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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hey Guys, As many prospectors that have hammered the known Northern Nevada goldfields, it's amazing this kind of gold is still being found.
  2. Hey Jen, I have a pretty busy schedule this week coming up. Are you down in the Valley, or still kind of up North?
  3. Hey Rockpile, I personally have not had any issues on wet ground with the GPZ. Maybe some other could chime in with their experience.
  4. Hello All, I had a customer pick up a Minelab GPZ 7000 around early Sept of this year and this is what he has found with it so far in Northern Nevada. Some of the pieces have also been found with the SDC 2300 that he had prior to the GPZ. Congrats to him and his recent success!
  5. Hey Tom, No solid plans, as it's not really worth much. I could sell it on Ebay for like $2-3 per pound. However, at that rate I would probably spend more time in labor getting the pyrite.
  6. Hello All, Many have asked us if we take gold in for trade. The answer is YES, if the gold is at least small gold nuggets and clean looking gold. If you have any questions, contact us and we can discuss gold trade-ins for products. We also have been selling small qualities of gold, along with buying. If you have some nice gold you want to sell, or even buy, contact us also. We buy at or near current spot value for small gold nuggets to larger pieces. Below is a batch of California Gold, small to larger nuggets, 47.5 Grams. This batch is now available for sale.
  7. Hey Guys, They are from the Southern Desert region of the West, if that helps ....... Since they are not my finds, I have to respect the owners request. We at least get to see some different nuggets and the fact guys/gals are out finding them.
  8. Hey Cowkiller Andy, I'm thinking the best spot for that 19" GPZ coil is on an old nugget patch that has some depth, and all surface junk removed. I have a few spots in mind, just haven't been able to break away and at the same point, be in the right mindset. I think when you're using a big coil and really trying to concentrate, you have to be in the right mind frame to really concentrate on faint whispers.
  9. Hey Cowkiller, Well all the nuggets you found with the GPZ, now you bought property and building a new home! I'm sure you will get back into a GPZ at some point, but understand your position.
  10. Hey Tortuga, Ya, it was interesting to find. I guess it's something you don't see laying around detecting all the time, at least that size. I've never personally see a pryrite pocket that big, as I have probably now 200 pounds of pyrite.
  11. Hey Rockpile, I have to agree, I didn't realize I left that much gold behind at depth with my GPX 5000 and prior detectors. I was a bit "concerned" about the real performance of the GPZ 7000, but it didn't take long to prove out to be a great detector, especially for depth and very crystalline or specimen gold. I wish it was a few pounds lighter and a bit more ergonomic, but I guess you can't have everything! Congrats on your recent success with your Minelab GPZ 7000. Wishing you many more nuggets under the searchcoil.
  12. Hey Border Boy, Haven't heard from you in awhile. Hope you're still out chasing the gold.
  13. Hello All, Just a FYI, if anyone is looking for a great DD coil, this coil has the recent buzz for sure. Many of the manufactures got away from DD's, which many customer that work high mineralization or that want to use some discrimination still needed. Detech just released the new 15" Spiral DD Searchcoil which has been a good hit. Customer have been impressed with the results, such as smoothness, depth and even sensitivity for a large DD on a Minelab Pulse Induction metal detector. Below is some more information on this new coil, which we also sell on our online store -
  14. Hey Andy, I have sold a bunch of Gold Monster's since the release and they are still selling very well. I haven't had one customer complain about the coil issues. I have seen it on the other forums, but no complaints have came back to me about this issue, at least yet. As for my GM 1000, I'm not having any issues either. I have the coil cable fastened real nice to the shaft, so there is minimal movement from the cable.
  15. Hey Guys, Just a FYI, this unit sold a bit ago. I guess I just forgot to inform everyone. The customer is tickled and it works great and he's out finding gold.
  16. Hey Tom, Great looking gold for the trip. Those little washes are sure fun to hunt when they contain gold. I'm 99.9 positive that is Tom in the hat Mike! However, there are two Tom's.
  17. Hey Guys, As far as the Gold Monster 1000, Yes I have found some gold with it. It's all been small stuff, as I have been just working exposed bedrock. I haven't even tried the larger coil yet, just been using the small round for dink hunting and trying to see it's capability on small gold. At first I was thinking the GB2 had it really beat, then realized when I crank of the sensitivity a bit it's right at the same level so far and much better on mineralization. I tested it a few weeks ago on some VMS bedrock and it purred across it. I remember hunting this with the GB2 and could't keep it quiet. As for the Pyrite boulder, I just took what I could for now. I know where it is and I doubt anyone will find it. It's keep within a canyon, so go find it if you want it ..... LOL I chipped 70% of the massive, solid pocket out.
  18. Hey Cowkiller, That is pretty impressive. I have been thinking about using the coil, but it's so freaking heavy. I'm scared I might hear a deep whisper and have to dig it!
  19. Hello All, I was out poking around with the Minelab Gold Monster during the week and stumbled onto this huge, Iron Pyrite boulder. As you can see in the picture, I have my Minelab Gold Monster 1000 sitting on top of the rock. You can also see where I chipped away nearly 100 lbs of the pure Iron Pyrite crystals. It was a struggle to carry all these crystals in the backpack and out of a large ravine, but I got it done. Just thought you would like to see.
  20. Hey Tom, Ya, that was a mistake on my part. I meant 2018 in January.
  21. Hey Chuck, I still have the unit, about a dozen customers very interested, but no one has pulled the trigger. Probably a bit too warm still for most. I'm going to reduce it down to $6800.00 with shipping with the US as the last and final price. This is a great deal, pretty much down to the Military Discount, plus I'm willing to train the customer that purchases it.
  22. Hey Guys, We just might plan on January 2018. I'm working with another person, so we are trying to get it all coordinated so we can place a date out there for everyone to plan for.
  23. Hey Cowkiller, Do you happen to have the sliced picture of the specimen? Also, are you selling the GPZ 7000? I seen you had a GPZ and a SDC for sale on the classifieds. Congrats on your recent success!
  24. Hello All, I'm willing to make someone a great deal on a new Minelab GPZ 7000 metal detector. This is a new unit that I received directly from Minelab Americas that showed up damaged in a larger batch of detectors. We have checked everything out, no damage to anything within the box. Since the box is slightly damaged on the outside, we can't ship this as a new unit. We are going to lower the price of this unit only to $7000 shipped in the US. The normal price of a GPZ 7000 metal detector is $8000 + Shipping. Serial # 62464568753 The unit will ship with full insurance value Fedex Home Delivery or USPS. Contact us ASAP if you're interested. We don't expect to have this new unit around very long for this price.