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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello All, I have had Ray Mills books for awhile, just haven't had time to get them on the forums or my store. They are now available for sale, you can click on this link to direct you to the page - Price is $29.95 Here is a brief outline of what you will find in this 218 page book packed with great info. A basic outline of the books is below - Detecting and Prospecting for Gold: Are you up for it?Do Your HomeworkYou have done your HomeworkMaking the right connection from research to the groundBedrockOld diggings and pocketsGround Sluice sitesTips on detecting hydraulic areasAncient channels and gold in Trinity CountyA day trip with some friendsBeautiful California quartz and goldDry washing, but not in the desertSniping for gold, what is it to you?Carry a straw in your packA Nevada hunt with friendsWhat do I look for?You may have a place like thisThe Gold Bug ProFrom the AuthorGlossaryA lot of information has been gathered from Ray from the online forums, where he has shared years worth of valuable information to the public. A must have if you want to learn as much as possible about gold mining, gold prospecting and metal detecting for gold nuggets.
  2. Hey Dan, We have new ones, which include the coil skidplate and hardware (which are not normally included). You can see them here -
  3. Hello All, I seen this post over on Steve Herschbach's forum - Detector Prospector @ I highly recommend this forum and any advice Steve shares with us. I have copied the pictures here, courtesy of his site - Detector Prospector.
  4. Hey Guys, Goldstudmuffin - Larry was a great guy to know. The small amount of time I was around him, I could tell he was a great guy. No question he loved your company metal detecting, I could tell when I mentioned your name to him. Jim Straight - The Nuggetshooter's Bible, 7th edition has been a long time, great seller. They still sell very well, I have them on Ebay, my store and always at the shows. The Minelab timeline was a great video. Lets you go back and see the old detectors and when they were released.
  5. Rob's Detector Sales was honored with the 2014 Customer Care Champion Honorable Mention award. This is 4 years running where Rob's Detector Sales has won some award for our outstanding customer service from Minelab Americas. 2011-12 we won this same award. 2013 we won the Customer Care Champion Award 2014 we won the Honorable Mention again. It was a tough year for awards. Many of the dealers that normally get awards didn't, most going to Australia dealers this year at the Minelab Conference in New Orleans. We are honored to be part of the Minelab team, a Managed Partner and will continue to provide the absolute best customer service possible. We encourage all feedback whether that is from a phone conversation, a purchase from us or even what you thought about your training session. We can only continue to get better if customers allow us to know what we are doing right and what they believe we need to do better. Looking forward to a great 2015 year. We would love to earn your business and promise to support you to the fullest.
  6. Hello All, I had an idea some time back when this new unit was being talked about. I talked with another Minelab dealer about setting up a date where anyone interested in seeing the new Minelab GPZ 7000 in person could come out. We could also try to set up some type of testing area where we could try to determine the depth ability of this unit vs. any other unit out there if customers wanted to see something like that. We could compare the sensitivity and other features also. It would be more of some testing and were customers could come out and see the unit operate first hand. No other dealer is offering such a thing right now, so I figured it could be a great opportunity for customers wanting to purchase or just really curious about it. I or we would provide the ground (mineral claims) for testing, all testing devices and detectors if needed. Customer could bring along their stuff to see how it compares to this unit. We would have to consider a location where the EMI is minimal and large enough to support a group of people. Just looking for suggestions right now. This could be something I or in combination of another dealer that I chatted with do here in the very near future. The location would be in Central Arizona. At this time the location wouldn't support everyone metal detecting after the demo, but that is something we might be able to support for a small fee. Please feel free to post any opinions, good or bad on how something like this could help.
  7. Customers score nuggets at Training Season Hello All, Today my partner and I trained 4 customers that purchased metal detectors from us recently. Some traveled from as far as Oregon to get their instructions. All customers scored at least a nugget on the training season. We had two SDC customers, one GPX 5000 customer and one Fisher Gold Bug Pro customer. Chris from the Tucson area scored a Gram+ "Black" nugget, which are not real common along with a small solid gold nugget. Dean with his GPX 5000 scored 3 small nuggets using the stock 11-inch coil. Ace and his wife scored a small one with the GB Pro. Dan and his wife scored one within a few minutes of setting foot on the soil after instructions. I managed to snag two dinks playing around for about 30 minutes among the customers, trying to spot faint targets for them. Great day and the weather was perfect here in Arizona. We appreciate all your business. Save travels home to all of you and wishing you many more nuggets to boot. Some pictures below of the customers and gold they found. Like we have for 16 years now, we offer a full day of field training with most gold nugget detector purchases from us. I haven't had a customer yet say the training wasn't worth it, making them really understand their unit and get to see and practice some good techniques of metal detecting before they are off on their own. We also do instructions for $300 per day for anyone that might have purchased from another dealer or online retailer that didn't provide any training for them. P.S. We also encourage any feedback from training. We can only provide the best training if customers continue to let us know what we are doing right or wrong.
  8. Hey John, Going to be interesting to say the least. Minelab claims it has sensitivity like the SDC 2300, depth better than the GPZ 7000, can work on more mineralized ground and potentially quieter on EMI. We will see. That being said, a partner and I trained 4 more Minelab customers this weekend that purchased from us. All of them found at least one nugget to take home from training. Thanks you all for your business!!
  9. Hello All, Something else I wanted to add, there will be a 11-inch and 20-inch available at some point. Trying to get solid info on when the searchcoils and accessories will be available. I also heard rumors (just rumors) that Coiltek Manufacturing in Australia could be working on some other searchcoils for this unit.
  10. Hey Guys, I started in the early 90's with Minelab technology, believe around 92-93ish. I purchased a used American Gold Striker, then not too long later I purchased the XT17000 and found my first big nugget at that time (1/3 ounce) with the small, 6-inch DD coil. The nugget/specimen was right on the surface and caused me to unleash a large yell ... There was one other guy there, my cousin, if he tells you I shot my gun off too, it might be true (hell, I was excited, what can I say).
  11. Hey Guys, I think the big question most are asking is "Can the GPZ 7000 really go deeper if I already hit many of my patches with a GP or GPX with a large Round Mono coils." An example would be a GPX 5000 with a NF 25-inch Mono. Many are not convinced this unit will do better than that combo on large gold nuggets, so it will be interesting to see what people start to find once the units are official out there and being used. Speaking from experience and past history talking with customers buying new detectors, they will hit their best patches right away, meaning the guys that post on the forums should have some interesting opinions of the new GPZ 7000 pretty fast. Depending on those opinions and who gives them, a second wave of sales will happen or not happen ..... Like I said, Interesting times with the new GPZ 7000.
  12. Hello All, If I had to tell you the unit wasn't finding deeper gold, I would be lying. I can't say much more yet ..... Trust me, your patches are safe, or are they?
  13. Hey Guys, I should have an updated shipping ETA on Monday. That being said, the strike on the docks is probably causing this delay. PJ - Thanks for your business and the referral from GW. Please tell him I appreciate it and hope you both are able to make use of this new GPZ 7000 over there on some old patches and new deeper areas. Lve2fsh - It's a mix to be honest. Many seasoned pro's are jumping in as they have a lot of old patches that have depth and bigger gold. If I had to guess off my orders, I would say 10-15% percent are new customers, not much experience but want to get in with the absolute best. I have changed my order status with Minelab Americas 3 times, the last time they asked me for "the pink slip for my home" ..... LOL Very exciting times right now. I think there are going to be some great discoveries very soon!!
  14. Hello All, I have bolted the door shut, disconnected the phones and headed to the hills with my new GPZ 7000. I will ship all your's later ..... LOL Ok, all joking aside, the GPZ's have been delayed due to the Customs Strike on the docks in LA. They are expected to be at our location mid-next week (hopefully Wednesday). Just wanted to update all the customers that have pre-ordered. I'm not sure I can keep up with all the questions, phone calls and such about updates. I know everyone is so freaking excited to hit their patches with these units. If you see me in the hills with a look-alike, I promise it's not a GPZ
  15. Hello All, I have a good conditioned Minelab GPX 4000 with all stock accessories and the 8-inch Round Mono coil also. Asking $1900 shipped to the lower 48. Great package for anyone looking to get into a great GPX Pulse Induction gold hunting metal detectors. I can provide pictures if needed. Serious inquires only. Thanks! 623.362.1459 or
  16. Hey Guys, The Military Discount will apply to this detector. Give me a call if you're interested. 15% off of 10K is $1500 bucks!
  17. Hey Guys, Mike - Not sure why the Australian price is lower? It's normally higher, least it always has been. The retail here is $12499.00, MAP $9,999.00. Goldstudmuffin - Ya, don't leave them out in the open. I had a guy get a GPX 5000 stolen out of his truck, he was heartbroken over that. Never found out who did it, but was taken out in the field. Way2cool - Yes, other coil options as you mentioned. That being said, from what I was gold, the accessories are not available for sale yet. CoBill- No bundles right now. There really arent any products to bundle with it as it's so new. I'm offering the shipping/insurance, training and support all for Free for now.
  18. Hello All, The new Minelab GPZ 7000 Metal Detector will be available for sale on Feb. 20th 2015. I have a huge order of these units on the way, many are pre-sold, paid in full in advance. Anyone looking for one of these new units, please call ASAP to reserve yours. The price is $9,999.00 out the door (Retail $12,499.00) and we will be including Free UPS Ground Shipping to the lower 48 states with full insurance, field training and unlimited support beyond the sale. You can see more detail on this unit and pictures at my online store link here - Questions, call us at 623.362.1459 office line, or 602.909.9008 cell or text message. Make sure you leave a message if you miss us, we will get back with you ASAP. Exciting times for Minelab and users that will be swinging this new Minelab GPZ 7000 Metal Detector.
  19. Hello All, The new Minelab GPZ 7000 Metal Detector will be available for sale on Feb. 20th 2015. I have a huge order of these units on the way, many are pre-sold, paid in full in advance. Anyone looking for one of these new units, please call ASAP to reserve yours. The price is $9,999.00 out the door (Retail $12,499.00) and we will be including Free UPS Ground Shipping to the lower 48 states with full insurance, field training and unlimited support beyond the sale. You can see more detail on this unit and pictures at my online store link here - Questions, call us at 623.362.1459 office line, or 602.909.9008 cell or text message. Make sure you leave a message if you miss us, we will get back with you ASAP. Exciting times for Minelab and users that will be swinging this new Minelab GPZ 7000 Metal Detector.
  20. Hey Bill, I'm guessing yes, but haven't heard anymore on it yet. I have an email out as we speak. Give me a call and I will let you know what I find out within the next day or so.
  21. Hello All, I'm trying to make room for these new GPZ 7000, so going through my inventory and trying to move out used 2014 units (have a bunch). Right now I have two great offers if anyone is looking for a great Gold hunting PI or one of the best coin/relic hunting detectors. Garrett ATX Standard Package (with 12-inch coil). Normal sale price is $2175.00. I will let anyone take this off our hands for $1750.00 shipped to your front door. The unit was only used a few times during field instructions for guys that were interested in purchasing the unit. I hate to part with it, as at some point I will have to take a new one out of the box again for a 2015 demo. Minelab CTX 3030 Standard Package - Normal sale price is $2499.00. We will let anyone take this off our hands for $2000 shipped. It's also practically brand new. I don't expect to have either of these units long. Both will hit Ebay soon! I have a Tesoro Lobo ST & Garrett AT Pro going up soon. All of these were demo models for 2014 that I need to move. Call us if you have questions. First come first serve on these units, no holding them for payment. Thanks!!
  22. Hello All, I'm trying to make room for these new GPZ 7000, so going through my inventory and trying to move out used 2014 units (have a bunch). Right now I have two great offers if anyone is looking for a great Gold hunting PI or one of the best coin/relic hunting detectors. Garrett ATX Standard Package (with 12-inch coil). Normal sale price is $2175.00. I will let anyone take this off our hands for $1750.00 shipped to your front door. The unit was only used a few times during field instructions for guys that were interested in purchasing the unit. I hate to part with it, as at some point I will have to take a new one out of the box again for a 2015 demo. Minelab CTX 3030 Standard Package - Normal sale price is $2499.00. We will let anyone take this off our hands for $2000 shipped. It's also practically brand new. I don't expect to have either of these units long. Both will hit Ebay soon! I have a Tesoro Lobo ST & Garrett AT Pro going up soon. All of these were demo models for 2014 that I need to move. Call us if you have questions. First come first serve on these units, no holding them for payment. Thanks!!
  23. Hey Glenn, Right on. Dennis and I went out yesterday, I snagged I think 8 small ones, Dennis got two. We were back in the 400-500 nugget wash. There was some fresh digs, was that you and your partner? It's pretty hammered now I think.
  24. Hey Guys, Thanks for the comments. The new SDC 2300 is amazing, no question. I just took mine back to a wash that Chris and I found about 15 years ago. We pounded the hell out of it, but found nearly 500 nuggets ranging from a few grains to multi-pennyweights. It was a true bonanza for small gold when we first hit it. We returned for months on end plucking small nuggets from the cracks and crevices. That being said, we probably both returned each year hitting it again and again to some point figuring it was dead for currently technology. I even had a friend that was a GB2 expert hit it after we did, he found about 20 very small ones, most under a grain in size that we missed. I returned yesterday to the wash with the SDC 2300. Within about 4 hours of slowing hunting, we picked up nearly 10 nuggets that were missed. Nothing real impressive, but we didn't have the help of any new water movement and there was fresh digs in the wash, maybe from Chris or someone with a SDC. Co-Bill - Ya, heard you're selling the GPX 5000 and combo to a guy on the forum. I will have a GPZ 7000 when you're ready, but you might be shocked on the price.
  25. Hey Paul, If you want one, I will give you a 15% Military Discount. Call me, but I will verify the details with Minelab Monday. I wouldn't see why this unit would be any different than any other besides the price ....