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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hey BJretired, Congrats on the successful trip to OZ. Post a picture of the 18 gram specie if you get a chance. I would love to list Australia some day before all the gold is gone ..... LOL
  2. Hey Guys, I have a couple of like new, demo Minelab SDC 2300 Detectors I would like to move before the end of the year. One was a recent trade-in, other was a unit I personally owned and was used for training and shows. Both are in great condition and come with all stock accessories. I'm willing to ship anywhere in the US for $2900.00 each. This is almost $1000 less than new. I will also offer a lifetime of support and they still have 2+ years of warranty on them. This is a great bargain for an SDC 2300, as they are super deadly on small gold and are a Pulse Induction, which have excellent mineral immunity. These units are also 100% waterproof. Call us right away at - 623-362-1459 if you're interested. I'm going to toss them on Facebook and Ebay within a day or so if they don't sell.
  3. Hey Guys, I have a couple of like new, demo Minelab SDC 2300 Detectors I would like to move before the end of the year. One was a recent trade-in, other was a unit I personally owned and was used for training and shows. Both are in great condition and come with all stock accessories. I'm willing to ship anywhere in the US for $2900.00 each. This is almost $1000 less than new. I will also offer a lifetime of support and they still have 2+ years of warranty on them. This is a great bargain for an SDC 2300, as they are super deadly on small gold and are a Pulse Induction, which have excellent mineral immunity. These units are also 100% waterproof. Call us right away at - 623-362-1459 if you're interested. I'm going to toss them on Facebook and Ebay within a day or so if they don't sell.
  4. Hey Tom, Thanks for sharing. A good Macro camera is nice to have. I used to have a real nice scanner, but they don't seem to be like they used to. I just updated to the Iphone X, which you would think for a $1200 phone they would have a macro lens for them. The video feature on them can take 4K videos, which is nice.
  5. Hey Tom, Those macro lens are sure great. What camera are you using? Congrats on the little guys, they all add up and count. Wishing you more success on your next hunt.
  6. Hello All, Just wanted to drop a quick note and wish everyone here on the forums a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Hope you all have a great Christmas tomorrow and a very successful 2018 season. We here at Rob's Detectors appreciate all your business, friendship and forum posts. Merry Christmas to All. God Bless you!
  7. Hello All, Yesterday I met up with a friend to prospect some ground together. We both were using the Minelab GPZ 7000's and ended up scoring 25 Grams of nuggets between us. I hit a real nice 9+ Grammer at depth right at the end of the day. We found a total of 14 gold nuggets (3 not pictured). Great day working an old patch that hasn't seen many Minelab GPZ 7000's. We have plans to hit some other patches together with the GPZ's in hopes of deeper gold. The GPZ 7000 is just a beast when it comes to deep gold, regardless of size for the most part. This ground has been hammered by VLF's and PI technology for the past 20 years. Pictured below are the cleaned nuggets in a gold pan -
  8. Hey Walker, Great looking nuggets and Thanks for sharing with us. Always great to see a nice batch of gold nuggets.
  9. Hey Fish, The first clue is probably getting close (starting out) to known gold areas or placers. From there, branch out chasing the geology, vein systems, rock types and anything else associated with where gold was found prior. That being said, some of the best places I have found over the years were not the "typical textbook" locations most would be searching for. Second thing, get out there and start searching. This can includes hundreds of hours exploring and detecting without a single piece of gold.
  10. Hey Rod, Thanks for sharing some of your GPZ finds and comments about the GPZ's performance. It's a great machine, but like you mentioned it's heavy and can wear someone out without the use of a good bungee or the Pro-Swing 45 that comes with it.
  11. Hello All, Here is a great video on Metal Detecting in Australia. I think I might have posted it before, but it's a great video to watch if you enjoy metal detecting for gold nuggets.
  12. Hey Jen, I think the rate of return for the clubs. Even though the pushes could be pushes, re-pushed, the gold at some point starts to slow down. Like Dakota also mentioned, the wear and tear to push boulders at Rich Hill, then the rental fee and fuel wasn't cheap. All these clubs after a few years seems to disappear. To be real successful pushing, you would almost have to own endless amounts of good placer gold to make it work for a club.
  13. Hello All, We all know that it only takes one nice, big nugget to start a small modern day metal detecting gold rush. I'm sure the prospectors in Arizona remember the famous Stanton, Arizona "Tongue Nugget." This piece was around 28 ounces, not by far the biggest found, but sure started a gold rush down South of Stanton, Arizona. Other nuggets like the recent California "Butte Nugget" have re-sparked interest in metal detecting the California placers. There still are a lot of big nuggets being found, some being shown, others kept secret. Another place up at Rich Hill was the 24 Karat Gold club. This club would perform pushes with a large dozer in known gold patches. Hundreds of nuggets would be found after each push, and nuggets continued to be found in old pushes for years after as detector technology got better. Here are some of the nuggets I have recovered from some of the 24K pushes years ago - Pictured above is appox. 6 ounces of nice placer gold found by the webmaster using various Minelab metal detectors. It's still out there ....
  14. Hey Andy, This might be the next great outing if we do it right. Not rushing into it is the key. We can just do another typical outing with 30-40 guys, but we want to really do something a bit more exciting and get in the range of 100-200 people. To make this happen, it takes a lot of planning, the right location, the right people involved and hopefully the right weather!
  15. Hey Jen, They are from Mexico. I have some great friends working down for the last 10 years. They have access to some of the best ground in Sonora, which is all private. Most were found with the GPZ's, but some of the stuff is being found with the GPX series. These guys down there know the GPZ is much more powerful for depth and even better for higher mineralization.
  16. Hello All, Here are some 1+ ounce gold nuggets a friend of mine just got. He said they are for sale, but only if you purchase them all at one time. He's asking $5500.00 for all of them. Here are the weights of each piece - 33.5 Grams, 46.1 Grams & 59.6 Grams. He said he will take offers, but pretty firm on the price.
  17. Hey Jen, That is what happens when you're burned out, working too much and it's like 10pm and you jump on the forums to write a quick post.
  18. Hey Jpuisis, No solid date as of yet. I'm working with another individual to potentially have a much larger outing if all works out.
  19. Hey Dakota Slim, I'm not sure if they are still there anymore or not. That was awhile back when I seen a few listed as New and Used.
  20. Hey Jen, Thanks for the comments. We just got another large bath of Pro-Find 35's along with some more Pro-Find 15's.
  21. Hey Guys, I can't say too much more about it, as it's been investigated now. I can only hope that a potential buyer would check the serial number before the purchase. As long as they do this, it will be very difficult to sell without a warranty. Minelab will never warranty this detector, nor will they ever repair it since it' stolen. All I can ask of you guys/gals is to help patrol Ebay, Craig's List, Facebook, Various Forum, Backpage, Offerup and other sites to see if the guy try to list it again. Thanks for all the help so far.
  22. Hey Walker, Nope they didn't. I seen them on Amazon and such for $60-80 bucks.
  23. Hey Adam, You got that right. I enjoy getting out and hiking, detecting and making peace with the Lord. The gold is just a bonus in my book. I believe I found my share of gold over the years and met some great people in the process. I also lost a few friends over gold, as I believe it can bring the best or worst out of people.
  24. Hey Mike, The one he wrote with Chris and 2 others is great. That book is more about the History of Rich Hill. The book that Erik wrote is much more detailed on the placer and hardrock, Geology and tracking the placer gold to the known Rich Hill Lodes. Tons of color pictures of gold and maps. It's worth every penny in my opinion if you plan to hunt around Rich Hill. This is the older book, now out of print you're talking about Mike. I still have several copies, but they are not for sale! You might get lucky and find a copy on Ebay, Amazon or rare book site.