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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hey Tom and All, To be very honest, we don't need Minelab to help. We all have enough resources through the Internet, friends, clubs and forum to get the funds and support we need for Alec. Just remember, GOD might close doors, but always leaves at least one Widow open for you! Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  2. Hey Grubstake, If it's normal Paypal account, people can send funds with an email address like you attached in a prior post. However, this will just put the funds in the Paypal account, not in another personal account. Stella probably hooked her personal account in with Paypal, but you must go into Paypal and then click the "Withdraw" funds tab, then "Transfer to Bank Account. From there you can tell Paypal you want to withdraw whatever amount from the Paypal account to your personal account. This will take anywhere from 3-7 business days before the funds will show up and are available for withdraw. Hope this helps, Rob Allison
  3. Hello Guys, I contacted Minelab and several other distributors and they all send out their prayers and well being, but don't want to get involved in issues like this. They said if they helped one, they would have to help everyone. I can see their point to some degree. I asked if I could raffle something and they didn't give me a clear answer, so I'm not going to take any chances at this point. I will personally donate some money into the account to help out though. Grubstake, please keep us updated on Alec. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  4. Hey Guys, There is no doubt the 16-inch round will go deeper then the 14-inch elliptical and the 18-inch round will go deeper then the 18.5-inch elliptical. However, the different won't be really huge, but if you're paying attention and hunting slow there is no doubt you will get better depth with the rounds. Typically, a round the same sized as an elliptical will go slightly deeper. Matt - He didn't say how deep, just the fact they were deep and there was a lot of digs in the area, so the nuggets were probably missed by others. Both of them came from the same hole, which is always nice. Chuck - The new Goldstalker series is nice! They have become the top seller here in the US and starting in Australia. You can never go wrong with the Coiltek coil, especially with the new lightweight Goldstalkers. Talk with you all later, Rob Allison
  5. Hello All, Today my partner Leaverite and I headed out to test drive the new 16 & 18-inch Round Goldstalker Mono Searchcoils. We started the search out on some old patches. It was tough to maximize depth with these new coils since the grass was very thick in some spots due to the recent Monsoon's. I was using the 18-inch round, while Leaverite was using the 16-inch. Within no time, Leaverite mentioned he has a faint target and dug up a small gold nugget. He rechecked the same hole and heard another faint target. Low and behold it was another small gold nugget around the same size. I really tried my hardest to get the new 18-inch over a gold nugget, but it just wasn't in the cards today. What I can tell you so far about these new coils are - (1) Very Lightweight (2) Extremely Strong Design with Coil Cover (3) Very Smooth with No Falsing (4) Very Sensitive on the outside edge I'm looking forward to getting back out there with the new coils when it cools down a bit. Today seemed like 130 degrees! Here are a few pictures of today gold nuggets that were found with the new Goldstalker 16-inch round Mono. Man, talk about impressive searchcoils from Coiltek. Take care, Rob Allison
  6. Hey Gus, Read the above post. Talking with Gary right now on the phone. We are setting up a "Donation" account. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  7. Hello All, On the phone right now with Gary, we are going to set up a "Donation Account" that will be open for anyone to donate money into. This would keep any third party out of picture. We can then post this "Donation" account number on the forums and anyone can place money into it. Thanks for anyone willing to help. Rob Allison
  8. Hey Guys, I just check into my Paypal deal and I can't seem to set up another account. We have a couple of options, we can use my Paypal account (since I have $3.06 currently there) and I can cut a check directly, or we can somehow get another account set up somewhere. I just wanted to get this stuff started quickly, rather than waiting several days for someone to get an account ready. Whatever money is entered into my Paypal account I can cut a check that day, minute or second. However, to take money from a normal Paypal account, if the money was needed immediately, it can take up to 4-7 business days. This might be too long of a wait if the funds were needed right away. Thoughts, suggestions .... Let's get to work on this. Rob Allison
  9. Hello Uncle Ron, Well that is $200 that I'm sure will really help. I'm looking into setting up a separate account right now. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  10. Hey Gary, I know this is a serious issue and I know how you and your family must feel. I know it's hard to ask people for help, so I'm going to ask for you. I'm asking everyone out there to read this entire thread another time and really let it sink in. When it comes to any type of event like this it touches my heartstring, especially when it comes to children. This little guy might not even have a chance, but if we all come to together as one and help out financially we might give this little guy another chance at life! I think if everyone could just chip in anything they can (even as little a a dollar) it can go a long ways. I'm starting off this fund by giving $100.00. If people are interested in helping out, I can set up a Paypal account, or we can even sends funds directly. We really need to help! Rob Allison
  11. Hello All, Many are starting new posts when their Coiltek stories for the FREE Searchcoil Giveaway Contest. That is fine, but I ask you all to please post the story also under the "Hot Topic" thread at the very top of the forum. I just don't want some of the posts to disappear and not get entered into the contest. If you would, please post your story again (copy if you need to). Also, it don't matter if you only found one nugget or a thousand nuggets, we want to hear your story! A matter of fact, it don't even have to be a gold nugget, maybe a story about a meteorite discovery or your best coil/relic that was found with a Minelab metal detector and Coiltek searchcoil. P.S. I will be testing the new coils this weekend. Thanks, Rob Allison
  12. Hey Doc, Well Dawn and I done a bunch of running around today, but later came home to see the coils have arrived. Man, talk about a great design and freaking lightweight! Without a doubt these coils will be top sellers within no time flat. A friend seen them tonight and wanted to buy one. I told him I haven't even had a chance to use them, let alone him wanting to buy them. This friend really isnt partial to any one manufacture, so he has used them all, even the super light series and was very impressed when he seen the new Round Goldstalkers. Will be out tomorrow snooping around with the new coils. Hope to have a good report and a few gold nuggets to boot. Take care, Rob Allison
  13. Hello DigDeep, The last time I talked with Chris, he was shooting for the end of the month. Heck, I have so much going on, I'm not sure if he meant August or September. I think it's very close to being done. The minute I hear about the release I will be posting some information on the video. I think it's going to be a great seller with tons of great information on nugget hunting in the US with the new Minelab GPX-4500. I still have you down on the pre-order list, along with a bunch of others. You guys will get the first ones to arrive. If anyone else is interested in this new DVD, please contact me right away to be one of the first to receive them. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  14. Hey Doc, I haven't received them yet, but expect them to arrive later today (Saturday). If they do, I might make a late afternoon/early evening run out to test them. If not, for sure early tomorrow morning. I have few places in mind. Thanks for sending them. I'm excited to try them out on some older nugget patches that have some deeper gravels and bigger gold nuggets. P.S. Do you know what the sale prices are going to be on these new coils? Will post more later, Rob Allison
  15. Hello All, Just wanted to let you all know that I will be speaking for the 24K Gold Hunters Club in early October before the Super Push III. I've conducted several smaller seminars for the club, but this one will be a much larger event. I've tried to keep most of the seminars pretty basic, since many of the members are just learning the ropes of gold nugget hunting. However, this time I will probably start out with some basic metal detecting information and techniques, but will more into more advanced material towards the end of the day. I will also have a variety of Minelab metal detectors, including the latest Minelab GPX-4500. Some of the things I will like to hit on this time will be the following - (1) Advancements in Minelab Metal Detectors (2) How to set up the Minelab's for optimal performance (3) Personal Thoughts, Experience and Stories about Rich Hill (4) How to Hunt Rich Hill with a Metal Detector (5) Information on the Minelab GPX-4500 (6) And More .... If anyone has suggestions on what they would like to hear or see, please let me know. Elly has given me a very large time frame, so I will probably need suggestions or ideas from others that will be there. I'm also considering setting up a small booth so members can see some of the newest metal detectors accessories that are available now. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  16. Hey Don, The well is located just below push 2. Not sure if you know the layout of the pushes or the claims, but it's about half the way up the hills, or about directly center of the Devil's Nest claims. Hope this helps, Rob Allison
  17. Hey Guys, Like Dakota stated, you can't stake any type of claim on the pushes at anytime. You can stake small 30x30 claims anywhere else on the claims as long as noboby else has that section claimed already. To stake a small claim, you must have a notice and also sign it every week or two weeks at the latests. If you don't re-sign the claim, they the 30x30 claim is abondoned and anyone can move to that spot. The small 30x30 claims are great for guys drywashing or dredging. Beyond that, metal detectorist don't need to claim anything since they are always moving around and searching. As for coils, I've used them both on the claims over the years. There are a few spots where you can get some mineralized ground noise with the GP series (Extreme, 3000 or 3500). In these spots I had to go with the Coiltek DD Pro's to elliminate some of the minerization in the ground and hot Granite Boulders. The SD2100 and 2200 don't really hear much of the mineralization, so they can use Mono's without much trouble. I haven't had any trouble using a Mono coil on the new GPx-4000 or 4500. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  18. Hey Doc, Very excited to get my hands on one of those Round Mono's. Most of the places I've hunted have been shallow and doing very well with the Coiltek Goldstalker 14-inch elliptical. Found some deeper, smaller gold nuggets with the 18-inch elliptical also. However, have a few deeper spots in mind for the new round coils. Thanks for running the FREE Searchcoil Contests. I'm sure we will see some great pictures and read some exciting gold stories to go along with them. Take care, Rob Allison
  19. Hey Todd, Great to see some gold from some different areas. Haven't seen much of that Texan gold. The Silver nugget is also a great find. I noticed a redish colored bank in the background. Have you tried hunting along that? Looks like River type gravels and might be a good place if you can find some exposed bedrock along it. Thanks for sharing, Rob Allison
  20. Hey Gus, It's great to hear you and your Father share the same great hobby. My Father has no interests in gold hunting ... tried several times to get him to come out, but he loves his Sports and Hunting much better! Congrats once again for a great showing of gold for only a couple 2-3 days. Sure would love to get back to Nevada, just been so tied down here. Thanks for sharing your finds and story. Rob Allison
  21. Hey Doc, Trev and All, Judges get a FREE coil also! I've been waiting for Coiltek to make a lightweight round mono for a long time. I'm very excited to see what these coils will turn up in some old patches. Also, about a dozen or so guys have contacted me about this FREE coil giveaway. However, I told them they need to get to writing a short story and show some of those Coiltek finds. Right now only a couple of guys have written short stories, so that's a 50/50 chance. I know it will be just a matter of time until more stories and pictures come rolling in. The new Goldstalker ellipticals are selling very ... very well. Can't wait to get a hold of those new rounds. Take care, Rob Allison
  22. Hello All, Received several call about not seeing any type of GPX-4500 Package on the website or forum. I've updated the Minelab GPX-4500 Package on the top of the forum for anyone to view. I'm always willing to customize a package just to your needs. Give me a call .... Take care, Rob Allison
  23. Hey Dakota Slim, You brought up an important part on the headphones. This year you must use headphones on the opening day pushes. NO external speaker systems will be allowed. Thanks for the reminder. Rob Allison
  24. Hey Doc, Heard great things about these new Lightweight Round Searchcoils. I'm excited to get my hands on one of the first to hit the US. Any chance I can get in on this contest? I've found thousands of gold nuggets with Coiltek searchcoils since they first came out. Coiltek is without a doubt the best searchcoil manufacture out there. Hope to read some great stories and see some awesome Coiltek finds! Rob Allison
  25. Hey Way2cool, The interference is pretty bad on the claim pushes during the push dates. Everyone is hoping to find a nugget, maybe even their first, so it's pretty overloaded with Minelab's and other metal detectors. The first day of the pushes (normally always Saturday) are limited to 11-inch and smaller searchcoils. This rule was put into place by myself and board to help elliminate some interference, but give everyone the same chance. I don't think it would be fair for a guy that only could afford a VLF with a 10-inch elliptical vs. a guy with a Minelab with a 18-inch or bigger searchcoil. This was just to give everyone the same type of chance the first day. For the most part if no big nuggets are found the first day, the Minelab users do better 2-3 days after the push when they can work "low and slow" without all the PI cross talk. The second day of the pushes it's open game for any type of metal detector or searchcoil size. Take care, Rob Allison