** Long Hike, New Area & Some New Gold Finds! **

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Hello All,

Yesterday I managed to take my quad out and explore some new country within a few hours of home. I wasn't sure exactly where I was going, just get out there, ride around and hopefully find something interesting to swing the detector around. After about an hour of driving and exploring, I found a small basin area that has some interesting geology. Unfortunately, there wasn't any roads, nor any easy way to quad to the exact spot, so it was park and hike for a bit.

After about hours of hunting, my heart wasn't in it 100% today and my level of discouragement was higher. That being said, this is when most give up, head back to the truck and head home. I knew if I wanted to find gold, I had to push on and not give up. I've done this a number of times and finally at the end of the day found a new spot. Luckily, this time wasnt any different, I found gold!!

Right at the end of the day, I walked up a half-way decent looking drainage and started detecting. Not more than a few steps I got a decent signal on the exposed bedrock. Low and behold it was a small gold nugget (Yahoo!!). I have to tell you, by this time it was hot, I was just about out of water and beat from hours of hiking around.

I continued to scan the small drainage and ended up getting several more hits that were also nuggets. I decided since it was getting late, I needed to make sure I'm not going to leave any "bangers" in the wash, so I decided to leapfrog up a bit and check a few more sections. Yep, all of those sections had small nuggets also, so I just to the very top and found two feeders that split to the top of saddle. Yep, both feeders had at least a small nugget in them also, so I have a good idea where the gold is coming from. There is a rotten, iron-stained vein with minimal quartz right on top of the saddle. My guess is this is or was the source of the gold at one time.

Well the moral to this trip was don't give up. I continue to hear more and more that all the gold is gone. There is more gold than you could imagine out there, but it's not going to be popping out of the ground. If you spend the time, effort and use good equipment, you will find it!

Oh most importantly, if you want to keep the spot to yourself, Mums the Word! ;)

Pictures below - Minelab GPX 5000 Metal Detector & Nugget Finder 14x9 Solid Elliptical Mono









All small gold, but still exciting to find in a new area.

Hope you enjoyed.

Rob Allison

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thats a great story.

You take such good advantage of living where you do

and having the right attitude and the right tools.

Just the idea of being able to get on a quad to search for new areas

seems like a wonderful dream.

If I can get the time away from my duties as a dad (just wait),

to get out to the most pounded area in So. Cal. (the El Paso's), for an afternoon

I am happy.

These days,I only have a Prius to drive around in,

my Toyota AWD is in Chicago with my wife and daughter to keep them safe over the winter.

Being able to follow your explorations is inspiring and fun

and lets me dream a little.

Thanks for taking the time to share...

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Way to go and not give up. Thats usually how it is with me...hunt all day..and hit it at the end of the day.

Least the wind was blowing yesterday and not too hot.

Im surprised the 5000 found gold that small? Its not suppose to :P

Glad ya got out and got some gold.
Tom H.

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Hey Guys,

Thanks for the comments. Looking forward to getting back, but this weekend I have other plans. I have a good idea where the gold is coming from, but for the most part I believe it's going to be small. The gold is bleeding from a small, iron stained vein system on a saddle. Two small drainages come right up to it and I found a small nugget in each one. The vein also travels somewhat parallel with the main wash, so it could be bleeding off in several spots.

It's fun to find these spots, but was hoping the gold might be a bit bigger in size.

I was using the Minelab GPX 5000 metal detector and NF 14x9 solid elliptical Mono.

Talk with you later,

Rob Allison

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