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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hey Uncle Ron, I used to love the small 8-inch Mono, even before the Commander series. However, the Minelab Commanders are great coils, they just seem to sell much slower due to the weight. The damn things are "bulletproof" when it comes to durability though. I agree, you have kicked butt over the years with the NF 14-inch elliptical. Between the Coiltek Blitz and the NF Advantage, both are top selling coils for all around prospecting.
  2. Hey Guys, The Commander coils are nice, but very heavy compared to the aftermarket lightweight coils, such as the NF or Coiltek 14x9. AZNuggetbob - I prefer Mono's as the GPX 5000 works best with them and they get the best depth and overall sensitivity to small gold. Thanks for all the comments. We get skunked just like anymore else, especially prospecting new areas.
  3. Hello All, This evening a customer wanted to trade back in their Garrett ATX they purchased from us about a month ago. We were willing to trade it back in for another unit, so I have a great conditioned Garrett ATX Standard Package with all stock accessories for sale. I'm asking $1800.00, which is a great bargain. Normal price is $2,120.75. I will have some pictures up later tonight, but don't expect to have this unit around long. If you're interested, call us at 623.362.1459. Thanks!
  4. Hey Jim, Great video showing them both. The Goldbug 2 has been a long time favorite for small gold nuggets, specimens in mine dumps and finding meteorites that have very small amounts of iron left. I personally own a GB2 and take it along with my GPX 5000 just in case I find an area I want to use it in. The ATX is a great detector for the price and what you get. That being said, I'm not putting down my GPX 5000 for a ATX by any means. No question the GPX 5000 gets much more depth on larger nuggets. Thanks for sharing.
  5. Hello All, This weekend among some training we had scheduled my partner and I managed to do some beeping. After a full days of swinging the GPX 5000's, we both ended up with a equal amount of nuggets (3 each). My partner's gold is on the left side, mine is on the right. Partner got the biggest at 3.5 Dwt's right towards the end of the day. Some further investigating need to be done in this area at some point. P.S. My partner is still wondering why I'm using the Minelab 11-inch Mono coil. I told him I could find just as many nuggets with a Minelab stock coil than he could with his aftermarket. It's out there ..... Rob Allison
  6. Another Happy GPX 5000 Customer This weekend Rick joined us for Arizona Field Training on his GPX 5000 in Central Arizona. Rick was no stranger to metal detecting and wanted to learn some more advanced settings, techniques and tips on the GPX 5000. After a few hours of coaching Rick on some more advanced stuff, he was out metal detecting the rest of the day. Within a few hours Rick had his first Arizona gold nugget. By the end of the day he had a nice handful of small nuggets that placed a nice smile on his face! Thanks for your business Rick and joining Rob's Detector Sales ( for field training. Wishing you much success! Rob Allison Rob's Detector Sales 623.362.1459
  7. Hello All, I have warned Kyle several times about bashing products, so I finally suspended his account for 14 days. I have no problems with pointing out pros/cons or if you don't agree with something, but the continuous bashing got old by many of us here.
  8. Hey Kyle, My GPX 5000 was made in Malaysia and I have found pounds of gold with it so far. I could only imagine what I could do with a real "Made in the USA" Minelab, or better yet, one of those "China Knockoff's."
  9. Hey Allen, You hit the nail "Right on the Head!" We will see what happens in the future, but aftermarket coil companies might be in trouble if they decide to "chip" the coils to eliminate counterfeits and such. Coiltek is building coils specifically for Minelab and I doubt they are going to let another company get a piece of that pie. Just my thoughts,
  10. Hey Chuck, I just received some Deepseeker Packages, been waiting for a bit for them. We now have plenty of the Standard Garrett ATX Detectors and now the Garrett ATX Deepseeker package. Just an update.
  11. Hey Bud, Good going as always. You're a true nuggetshooter. I think you can go anywhere and score a nugget.
  12. Hey Guys, Thanks for all your comments. Always looks a lot easier then it is. The gold is out there, but it's getting tougher to find it. The advantage is better detectors and searchcoils and the ones that like to get off the beaten path and explore.
  13. Hello All, A good friend of mine just sent me over these pictures, but can't say much more than the following - Pocket found in the Mother Lode of California. Found with the new Garrett ATX metal detector. Owners are working the vein down to over 96 foot in depth. They believe they are just on the cap of a big pocket. Discovered on Private Property, not a club claim or open BLM or Forest Land. Good luck to them. They said they will update me further as time goes on.
  14. Hey Guys, Ridge Runner - I'm getting to the post maybe I should post anymore pictures, no one comments .... LOL AZNuggetBob - Whats the bad joke, I've heard them before ....
  15. Hello All, This picture was taking awhile back while a partner and I were working nugget patch with Minelab GPX 5000's. Pretty close amount of gold for each. Just goes to show it's still out there if you're willing to spend the time on research and the fieldwork involved. Power of the Minelab Metal Detectors and Searchcoils! We are just a phone call or email away. Allow us to earn your business through our core values; Honestly, Integrity, Trust and Support beyond the Sale. Rob's Detector Sales ( 623-362-1459 office line
  16. Hello All, This picture was taking awhile back while a partner and I were working nugget patch with Minelab GPX 5000's. Pretty close amount of gold for each. Just goes to show it's still out there if you're willing to spend the time on research and the fieldwork involved. Power of the Minelab Metal Detectors and Searchcoils! We are just a phone call or email away. Allow us to earn your business through our core values; Honestly, Integrity, Trust and Support beyond the Sale. Rob's Detector Sales ( 623-362-1459 office line
  17. Hey Tom, Well good to hear it wasn't any worse. Make sure you rest up and get healed up before trying to push it too much. I tried to detector too soon after I broke my wrist and it caused a lot of swelling and pain. My wrist will never be the same, but Im sure your hand will be fine once healed. Take care bud!
  18. Hey Tom, Happy Birthday. Hope you find some Birthday nuggets this weekend.
  19. Hello All, This weekend I had several Minelab GPX 5000 customer come out for their field instructions. One customer was from the Wickenburg, AZ area and the other drove in from Riverside, CA. After a few hours of instructions on the GPX 5000's, both customers were out swinging. Within no time Lori from Wickenburg scored her first nugget. Within a few more hours she had 4 more nuggets to add to her collection. Jeff from California was off to a slower start, but later in the day popped 2 nuggets, being his first nugget finds. Happy Minelab Customers! During the course of the weekend, I was able to do a bit of beeping. I found three small ones the first day, then 4 the second day (3.4 Dwt's). Thanks for your business and friendship! It's still out there....
  20. Hey Mike, I've done a lot of traveling with the Minelab PI's. I've always packed my shafts in a large suitcase, but kept the control box with me. You can build around the control box for the most part, but if they lost your control box, you're out of luck! I'm sure if you got a larger type carry on type bag you could carry the shafts on with you. Don't hurt to also have a GPX brochure just in case they want to know what the items might be. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  21. Hey Kyle, Great to hear maybe someone is field testing one. Rye Patch might be a great place since it's been hammered to death. Keep us posted if you hear anymore about it. I'm hoping to have one in my hands very soon. Rob Allison
  22. Hey Buckeye Boy, Right on. Looks like the LSD area is working well for you.
  23. Hey Chuck, Well since the GPX 4500's over in Africa and other third world countries were selling off the shelves, Minelab wasn't going to release the GPX 4800 on the release date. This is at least what most seem to believe and it makes perfect sense if the GPX 4500's were selling that well. I heard during that time frame, less than a year, over 200 million dollars worth of GPX 4500's were sold to the African market. If this is correct, congrats on them. However, it wasn't long before the counterfeiters seen a huge opportunity to get into the market making make Minelab and Coiltek products.
  24. Hey Guys, "Crackshot" Brand is what I carry. I used to keep the full chaps in stock, but most are just interested in the snake gaitors that go from below the knew to the ankle. These are great and have been using them for years. They not only work great for snakes, but better yet, they keep all the cactus needles and sticky crap from stabbing you below the knee. I think they are more beneficial for this than worrying about a snake bite. We have a large stock of the snake gaitors from sizes, small to XXL. Medium, Large and X-Large are the most common sizes sold. We sell them for $71.95 Here is the online page to them -