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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello All, This weekend I had several customers come out for instructions. One was a local customer that purchased his Minelab GPX early this year. After getting some instructions and a pointer on where to hunt, Ralph ended up scoring a nice, little nugget after about a half day of hunting. Great to have you out and glad you were able to hear that nice mellow gold nugget sound! Picture below - (L to R) Rob with Rob's Detector Sales & Ralph, new GPX customer Pictured below - Ralph's new gold nugget find! Thanks once again for your business. Rob Allison
  2. Hey Adam, Well it's not one of my old patches. I would have to question the same thing, why so much trash on an old beaten up patch? I'm sure you're getting tons of great information, that guy was a pioneer in that country for nugget patches. P.S. I hit an old patch today with a new customer. I found one piece of trash in 2 hours of "low and slow" hunting, but several gold nuggets. Thanks for sharing. Rob Allison
  3. Hello Gary & Jim, Thanks for all the help. I'm not concerned with the value, but the value to me is the story behind the find. I found the coin in an old placer drift, or better known as "Coyote Holes." Knowing where it was found, there is no doubt some old placer prospector was carrying it around. Trying to imagine those times, what the coin could buy and how it was dropped originally is worth more to me than the value of any coin. Everytime I look at this coin, I can only imagine the real story behind it and try to picture in my mind what the owner looked like. I'm sure we always would like to know what kind of gold he was digging up also ... Long, but not forgotten memories. Rob Allison
  4. Hello All, Last weekend I was out hunting and stumbled onto this 5 cent piece detecting. The backside is pretty wore out, so can't see a date or anything real markings. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Rob Allison
  5. Hey Chris, That is awesome you shared your patch with a few others. Finding nugget patches is very hard, but after finding a few and getting all the gold for yourself, it's not as fun as sharing with a special friend or two. This is how a couple of my nuggethunting partners do it. I'm found good nuggets in my partners patches and he has done the same in some of my patches. It normally works out pretty well, but never perfectly even. The only problem I have with this is if you find a good nugget, something that is like a lifetime find, it's hard to have someone match that. I found a few monsters in others patches, but some feel you must do the exact same, which is almost impossible for the most part.
  6. Hey Guys, Thanks for the comments. I purchased a Canon Powershot SX260 HS, which has 12.1 Mega Pixel, Full HD and 20x optical zoom. It takes great close up pictures and even close up videos. I'm still messing around with it, so hopefully will have some more videos and pictures up soon. Uncle Ron - Ya, this could be the same general area as you're talking about, not exactly sure though. Many of the nuggets we found around this spot were very similar to these ones. Talk with you all later, Rob Allison
  7. Hello All, Been playing around with a new digital camera that I purchased. The video quality of my last digital was a bit poor, so still experimenting with this new one. Hope to get out in the field and get some nice, new videos of some new gold discoveries. In the meantime, here is a short video on some gold I found with the Minelab GPX 5000 last year around the Vulture Mountains. Take care, Rob Allison
  8. Hey Chip, I knew it would happen, congrats!!! The NF 8x6 is deadly on small gold, but the nugget you found isn't small, so gives you an idea that it's not just for tiny dinks. Wishing you much more luck when you return to the area. Thanks once again for your business and friendship. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  9. Hello Gravelwasher, I don't know anyone using a system like that, but it's possible I guess. The GP3000 has an onboard regulator, so it will only allow a certain voltage to cross the circuit board. The larger battery will just allow more detecting time, but not so much more power being regulated. On the older SD non-regulated units, some have used 12+ volts to increase the strenght of the magnetic field, hoping for more depth. The higher voltage on non-regulated systems could over-stress the circuits and cause damage or burn up the unit all together. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  10. Hey Guys, I think you picked up the same thing I did, the bright and shiney gold!! Not tooting my own horn, but I have found thousands of nuggets and none of them looked that clean from the desert region. I think I would have spent more time paying attention to details if I done the video. I think most watch the video and see the first clean nugget and then "call BS" on the entire video. Just my thoughts .... Rob Allison
  11. Hello All, Seen this video on Youtube when I was scanning for metal detecting for nuggets. The detector and blanket coil might work well even though I don't know anyone using one, but one thing I noticed and curious if you pick it up. Watch the video and see if you pick up what I see (hint - about the gold)? Take care, Rob Allison
  12. Hey Grubstake, I haven't seen the post on Bill's forum since I don't patrol that forum, but Steve is correct. Minelab has stopped making the Sov GT & Explorer SE Pro. The Explorer SE Pro is a hot unit, many still prefer it over the CTX and ETrac. I have never ordered the Starter Pack for the CTX, always the Standard Pack that comes with everything you need to get up and running. I believe Minelab seen this and stopped the Starter Pack due to it not selling well and most wanting the extra accessories already in the Standard Pack later down the road. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  13. Hey Goldminer, Well congrats on the recent gold finds. Hope the pocket continues, or the next pocket is even bigger. Thanks for all your business, especially the GPX 5000's. The Minelab GPX 5000's and Goldbug detectors make a great team, covering depth and max sensitivity to very small gold (crystalline, wire or sponge). Keep us update on new finds if you would. Rob Allison
  14. Hey Rodd, Great story and pictures. I never ran into a Grizzly, but several big Black Bears in Alaska. Hey, I tried to threaten them with a Ruger 9mm with 30 rounds .... How much more powerful is that 460 over a .44 Mag? The last couple of season to Alaska I was packing the lightweight S&W .44 Mag. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  15. Hey Chris, Awesome videos. Please continue to share them here. Wishing you much more success. Rob Allison
  16. Hey Border, Thanks for sharing. Hope your luck continues. How did the dredging turn out that last time we talked?
  17. Hey Larry, If I was in the area I would stop by, but looks like it's during the week. Have you considered throwing an outing on the weekend? Wishing you much success!
  18. Goldminer, Congrats! Some beautiful specimens and nuggets you're getting. Are you finding the majority with the GPX 5000?
  19. Goldminer, Sorry I haven't been able to catch up, been on the run the last couple of weeks. When things settle down a bit I will call you. Hope your great streak continues with the gold! Rob Allison
  20. Happy Birthday Shep and any others I might have missed recently! Your friend, Rob Allison
  21. Hey NV Chris, Awesome find my friend. I seen a couple of your recent Youtube videos also. Don't hesitate to post them here also if you wish. How are you liking the new NF Advantage lightweight solids? I'm using the 14-inch with good success when I'm out there. Hope your streak continues ... Rob Allison
  22. Hey Guys, Made a run down to the GPAA Gold Show in Mesa this afternoon. Well, right when I walked to the front door I knew the crowd was way down. Less vendors and hardly anyone walking around. Talking to a few vendors, they said only 84 people walked through the door at opening. I probably only seen about 50 people walking around this afternoon vs. hundreds years ago. I personally think they ran the show too early in the year, most of the snowbirds are not even here. I'm sure the Feb. 2013 show will be much better. I did get to talk with Jim, Travis and a few other vendors for awhile and seen a bunch prospecting friends/customers. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  23. Hey Jim, I have to agree, you have written a great book - Advanced Nuggetshooting. If I make it down that way, I will definately come by and say hello. Wishing you the best my friend. Rob Allison
  24. Hey Glenn, Ya, a couple of guys that normally set up there have told me they are not doing this show. I normally would get a corner booth and like 3 booths down the aisle. This was normally 5-6 tables, which was a pretty good spread. It used to be around $700 for this set up, but the last couple of years the prices jumped several hundred. I'm hoping the show does have a good show of vendors for all the people that do attend. Rob Allison
  25. Hey Jim, I won't be setting up for the second time this year. To be honest, the GPAA has jacked the prices up so high for vendors, it's not worth it anymore for me personally. Also, the attendance has been much smaller, dispite what the GPAA or others have to say. If I'm bored I might run down there for a day, but I think I'm leaning on swinging the detector more. For all the vendors that are settings up, hope you all do well. Rob Allison