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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hey Tom, Ya, hard to hit every single nook and cranny when a wash is that big and long. I would recommending on concentrating on any inside bends above the current water line though. The bend don't have to be drastic, even the "less bending" bends above the current creek level can be productive for nuggets. Could open some spots for you to re-check.
  2. Hey Guys, Nokta and Makro are the same company, manufactured in Turkey. They build very high end VLF detectors and other products like Pinpointers. They are nowhere near a China knock-off, very high quality and craftsmanship if their design and electronics. I don't sell Nokta Fors Gold, but do sell all the Makro products, which will have the new Racer and Gold Racer very soon. Rumors are it's better than a Fors Gold.
  3. Hello All, Well it's been a stressful week for me, let alone it's been over 3 weeks since I last got out detecting. I have been looking forward to getting out Saturday, but I was so tired I couldn't get myself out of bed. I finally managed to force myself out the door around Noon. Luckily, it was a good thing I got out and done some detecting. I managed to relieve some stress and find 4 nuggets in a few hours of metal detecting an old patch. It's just amazing on the size of gold the GPZ is able to detect at depth. Keep in mind, I have hit this patch already with the SDC, so I have cherry picked the deeper, smaller gold for the most part out. I ended up finding about a dozen deep targets, 3 small nuggets and 1 nice one at 8.1 Dwts. This makes my overall total with the GPZ 7000 in 6 trips out a bit over 1.5 ounces of gold. The bugs were nasty yesterday and the grass is so thick due to the last good rains we had. Here are some pictures below.
  4. Hey Fred, Missed the post. The Makro Racer will be out soon, they asked for pre-orders a month ago. The Gold Racer is still up in the air, no release date as of yet. I think we are at least 2-3 months out for that unit.
  5. Hey Goldstudmuffin, Very impressive finds for hammered patches. No question, the GPZ 7000 is finding more gold than before. For years I would re-visit old patches with new Minelab's and be lucky to find 2-3 nuggets from old patches. I'm now finding on average 4-5 if not more and I already cherry picked most of the small deep gold on these patches with the SDC 2300. My numbers would probably be 10-15 nuggets from the patches if I didn't hit them already with the SDC. I scored a nice 8.1 Dwter today at depth with the GPZ 7000 in High Yield and Difficult. No questions I missed it with the SDC and GPX 5000 in the past. It was down around 15 inches.
  6. Hey Gubelube, I think you have a valid question and i will try to answer from my experience and what others are finding (off the forums). First, for the last 20 years old, known areas have been hammered by VLF and early PI's, picking up most of the easy pickings for the most part. The patches that have depth and potentially have larger gold have been ran over with early PI up to the GPX 5000 with stock coils up to very larger coils (NF 25-inch Mono Round). That all being said, it's hard to believe much gold would even be found at all knowing these patches have had years worth of VLF's over them, but 15 + years of PI technology over them, with each model getting more sensitivity and depth. To go back with a GPZ 7000 and find anything is amazing, unless it's finding something below the depth prior PI's are getting. The fact is, the GPZ 7000 is finding gold from the surface down to depth that other VLF's and PI's have missed. Handfuls of guys are plucking nuggets from .25 grams to 10-15 grams from old patches in Northern Nevada, California, Montana, Arizona and more. All my customers that have purchased GPZ's (a bunch of them) have found gold in all their old patches. Most of the gold being smaller, a few guys finding some multi-ounce stuff that they don't want to post and advertise. We all want the new detector, regardless of what it's called and who makes it to be that "magic wand" metal detector. The point it, you have to practice, learn and spend just as much time in the field as prior metal detectors with the new GPZ 7000 to be successful. I have only been out 6 times with the GPZ, never got skunked yet on old patches. Biggest piece is 1/3 ounce at depth, missed with the GPX 5000. It's going to take a lot of hours in the field and either a lot of smaller, missed nuggets or a few larger ones to pay for this unit. No question, it's getting more depth than a GPX 5000 and finding smaller gold that is missed. I know for anyone that has a GPX 5000 that might be hard to swallow, but it's the facts. If I thought any differently, I wouldn't have sold my GPX 5000. I have had enough time with the GPZ to know I'm convinced it's a great detector and there is no other, but I don't expect gold to pop out of the ground. Hope this makes some sense.
  7. Done Deal. Just a few of these guys seems to get through the validation process from time to time. Thanks for the heads up everyone!
  8. Hey Doc and all, Great story, video and lesson on re-checking your hole. Funny, the last video of my biggest nugget found so far with the GPZ was the 1/3 ouncer. I placed a Youtube video here on the forums of it. The video was pretty clear, but I didn't recheck the hole. Once I shut off the video, packed up all my gear from the location, I grabbed my detector and re-checked the hole. Low and behold, it sounded off. Crap ..... I was excited thinking another big one, but right in the bottom was a 1.1 Dwter that I missed. Glad I re-checked the hole before burying it back up. I couldn't tell you how many nuggets I have dug from the same spot. The most so far to date is 7 nuggets from the same hole, most of them being smaller pieces under a Gram or so all in one spot. AzNuggetBob - Jim "Oakie" Malone was a character at best. Sure missed the times I was able to hunt up there with him and seeing all the gold that was being found up there. He always had a handful of guys detecting around on a percentage type deal, but for the most part it seemed productive for the detectorist and good for him. Great times for sure. Never hurts to cherish the past and look forward to all the nugget hunting ventures we all will encounter in years to come.
  9. It was actually just a joke for April Fool's Day. I personally haven't been out in at least two weeks. That being said, a friend of mine did pay for his GPZ 7000 in one day, but he wasn't in Arizona or California for hints.
  10. Hello All, I have been a bit quiet, normally that means something ..... The Minelab GPZ 7000 has been over some mind-blowing gold at a new location. In the near future I will post what I'm talking about, but for now I have to be quiet. Who said you couldn't pay for the GPZ 7000 in a day?
  11. Congrats Tom. I seen you on the way home that day.
  12. Hey Guys, I never served, broke the 3rd Generation Tradition by not going into the Marines. I decided to try College instead, only had two choices the Military or College or "get out of the house." That being said, My Father served with his two Brothers and Sister in the Marines during Viet Nam. I still remember all the "flash backs" he would have during the nights. It was a scary period of time as a kid hearing your Father get up and scream "Grenade!!"
  13. March 29th & 30th have both been acknowledged as Welcome Vietnam Veterans Day. It doesn't matter which one you recognize, please go out of your way to thank any and all Vietnam & Vietnam Era Veterans today, tomorrow and always.
  14. Hey Uncle Ron, Wishing you a speedy recover so you can get back to those nugget patches. In the meantime, I will check them out with the GPZ 7000 .... LOL Ok, I'm just kidding, but would be interesting.
  15. Hello All, Wow, the thread went bonkers overnight ..... Well, I must say I respect them both (Jen and AZNuggetBob). I think both have great things to share. I personally know AZNuggetBob and know he is an old time pro with a lot of gold nuggets under his belt from all around the US. I don't know Jen personally, but have seen her on the forums for years and has always contributed good info. Never hurts for a bit of a debate about stuff, such as this Geyser. Lets just keep it clean and respectful, that is all I ask.
  16. Hey CoBill, A bunch of my friends are up in that region now with the GPZ's they purchased from me and none of them are having issues. They are finding a bunch of gold, mostly smaller stuff at depth. A few piece near a 1/4 ounce, but all say the units are running really smooth and quiet. Like Doc mentioned, keep the Gain down a bit if you can. Many believe by cranking the Sensitivity up to 20, they get the best performance. I'm hunting in the range of 8-11 and finding nuggets really deep, small and up to 1/3 ounce so far.
  17. Hey AZNuggetBob, If you know anywhere that is worth taking the GPZ 7000, we can work a split among us and the claim owners. Can be a win-win for everyone, especially since nobody has to invest 10k on a detector out of the gate. I'm hoping to get some more GPZ 7000 footage in the near future and will post them here. Only bad thing, it takes 3-4 hours to upload just a 10 minute HD video to Youtube. Talk with you all later,
  18. Hey Guys, Thanks for your comments. No secret on where the nugget came from, it was off of private claims I had permission to hunt. The more I use the GPZ, the more impressed I'm with the performance. I just love the fact this is the first big metal detector (PI technology or better) where I can actually lift the coil off the ground without tons of wobbling noise.
  19. Hello All, Finally found a decent one at depth, approx. 16-18 inches in highly mineralized soil with the new Minelab GPZ 7000. I missed this bugger with the GPX 5000 a few years back. The nugget weighed 1/3 ounce (7 dwts). I found three other smaller ones at depth also before this discovery. Hope you enjoyed. A few pictures below -
  20. Hey Guys, Great to see you both. Just to clarify, the Minelab SDC 2300 comes with a searchcoil cover on it right out of the box. There are also replacements that I sell for $19.50 each. Just a FYI>
  21. Hey Doc, Congrats to you and Miguel. He is a great guy and glad you guys were able to get out for a hunt and get him tuned in on the new GPZ 7000.
  22. Hey John, The EMI does seem to be bad here in Arizona, at least areas I have hunted. The GPZ does much better.
  23. Hey Mike, I agree with you, I didn't think Minelab expected the sale right out of the gate to be what they are. I'm struggling to keep them in stock just like Chris. There is going to be a big gap from what I heard from now to like the end of April where there won't be anymore coming into the States. I have a gut feeling here in the next couple of weeks only a handful of dealers will have any in stock, if they even have any now. I would love to join the Nuggetshooter outing, but would rather go find gold than sit around BSing about finding gold .... LOL