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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hey Bunkinator, You sure are on a roll. Hope you continue to find many more. How are you liking your GPX-4000? Rob Allison
  2. Hello HotRock, Congrats on your nugget finds! Everyone leaves a few nuggets behind, no one can get them all. Unfortunately I believe I know this bunch that worked the area. They seem to leave a lot of garbage and water bottles behind, but sure preach they are "Saints" on the forums! If they only knew what "we" found in that wash before they found it! I'm sure we left some behind, but nothing like what we found. P.S. Ed and his Son came over tonight to purchase some detector gear. Thanks for the referral. Rob Allison
  3. Hello Capt. Grumpy, Sorry I haven't been able to get back in touch with you. Been extremely busy lately with a few meetings. Business is doing well and Coiltek has some new stuff on the way that will blow your mind! Coiltek is selling 25-30 coils/day out of the Coiltek shop. Talk with Dennis and Ralph and no one seen any headphones .... Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  4. Hello Mike, Actually, a lot of members do use VLF's on the pushes, but they get a lot of interference from the PI's. The club will never restrict pushes to just VLF's or PI's, any detector can be used on the pushes. I've limited the searchcoil size down to 11-inch or under to help with PI interference and to keep the PI's somewhat on the same playing field as the VLF's. Everyone has a shot at finding a nice nugget on the pushes. The first two days are limited to just a 11-inch coil or under. The third day, normally Monday, you can use any size searchcoil. Take care, Rob Allison
  5. Hello Guys, Elly asked me about the new coil and why it was causing so much more interference. The Platypus Mono is not sending out any more interference than any other coil its size. Maybe Trev @ Coiltek is not telling us something about this new coil! I'm having trouble keeping this new coil in stock and heard they are selling like hotcakes in Australia. Oh, the guy complaining the most about the Platypus was the guy that found the largest gold nugget. Go figure .... Rob Allison
  6. Hello All, This coming Thursday evening the 24 Karat Gold Hunters Club will be holding it's first Board Meeting for the 2007 season. This meeting is strictly for Board Members and Club Security only. However, I'm asking any member that has a question or concern to bring it to my attention so I can address it in front of the Board Meeting. I'm going to get the next push date, some clarification on coil sizes and times they can be used, along with information about possible new push sites. Some members have mentioned that several of the push sites seem to be dead, and new ones should be considered. You can email me or PM me through the forum if you would like me to bring a question(s) to the board. The 24K Gold Hunters Club is probably the best club in the States for nuggetshooting. Last year there was over 500 gold nuggets found. This year there has been a good 50 or so gold nuggets found. Thanks in advance, Rob Allison
  7. Hello Uncle Ron, No reason to be embarrassed, the smaller ones are more challenging to find. Congrats on the new area you found. Rob Allison
  8. Hello Billy, Congrats on the nice gold nugget and space rocks. I found some pretty nice nuggets and meteorites up there over the years, but haven't been back up there in the last couple. There are a few nugget hunting spots I wouldn't mind returning back to though. I remember many .. many years ago when I got the outings off the ground with the first Quartzsite outing. It was a big blast and should have kept the outings going. Looks like Mike C. changed his post from the original one. Take care, Rob Allison
  9. Hello Grubstake, Congrats to Miner Matt for hitting a very nice nugget. You guys sure have a good spot going up there! Keep of the great nuggetshooting. Sure would love to see you get a nice one Grubby! Rob Allison
  10. Hello Bunk, Congrats on your new Gold Basin nuggets. You're really getting a hang of your new GPX-4000. Wishing you many more, Rob Allison
  11. Hello Mike, You're very welcome and thanks for the business. You're going to love that Coiltek Wallaby Mono. I've found some very nice gold with mine over the years. Keep us updated on your finds. Rob Allison
  12. Hello All, Many have been asking about solid searchcoil covers for the 11-inch Platypus Searchcoils. I finally got about a dozen or so of them in if anyone is interested in them. Price - $15 + Shipping. Contact me if you're interested in one. Email - Phone - 623-362-1459 Take care, Rob Allison
  13. Hello Montana, I know Chris complies with the Minelab rules, we both have talked about the problems over the phone many times. However, there are some dealers out there that are breaking the rules! These are the ones I have problems with. Most of the time they talk a big game, but don't last more than a season or so. I've never said anything about you being a rep for AZO. I know you share the same passion Chris and I both have for this hobby. Chris and I started out finding nuggets together, it's a shame it all had to come to a halt. There are times when I wish I could take back things I've done. There are times when I wish I could take back what I've said. There are times when I wish I could be finding nuggets with my cousin. On another note, I heard a new Minelab dealers is opening shop in Prescott Valley? Know anything about it? Take care, Rob Allison Hello impactco, Good to hear both you and Willie got home safe. I'm just glad you broke down where you did. There was plenty of traffic to help out. Congrats on keeping the skunk away at Rich Hill. It's getting much tougher to find gold nuggets at Rich Hill. Hope to see you back soon, Rob Allison
  14. Hello Guys, Reno Chris - No biggie on the confusion. I'm sure both the guys looks similar in appearance. As for the Minelab stuff, Minelab USA is watching very closely on the rep/agent deal per my conversation with someone at Minelab in Nevada. Impactco & Willie - Great meeting you both. I felt so bad when everyone was just driving past you when your radiator went down. Congrats to you both for finding a nugget/specimen. Thank you both for the business. Hope to see you both back down here soon. Dakota Slim - Any recent updated on the claims? Has Jim French had any luck? Tell him I will be back out there this weekend with a couple new GPX-4000 customers. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  15. Hello All, Business is really booming right now and I'm sure the price of gold has something to do with it. I haven't had much time to update the website -, but have revised some of the Minelab metal detector packages that are listed on top of the forums. I'm now offering a bundle package on both the Minelab SD2100v2 and SD2200v2. The GPX-4000 bundle has been updated, and you now have an option of three searchcoils to choose from. I've also just added the new "GPX-Factor" DVD set to the package. Also running a nice Jim Straight booklet bundle. You get three autographed booklets for $25 + shipping. I've already sold 25 of these bundle sets. Just wanted to update everyone. Rob Allison
  16. Hello Reno Chris, Just another note, you might want to watch what you say on the Internet about dealers under dealers. This is a violation of the Minelab Dealership Agreement. A person can't be a dealer under another dealer, but can be a rep or agent of a authorized dealer. Also, these rep or agents can't have keep inventory or receive payment. Trust me, this is a big issue right now with Minelab USA and they are closely watching this since many dealers are abusing this policy! I could have a handful of reps or agents working under me, and many have asked to do so. However, then I'm responsible for their actions and what they tell customers. If there is a problem with something, then I have to figure out what happened. Realistically, I can do the same amount of business myself, with very little advertisement as the bigger dealers with a handful of reps. On another note, I did hear about a new Minelab dealer coming to Prescott Valley and opening up a storefront location. Bunk - Great batch of nuggets you found there. The Coiltek 14-inch Mono and GPX-4000 is a great combo for smaller and larger nuggets at depth. One of my smallest nuggets was found with the 14-inch Saturday evening on one of the pushes. Talk with you all later, Rob Allison Hey Uncle Ron, Are you still a member of the 24k? Didn't see you out there this weekend? Take care, Rob Allison
  17. Hello Reno Chris, Well I knew I talked with this guy and his wife several times, and just couldn't imagine him being a Minelab dealer. I decided to contact Elly, owner of the 24 Karat Gold Hunters and found out the couple's name. The couple is David & Dawn P. They are not dealers, nor were they recently in Nevada. They have been in Stanton for some time per the converstation with Elly. The other guy you're talking about must be a spittin-image of David. Just wanted to clarify, Rob Allison
  18. Hello Ryan, I know Platinum is tough to find in placer form. Sounds like you found a nice spot, but would make sure you double check and make sure you actually have Platinum nuggets. Good luck, Rob Allison
  19. Hello Slim, Ya, I know your right, this guy is not a Minelab dealer. Him and his wife are great people though. Last year they struggled on finding gold nuggets, but found a real beauty this time! The only Minelab dealer I know named Jerry is Jerry M. from Boise, ID. I've never met Jerry, but know from customers he is a first class type of guy. Take care, Rob Allison
  20. Hello Chris, Are you sure we are talking about the same guy? I've somewhat known this guy for several years and he never mentioned he was a Minelab dealer and even asked about purchasing something from me .... I could be wrong .... Rob Allison
  21. Hello Chris, Great looking gold nuggets you found. Sure enjoy reading your posts and all the informative articles you write in the ICMJ. Hope you continue to find more gold on your next venture. Take care, Rob Allison
  22. Hello Bunk, Congrats on the gold nuggets you found. The Coiltek 14-inch Round Mono and the GPX-4000 is a great combo for small or big nuggets at depth. The Coiltek 14-inch Mono is my favorite coil, but the new Platypus Mono is right behind it. The Platypus is finding gold just as small as my Joey Mono. Glenn went out to the claims today for a few hours. He mentioned he found a lot of dozer fragments, but didn't have any luck on gold. Take care, Rob Allison
  23. Hello Guys, Actually I follow these threads pretty close, but don't post much on them. I used to spend a lot of time dredging here in Arizona. If these type of bills get passed in California, it's just a matter of time until they get passed in other states where we can dredge. Would love for Arizona to get some good rains this Winter so some of the major gold bearing drainages would run. Great to hear "The Terminator" shot down the bill! Rob Allison
  24. Hello All, Many were curious how the pushes went on the 24 Karat Gold Hunters Club this weekend. Well, I will back peddle and let you know how everything went down. Thursday evening was the first official meeting, potluck and workshops for the 2007 season. Elly opened the club meeting up then we went right into the potluck dinner, which was great eating! Later that evening the workshop began. I conducted the metal detecting workshop, Wayne "Nugget Brain" conducted the wet washing workshop & Elly conducted the gold panning workshop. All the workshops had a great turnout. There were a lot of members that renewed for the 2007 season, but there were also a lot of new faces. Friday at 4pm everyone that was interested in the "Free" gold nugget hunt. There were probably about 50 people that attended the gold nugget hunt. The only disadvantage was the nuggets were buried in a very trashy area and it was tough for beginners to find nuggets. About half the people that attended found gold nuggets. Later that evening, a handful of others were finding all the nuggets that were left behind. Some members found 4-5 gold nuggets apiece at the hunt. Saturday at 9am, the first pushes started on the Desert Special claims. There was a good turnout and several nuggets were found. The biggest nugget was 12 Dwt's, while a few DWT pieces were also found. Saturday at 1pm, the pushed opened on the Devil's Nest claims. There was a good 30-35 nuggets reported when I left Sunday afternoon. I heard a few more small ones were found that evening. Making a good educated guess, I would say about 40-45 nuggets were recovered from the claims. I tried to keep close counts on the gold nugget finds so no exaggerated figures got out there. Overall, everyone had a great time on the claims. I believe the next pushes will be in a month, but don't have any exact dates. Take care, Rob Allison