to get some of these other guys to talk! Looking forward to getting out in the field with you during field instructions. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Talk with you later, Rob Allison