Garrett ATX scores 100 Ounce + Pocket of Gold!!!

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Hello All,

A good friend of mine just sent me over these pictures, but can't say much more than the following -

Pocket found in the Mother Lode of California. Found with the new Garrett ATX metal detector. Owners are working the vein down to over 96 foot in depth. They believe they are just on the cap of a big pocket. Discovered on Private Property, not a club claim or open BLM or Forest Land.

Good luck to them. They said they will update me further as time goes on.

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Someday im going to find a piece like that and get a ring made out of it. :)
Nice gold!

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wow here is a part of the story as we know hard rock mining is very tough work this pocket came with two broken wrists and one tumble down the shaft but all is well otherwise still a very exiting find we all 7 of us split this first bunch up at first light of day but it is still on a raise drifing upward we will send pics via rob to every budy out here hope all you this season find loads for now may all your signals be gold but in this case bloody rippers

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Fantastic find gentlemen!!! and Thanks for sharing the pic's & some of the story. . . With that said... it aint worth the end-all-game-over-scenario(.) Broken bones - fall.... That is important to share as well and am glad you did. It reminds us all to take a double take on what were doing and how were going about it. Put your heads together so you can get it done safe. Watch out for each other so you can reap the rewards without having to heal and God forbid ... dig a 6' hole. Be safe, Doug

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