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Got out for a sweet hunt this week, and found a new spot. Sure was hot out there, I decited to try a new area I have been eyeballing for a while. A lot of old trash around these digs was encouraging but at the same time draining my mojo. The only thing that kept me going were these balls of green clay that turn yellow when you rub them? Haha! Hope you enjoy..

Justin. post-29399-0-99088700-1363989946_thumb.j

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WTG man!!!
Those are some sweeeeeet finds for sure :)

Keep rubbing them mojo balls HA!!!!

Glad you got out and got some gold.....realy nice gold at that!

Tom H.

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Thanks guys! With dredging season coming up I haven't been out as much as I like. Hope you guys are enjoying the great hunting weather ;) and gettin some yeller!

Frank, yeah its actually Pauls joey I stole it :ph34r::lol: sure is my all time favorite coil though! gotten pounds with a joey!


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Great news Justin!!!!!

Even while I am away you are finding US some gold!!!!!!

Keep using the Joey....

You do remember the 50/50 split....lololol~~~~~~

Naw, I take that back---- or I will be in the hole,,, :ph34r:

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