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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Great info Doc. I'm not sure the color will be a big issue, but the protection is. I can live with a Black cover knowing I'm not wearing a small hole in a $500+ dollar searchcoil. It only takes a small pin sized hole to allow moisture to enter and the coil is a done deal. Once moisture enters a coil, for the most part they get crazy noisy! Look forward to having the coil covers in stock and protecting my $10,000 investment.
  2. Pictures, video, what the deal Doc. We don't have time to wait, post that gold!!!! Haha .....
  3. Hey Guys, I don't want to speak for Doc, but I will have these coils covers within a day or so. I'm not 100% sure, but I think John is making them exclusively for Doc and they will be Black In color, just like the pictures show.
  4. Hey Guys, I just ordered 10 of the heavy duty coil covers. I will have them in stock within a few days.
  5. Hey Guys, I can tell you that I have seen the prototype of "Doc's" SDC covers" and they look good. Not sure the exact date I will have a supply of them, but it sounds like soon. Once I have more solid info on when they will be available, Doc or I will post something. Tortuga - keep us updated on the GPZ cover if you would.
  6. Great looking nugget. Thanks for sharing and we all wish you many more!!
  7. Hey Guys, Since we are also talking about bees, one of my metal detecting mentors (Richard Doherty) used to swear by mace spray. I asked him one time, what's the deal with mace rather than carrying a small firearm? He explained that the worst encounter in the desert was going to be BEES! I really didn't understand until I ran into a few hives in the Bradshaw's that were in the rock walls, some even in the ground that you could step on and disturb. He swore that if you got into a jam with bees, a mace spray with a wide spray burst would save your ass, give you enough time to get far enough away without getting stung to death. He swore by this, said he even used it several of times and it worked better than anything else. Personally, I never tried it, but if Richard said it worked, I'm a believer. Heck, he said if you "believed the gold was there, it would be!" Damn, the guy was amazing and I sure miss him and his way of teaching others.
  8. Hey Guys, Great info on bees. I actually love them, I think they are a major contributor to our Ecosystem. They are more than a flying insect that produces Honey. That being said, I have a funny story for you. Years ago I was hunting the side of Rich Hill with a buddy. We were both hunting the same side of this huge ravine. I happen to hear this strange noise, removed my headphones and seen this huge black cloud (swarm of bees) heading right towards me. I took off running, dragging the SD metal detector behind me. At one point I tossed the detector down, looked back and they were almost right on top of me. I was screaming down the hills, as my friend wasn't too far out front. I ran right by him, as he couldn't hear me yelling, nor the swarm with his headphones on. As I looked back a second time, he was lying flat on the ground and a gust of wind popped up and pushed the swarm in a different direction. It was freaking crazy, there was lonely bees for hours flying around, but the main swarm was gone. We still talk about that day everyone so often when the subject of bees some up.
  9. Thanks everyone for the prayers. Please keep them coming, sounds like he might have a long road in front of him. No solid updates as of yet, but I will keep you all updated on what is going on. God Bless you All.
  10. Hello All, One of my Uncle's, Parmesh is a retired Eastern Indian Doctor. Recently we got some tragic news that he had a massive stroke on the front, right lobe of the brain. At this point they are uncertain of the damage, but the MRI and CAT Scan does show a huge stroke and damage to the brain. They said he might of also suffered a small Heart Attack as the Heart Enzymes were slightly elevated. My Uncle Parmesh has always been very supportive of me, wishing I would have been a Medical Doctor since I'm a Cancer Survivor. Well that never happened, but he's been there, supported, helped in College and other stuff. Always been a great Uncle. I'm asking for prayers for him if you would. I'm a huge believer in Power of Prayer, so hopefully the more prayers the LORD will listen to us and help with a strength, wellness and speedy recovery. Thanks in advance!
  11. Hey Tortuga, Ya, they were expensive, but the craftsmanship and quality of the SDC covers from Alan in Australia were the best I have ever seen. Sure would like to have another hundred of them, I have guys asking for them all the time. Be interesting to see the quality of the GPZ 7000 ones from Thesaurus, as there are mixed reviews from the Ebay Feedback. Most seem to be positive, a few negatives one that could be "haters."
  12. Hey Chuck, I think the trend is lightweight and waterproof. If Minelab could get a GPZ or even a GPX unit into a lightweight housing that is waterproof, I'm not sure anyone would ever outperform them. The price is always a big thing, but if you want top of the line technology, you're going to pay for it. No question Minelab Electronics is state of the art, top of the line technology for metal detecting for gold nuggets, coins, relics and treasures.
  13. Hey Doc, I think I would run a good hundred of them, I think I could move at least 20 of them quickly. I have had calls and emails about them, been referring guys to "Thesaurus Detecting" on Ebay for now. That being said, I heard it's taking about a month to receive them, a few negative comments on Ebay Feedback to him, but they were mostly on how long it took. "Thesaurus Detecting" clearly states on his ad it could take 2-4 weeks to receive, so I hate when guys leave crappy feedback knowing the buyer clearly stated the manufacture and ship time. Have a great weekend everyone!!
  14. Hey Chuck, Well I ended up buying the GPZ 7000. Even for a dealer, it's not cheap and I had to really think about the purchase. Heck, at the time I had several used PI's, the GPX 5000 and the SDC 2300. Just those units was a good 10K worth. I'm super impressed with the GPZ, so it makes me wonder what the heck it next ..... ?
  15. Hey Guys, Mike F. - I'm using AZO's Camo Box Cover right now for protection. I think it's working for the time being. Not the greatest fit, but sure keeps the scratches from the bottom. I did purchase a cheap screen cover for the GPZ 7000 when I first got it off Ebay and it works. I thought the CTX screen cover might work, but it's too small and I had to cut it to get it to cover and it didn't fit right. Tortuga - Lets us know how the "Thesaurus Detecting" cover works out and quality. Jasong - Thanks for the comments on the forum. Great to have you here. I have some coil covers on the way and maybe some batteries. Looks like the Wireless modules WM12's are still on backorder. I'm not sure how much of each item I will let yet, as others are trying to get some also. just a FYI.
  16. Hello All, Just to clarify there are a few guys out there making covers for the GPZ, but they are expensive and most of them in UK or out of the country. I believe Doc with Doc's Detecting, long time friend is working on this project and will have something available for the GPZ and SDC within the next month. I will have a large stock from Doc at that time and ready to ship. Right now I'm using a camo control box cover for the GPX series on my GPZ and it's working well. It's not a perfect fit, but does protect the bottom of the GPZ box until something official comes out. I think Thesaurus Detecting on Ebay has a cover for anyone looking right now for one. I don't know the craftsmanship of them, but I have heard many have ordered and they are being shipped from the UK.
  17. Hey Guys, I think this is the guy correct? Great videos -
  18. Hey Guys, I can tell you Minelab is listening. I agree, I think anyone that is capable of buying one will do. The unit is amazing, never thought it would have the performance and depth ability that it does. I haven't heard anyone question the ability to balance out mineralization, find tiny, mid and large gold at extreme depths (some cases more than 40%). If I know Minelab Americas, they are working hard to get any issues resolved. If there is anyway I can help, I'm always willing to help as much as possible (customer of mine or not). Hoping to have some more hours on mine this weekend on some new country. Not sure if there is a single speck of gold, but after this weekend I will know whether to return or not.
  19. Hello All, I have added a new Metal Detecting DVD to the store, Mike Bowers Metal Detecting. It's a great DVD for anyone that enjoys metal detecting for gold. Here is the listing on my online store and a short Youtube clip of the DVD below - We have plenty in stock and a bunch of books and other items hitting the store over the next few weeks. Call or email us if you don't see something listed, we could have it here in the warehouse. Thanks!
  20. Hey Chuck, I wish I knew more. I have the brochures on the Makro Racer, but not the Gold Racer yet. I think they will be similar, some say the Racer will be better. I can't honestly say, I haven't used either personally yet. Mike - Sounds good. Tell Chris I will go easy on his patches with the GPZ!
  21. Hey Guys, Here are some of my thoughts about the product and Manufacture. No questions in my mind they are the best detectors in the World for the ability to find small gold, mid and large gold at depth in just about every type of mineralization on the Earth. I couldn't imagine going back to a VLF to even just hunt bedrock (too much hot bedrock out there). I'm confident I can find just as much, if not, more gold on the same ground with a SDC 2300 then an VLF or user. The new product is superior, but heavy. All my customers are more than satisfied with the performance, but do question the accessories and warranty of products that are not in stock right now. I have heard some reports of batteries, wireless remotes and screen blanking out, but customers having to wait to get replacements. I couldn't honestly answer why this is the case, probably the fact they are trying to get units out first, then accessories. I would hate to be one that invested 10k and had to wait for a replacement part and couldn't use my detector. I think the product sold better than expected for a 10K metal detector. Most thought they wouldn't sell, but I couldn't keep them in stock at first, now there is a shortage until the end of May on them. I still have a few units in stock, which is nice. For anyone having a battery issue, I still have some CTX/GPZ smaller batteries that last around 4 hours. I have one myself and it works great. I carry the larger and the small one when I'm detecting around. For the most part, these two batteries will cover a weekend hunting for me.
  22. Hey Guys, Mike - Well said, I never feel Chris is my competition, as we have talked about this before. We offer like, but different services. With dealers like Chris and I, we offer different packages and support to the end users, benefiting them more. Sometime when it cools off, Chris, You and I should plan a hunt somewhere for a few days. Grubstake - Ya, it was great. Sure makes me wish I lived up in your country and knew the people you do for permission. I think there is a lot of gold up there to be found, but like anywhere it takes research, permission and a bit of luck.
  23. Hey Guys, Thanks for the comments. Would like to hear from others. I have a few customers that purchased the units from me right out of the gate, which has been at least a few months now. Several of them have wore through the coil covers already, now using duct tape and other stuff to help protect the high dollar coil. They are not happy campers knowing every day they have to mess around with tape and other stuff to protect the coil as there is no covers yet available. I would think at a bare minimum, coil covers, batteries and chargers would be ready to purchase the same date the unit was released.
  24. Hey Guys, We all know what I'm talking about, hopefully ..... What puzzles me the most is when a manufacture brings out a high dollar metal detector, but don't have any accessory items or protection for it. If you purchased a $40,000 vehicle and they told you it wouldn't come with any underguard protection or a front grill, just be careful and hopefully you don't scratch up the bottom or have too many items fly into the radiator, what would be your thoughts .... You can purchase a $XXXX detector, but you can't protect it, can't get replaceable coil covers, can't get a replacement battery or charger if needed. I love the product, the best in the WORLD in my opinion, but what is wrong with this picture? Curious on your thoughts.
  25. Hey Guys, Some great information on the Fors Gold and about friendship and hunting. I haven't used the FORS Gold, but sure sounds like it's one of the better VLF's on the market now. I know AZO is selling them, so recommend them for anyone searching for the FORS Gold detectors. ahorton10 - You're welcome. I'm always willing to help where I can. Like Grubstake mentioned, when it comes to areas, everyone wants to come where gold is being found. I think that is normal, we all get excited to find gold. Grubstake - I still rank the trip up there with you one of my best adventures. I don't get away much, but those spots were very interesting and I was fortunately to have someone like you guide us right onto the gold. Dennis and I still talk about that trip, not sure we will ever top the fun we had. I still think about the Pizza shop we went to! Thanks once again, sure wish we could all do it again while we all are in somewhat decent health. Chuck - I have turned away a lot of business over the years, not being the salesperson. I have undersold a lot of detectors and discouraged people to purchase certain high dollar items once I heard what they are doing. I really try hard to give the best advice for what it's worth. I'm not sure if there is Karma or just good will, but believe my honesty and willingness to help has paid off in gold over the years. I have found some nice patches and finds, most of the time I just look up and thank the great LORD for allowing me to do what I love. Without him, none of this would be possible.