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  1. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.
  2. Congrats on the gold. Over an ounce on few trips is really good. I tried to get out a few weeks back but they had the roads closed due to a fire. I really regret not jumping on the 6000 when they were on sale.
  3. These stories are great. I wish I had one to share but I live a boring life. LOL.
  4. Thank you so much Bob. You got me thinking about an area.
  5. So what parameters do you use to determine the out of the box box area? The quartz vain?
  6. Thank you for posting this. They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. I think that out of the box pic is priceless.
  7. Well the new scoop with instructions arrived yesterday. Thank you Doc.
  8. Thanks Doc. The scoop arrived yesterday with instructions.
  9. Looks like a bowl with those contour lines. Are you modifying your Scoop?
  10. Thanks Bob. That is a lot of good info that you may not ever see in any book.