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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello All, Someone PMed me and asked about the weights. The biggest one is Picture 1 is just over 1 Dwt. The smaller one is 1/2 Dwt. Nothing giant, but it keeps the old skunk away! Actually, I haven't been skunked yet with the GPX-4000 and I've been working just old patches. Merry Christmas to all, Rob Allison
  2. Hello Tool, Thanks for the reply back. I've spent some time up in that county, more time to the South of there. However, one of my partners has hunted just about every place out there. This guy loves to hike and explore with a detector and found a lot of places way off the beaten path. Would be interesting to check out your claims. Heck, if you have a spot I will let you try my GPX-4000 over it. Well the Explorer II is great for coin/relics, but not the greatest gold detector. However, if you own the GP3500 you're not missing much! I still have my GP3500 and it a great detector. I definately can give you some pointers on the GP3500 and can let you see the GPX-4000 in person. Just shoot me over an email or phone call when you get in and organized. I'm very close to the places, maybe 20-25 minutes away. I live right off of Grand (I-60) Merry Christmas, Rob Allison
  3. Hello Tool, Are those your claims out there? Haven't spend much time up there in years. Never had much interests in the San Domingo area until my partner found several 1+ ouncers! Some good nugget hunting up in that country if you know where to search. I would like to get back to a few very mineralized areas with the new GPX-4000. If you would ever like to see how the GPX-4000 works up there let me know. Take care, Rob Allison
  4. Hello Colorado Bob, Leaverite and I was up at the Hill today. Make sure you take that skunk with you! I found a couple of nuggets today, getting harder, but they are still there. Take care, Rob Allison
  5. Hello Russ, Maybe Scottie is the better of the two detectorist? LOL .... Have a Merry Christmas, Rob Allison
  6. Hello All, I drove down from Prescott Valley this morning and decided to meet up with Leaverite and give Rich Hill a hunt. Hunted some old spots and managed to pop a couple of nuggets out with the Minelab GPX-4000 & Coiltek 14-inch Mono. I still can't praise the GPX enough. Picture 1 - Two nuggets I found today on the 24K Club Claims Picture 2 - Couple of nuggets Leaverite found during the week on the Club Claims. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas, Rob Allison
  7. Hello Jim, I first want to Thank You for the wonderful Christmas card & picture. Dawn and I both agree your Grand Daughter is a gem! Dawn read the entire card to me as we were driving up to Prescott Valley to visit some family. Jim, you have always been a special "true" friend and I will never forget you. Wishing you and your family good health and wellness over the Holiday Season. P.S. Chris and I shared some unforgetable moments during our nugget hunting ventures. Take care, Rob Allison
  8. SSSSsssHHHHHhhh ..... More than just coils getting ready to hit the market from Coiltek! Rob Allison
  9. Hello All, Well I would first like to applogize for making the mistake about Sandy. For some reason I made the mistake ... However, I have followed your threads on various forums and enjoyed them. Doug - I respect all your field testing, regardless of what I mentioned in the past. It just seemed as it was getting a bit out of control. We all know everyone has their own opinions, some still swear the SD2000 is the best gold hunting detector. There are a lot of variables when it comes to testing, and ground condition is one of them. I believe since you can run a GPX over most ground conditions now (adjusting the settings up or down) with a mono coil it makes it much better than previous models. Here is Arizona we do have mineralized ground conditions, but probably nothing like Australia to be honest. Some of the settings we can run here (maybe wide open) can't be ran there in OZ. I'm a dealer, have been for many years. I was a multi-line detector dealer for many years, now just Minelab. Even though this is considered a "Dealer based Forum" I'm all "eyes and ears" when it come to feedback or testing. P.S. JP, I deleted your post since I know now! You seem to be quiet on all this, maybe I need to check out ProspectingOZ forum to see what you have mentioned. Does anyone have the direct link to that forum? I don't have it on the new PC yet .... Wishing you all a Merry Christmas, Rob Allison
  10. Hello All, Just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Rob's Detector Sales will be closed from Satuday Dec. 23rd thru Monday Dec. 25th. Business will be up and running on Tuesday Dec. 26th. If anyone needs to contact me you can leave a message on the business line, email me or PM through the forums. This has been one awesome year for business. Thanks once again to Minelab and Coiltek, every year continues to get bigger and better! The true gold is the "adventures and friends you meet." I have had tons of great adventures into the goldfields this year and met some wonderful people. Seen some very nice nuggets found, even found a couple nice ones myself this year (over an ounce). Thanks everyone for the business, loyality & friendship. Merry Christmas, Rob Allison
  11. Hello All, I don't care about anyone's testing to be honest, I've done my own and I love the GPX-4000. The Aussie's can blow all the smoke they want, but I'm not buying any of it! First off their ground conditions are so different that their tests can be 180 degrees from what I'm getting here. I respect their opinions and testing, but I'm sold on the GPX-4000. I've been using the Minelab PI's for over 10 solid years and have yet to see anything like this detector. Yes, I sell detectors, but it's more of a passion and hobby. I don't need to sale a detector, I have a great primary income. P.S. I really enjoy Qld Sandy's posts and I don't even know him!. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas. Rob Allison
  12. Hello Studmuffin #1, Well, I know you have been out with the new toy! Tell me what you think? Don't tell me you want the Meteorite back now .... No Indian Giving! Take care, Rob Allison
  13. Hello All, Just got an update from Jim W., head of claims security that there will not be any push this coming weekend (Saturday 23rd). The following weekend (Dec. 30th) the club plans to push areas 4 & 5. I believe the club is having trouble obtaining a dozer for this weekend and also the fact it's Christmas! It might be better this way since it will open more ground for hunting the following weekend and less interference for the Minelab guys/gals. Just wanted to update all the people that had plans to hunt push 4 this coming weekend. Sorry all, Rob Allison 24K Board Member
  14. Hello AP, The SD2000 was the first Minelab Pulse Induction (PI) detector built many ... many years ago. This detector has been discontinued for a long time, but some still use it with modifications in Australia. The SD2100 was the next detector built and was a big step up from the SD2000. The next was the SD2200d, which was pretty much the same electronics as the SD2100 but had more features such as Auto Tracking, Discrimination .... Since the SD2100 & SD2200 were such good sellers for the price range, Minelab decided to keep them around. The newer versions are called the SD2100v2 and SD2200v2. I think it means "Version 2" of the original version. They changed control box color from the Army Green to the Blue and some other minor changes. The SD's with a regulated battery system like the Coiltek Pocket Rocket Li-Ion System will help increase performance and stability. The GP series, GP Extreme, GP3000, GP3500 and the lastest GPX-4000 are much more sensitive to smaller gold and smaller gold at depth. I also believe the GP3500 and expecially the GPX-4000 are getting more depth over the SD and ealier GP series. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  15. Hello Chuck, I don't receive the Lost Treasure Magazine anymore, but would love to see the article. Chris has always been a great writer, so I'm sure it's a great field report. If anyone can copy the test to the forum or such it would be appreciated. Take care, Rob Allison
  16. Hello Iggy, I live by two major things; besides all the other stuff. (1) The GOLDEN RULE - Do unto others as you would have others do until you! (2) Do at least one good deed per day, regards of the size. Today I was working down an old alley in Glendale and seen a homeless person picking cans, metal and other stuff out of people's trash cans. I had a $75 Walmart gift certificate and decided I was going to give it away. I told the person that they had to use it on clothing, shoes or food. The person was tickled pink and could not believe what I done. Just seeing the person's ear to ear smile was worth a million dollars. Take care, Rob Allison
  17. Hello Iggy, Talked with Jim last night on the phone. The nuggets didn't come off any pushes, that's all I can say since the person is working a small area and hasn't found much in the past. I'm sure some nice nuggets will be found in push 4 this coming weekend! Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  18. Hello John, You don't want to get carried away and go too big for that terrain. I've found some very nice gold with smaller coils working around all the boulders and brush also. A good prospecting sized coil for Arizona is in the range of 14-16-inches. I personally have both the Coiltek 14-inch Round Mono and the NF 16-inch SL Mono. My all time favorite is the Coiltek 14-inch. Found many ... many pounds with just this coil alone! The reason I love Coiltek is the fact they build the most reliable searchcoils and are back by the best in the business. John Gladdis is an absolute Mastermind when it comes to coil design. Some new stuff is right around the corner, but ..... I can't forget Doc, without him Coiltek USA would never have been so successful. This is the reason I stuck with Coiltek the entire time and back them 110%. P.S. Regardless of the manufacture, you have to get over the metal! Take care, Rob Allison
  19. Hello Guys, I pretty much heard the same thing, but didn't want to announce anything before I knew the facts. The detector was found by a Coiltek customer that recently purchased a Minelab GPX-4000. I heard the coil was a Coiltek, but first heard it was a round 24-round. I guess it was a Coiltek 12x24 Elliptical Mono UFO! Minelab and Coiltek do it again. Hoping to get some more information from John Gladdis or Doc here soon. One hell of a find. Rob Allison
  20. Hello arahi666, Must be nice to hit 90 ounces here, 30 ounces there .... Hehe.. Over here, most of the weekend warriors are finding a 12-24 ounces/year on the average. I have done better, but have done worse also. It all comes down to pounding the dirt, a lot of research, walking and swinging. It's all a numbers game, the more you do it, the better chances you have. The IRS had no clue how much gold has been found. Some of the big hits and discoveries were highgraded before anyone knew what really was found. Take care mate, Rob Allison
  21. Prospector digs up a big nugget By 7News A prospector has given himself the ideal Christmas present after trying his new metal detector out for the first time, just outside Maryborough. He has found a giant gold nugget. John Gladdis has spent a life on the hunt and was left speechless when his old friend produced a 21cm, 3.5kg nugget at his store. "He walked out the back and he was shaking and handed me the tea towel and I unwrapped it and I think I shook as much as what he did," Mr Gladdis said. The Ballarat prospector, who wants to remain anonymous, was testing out his new metal detector when he made the lucky strike. "He got a signal and just kept digging down and got down to about the three feet mark and saw the gold sticking up and thought this is going to be a nice little piece of gold and it got bigger the further he dug," Mr Gladdis added. The nugget is valued at up to $200,000 but surprisingly that's not expected tp be enough to make the retired train driver part with his find.
  22. Hello Steve, I want to wish you, Kitty and Ruf a Merry Christmas. Thanks for all the business and hope your nugget hunting success continues. However, I can't take Kitty always telling me she has the biggest nuggets! Take care, Rob Allison
  23. Hello Iggy, Well, Coiltek don't make a 16-inch round. Coiltek makes a 11-inch, 14-inch, 18-inch and 24-inch round. NF makes the 16-inch round. Both coils, the Coiltek 14-inch and NF 16-inch are great coils. If you're looking for a NF 16-inch SL Round Mono I have one for sale! Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  24. Hello Apdp, The Minelab Explorer II is one, if not the best coin/relic hunter available. However, the detector wasn't designed to run in very mineralized areas or find small gold nuggets. You will find larger gold nuggets, but using this detector for nuggethunting could be a big waist of time. You will be missing more gold than you find in all honestly. I would strongly suggest a good VLF gold detector as the minimum. If you can afford it, I would look into the Minelab PI (Pulse Induction) Metal Detector such as the SD or GP series. Thanks for joining the forums and hope to hear back from you. Rob Allison
  25. Hello Ruff & Tuff, Like Grubstake stated, Coiltek makes several completely waterproof searchcoils for the Minelab SD/GP series. The Coiltek 11-inch Elliptical Platypus DD PRO is one of the hottest sellers right now. Coiltek also has the Mini UFO (10x17) and the UFO (12x24) and they are both Mono and waterproof. If you have any questions on these coils you can call, email me - or reply back here on the forums or a PM. I'm sure you have seen some of the earlier reports of Grubstake and his Coiltek Platypus coil. Not sure how many ounces he has found with that coil now. Take care, Rob Allison