333 Gold Nuggets from the Bradshaw Mountains

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Hello All,

Here is a collection of gold nuggets I found over several years worth of nugget hunting. All of these nuggets were found within several square miles within the Bradshaw Mountain Range. They are now on their way to a new owner, hope he understands how hard they were to find.

All the nuggets were found with several different Minelab PI metal detectors ranging from the SD2100 to the GP series.

Not sure what the ratio of expenses vs. gold found, but it was sure fun digging from all the bedrock crevices!


Hope you enjoyed.

Rob Allison

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Sure are pretty nugz, most people dont understand how much work it takes to become sucessful. Even after you master the sport nuggets just dont jump out into youre pocket.

That being said Great job Rob! I am sure all of those beautiful pieces will be well appriciated.


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O crap!

Thats what im looking for?

Ive been tossing those back :0

Thats a mess of nugs for sure.

Does the ratio of expense to gold ever really equal out? Like you say.

Its the fun of getting it.

Tom H.

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Hey Guys,

Ya, I still remember as I glanced through the nuggets, certain nuggets I found in various spots. One of the very water worn nuggets was a nugget my cousin and I dubbed the "Carrot Nugget." Where I found these 300+ nuggets, probably several thousands were found prior. If I had to make an educated guess, I would say the general area produced in the range of 5,000 - 10,000 nuggets. There's still hundreds, if not thousands left for the guy that wants to hike further, hunt harder and spend more time on the ridges and hilltops.

Many of the easy nuggets in the small washes and gullies have been "cherry picked" pretty clean. After huge Monsoon or Winter storms you might be able to find a few more small ones, but nothing like the original discovery.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Hey Guys,

I clean some nuggets, but keep the majority of them like the way I found them. I cleaned the group of 333 nuggets since they are with a new owner.

Uncle Ron - Ya, that was a good find of mine back with the Minelab GP Extreme. The nugget was a solid 9.1 ounces. At today price it's no less than about $15,000. Humm ... Who has that nugget now?

Here is the old Minelab ad -

GPextremead (728x800).jpg

Take care,

Rob Allison

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hey Guys,

Yes, the amount of time, effort, blood and sweat that is involved is intense. It's easy to post a big pile of gold, but what it takes to find them is much harder! I actually hated to part with them, but I can't die with the gold.

Hope to find another pile sometime soon. Wishing you all much success.

Rob Allison

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