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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hey Dave, Curious where you received this information so we can look into it? Was it found on the Internet or Minelab's website? I personally haven't heard anything, but not like I'm one of the first to hear about them.
  2. Hey Brandon, It was always great to hunt with you. Yep, it was the good old days for gold when Richard Doherty was around. I wish I could remember just half of all the washes he took me to back in the day. Here are a few pictures of you back in the day. Take care kid, Rob Allison
  3. Hey NewRiverBlake, Did you happen to place the piece in Wink? Just curious on the status of the piece .....
  4. Hey Border, If I remember correct, it was about 4 trips to the location. Well over 50% of the gold was found the first day.
  5. Hey Hot Rock, I never knew the guy personally, but heard about him before. All of our thoughts and prayers are out to him family and friends. Cleator is a great place and a part of Arizona history. Warm regards, Rob Allison
  6. Hey Guys, Would be nice to know if those pieces were solid or specimens. I guess either way they are kicking butt!
  7. Hey Guys, Thanks for the comments. Uncle Ron - There has been more found at the patch, but pictured from Left to Right you have a 2.7 ouncer and a 4.3 ouncer. Then from the Top middle down, you have a 3/4 ouncer and a 1.2 ouncer solid. The specimen off to the right was 3/4 ounce, with about 1/4 of gold weight. There is just over 15 Troy ounces in the picture if I remember correctly. There is around 6 ounces of smaller gold, + or - a 1/4 ounce. There where scattered down a hillside. The bigger pieces and specimen were up high, all the water wore stuff was down lower, but not in a wash bottom. This discovery was awhile back, as any nugget shooter would want to get the cream of the crop before anyone would discovery the location.
  8. Hey Gravelwasher, The Coiltek Platypus is a great coil. I can't tell you how many guys are hitting nuggets along waterways with the Platypus coils. Any idea what the weight is on that piece? Looks like a pretty good chunk of solid gold. Congrats! Keep us updated if you score any more. Rob Allison
  9. Happy Birthday Frank! Wishing you many more Birthday's and Nuggets!
  10. Hello All, This morning I left the house around 3am to head West several hours to hunt an old spot that seems to have been hammered by Monsoon rains. I actually got too early of a start, as I was at the location around 5:15 and it was still a bit dark to hunt. I fired the GPX 5000 on around 5:30am and started working my way down a small gully that the old-timers work probably a 100 years ago. Right away I noticed several spots that got blown out, the sand was pretty much gone showing some schist and granite bedrock. After about 4 hours of hunting these areas that moved around, I managed to score a couple of boot tacks, a few square nails, one piece of lead and 5 gold nuggets. Nothing real big, but enough to keep the interest up until the next outing. It's out there .... Rob Allison
  11. Hey NV Miner, Congrats!! Now it's looking nice a nice specimen. Looks like the gold is intact, but some specimens when you hit them with Wink or other acids such as Pool Acid, they will fall apart into hundreds of little piece. Not all specimens will have the gold all together, I've seen some turn into piles of small wires and dust .... If you can see gold running from one side and maybe sticking out the other, try checking "continuity" with a voltage meter. This will let you know the gold is running through the piece.
  12. Hey Tom and members, It's far from gone. Look at all the gold guys are scoring over in California. Selling metal detectors really allows me to talk with a lot of customers across the US and even in foreign countries. I can tell you, a lot of gold is being found in the major gold bearing States such as Arizona, Nevada, California, New Mexico, Montana, Virginia, Alaska and more. No questions it's still out there and waiting for a metal detector to scan over the shallower stuff.
  13. Hey Blake, The dark rock looks like iron, or at least an iron mineral. Wink normally does work on iron and quartz, but since Wink is really a very low concentration of HF acid, you might have to leave it in for days, maybe a week. It works slowly and sometimes you might need to stir and even re-apply new Wink every day or so. As the acid eats away, it becomes less effective, or at least this is my personal experience. Also, even though Wink is not really strong, I recommend all the PPE (eye glasses, rubber gloves, eye wash and such). Take another shot once you clean it up a bit. Looks like it's going to be a beauty!
  14. Hey NV Miner, Thanks for the info. Have you considered using a high freq. VLF, such as a Gold Bug 2 @ 71khz? I would almost hate to tell you, you're missing smaller pieces that the Minelab is not hearing. I have worked many piles like this over the years, found gold with the Minelab PI's, but ended spending most of my time working them with a Gold Bug 2. Also, not all piles are the same, but normally when they dumped the ore off into the dump, there would be certain areas of richness they would be in. They might have been dumping waste rock for a bit, then got into a good pocket, even though they couldn't see all the gold, they would toss some of the goodies into the waste pile (mine dump you're working) and you could almost determine the layers that were richer. I found on some dumps the richest layer was right on the top, within maybe a foot, other dumps you might have to dig down a bit to find a good layer, while other dumps were really scattered and you had to almost move the entire dump to determine what was going on in the mine. Just a suggestion from my experiences working mine dumps over the years. They can be very rewarding if you find the right dump, or the right piece that got discarded. Talk with you later,
  15. Hey McGator, That for posting. The Minelab CTX 3030 is a great metal detector. Wish I had more time to play with it, but I'm swinging the gold detectors too often. Great looking coins you turned up. The coin/relic forum is a bit slow, but would love to get it fired back up. If you know anyone willing to contribute, we would sure love to have them over here at members. Hope to see more pictures and finds that you discover in the near future. Rob Allison
  16. Hello All, Well here is some gold a partner and I detected below a quartz outcrop in a known gold area. After enough poking around, we decided to give this area a whirl and it just happened to pan out. The vein itself seems to be pretty barren now, but at one time it apparently had a rich pocket or pockets of nugget gold. All of the gold, including more not pictures was detected below this vein. Funny, many years ago I had thoughts about this spot, but never make it over to the spot to examine. Just goes to show, if you have a "hunch," check it out before someone else discovers it. The nuggets going across the top, from left to right are - 2.7 ounces and 4.3 ounces. Going down the middle, there is a 3/4 ounce and a 1.2 ouncer. The quartz & gold specimen is around 3/4's of an ounce, but probably has about 1/4 ounce of gold on one end. There are approx. 6 ounces of smaller nuggets on both sides of the Nugget finder coil. Several ounce plus nuggets are not displayed at this time. Not a bad discovery, but it don't happen very often. It's out there ..... Rob Allison
  17. Hello All, I happened to see this video over on another forum where a member posted. Gives you an idea what they are finding over in Africa. This group is using a Trackhoe to dig down to bedrock, then metal detecting the bottom and sides of the hole and dirt tossed out. The pieces the group is tossing out of the hole once detected are very sizeable. Most look like specimens (gold and quartz), but they could be solid and just extremely dirty from being in the ground for thousands of years. Looks like they are using a Coiltek UFO or Nuggetfinder 17-inch painted Pink or Orange. Now you know why there was a huge Gold Rush in Africa 4-5 years ago on Minelab metal detectors. Looks like they are on some rich ground for sure. Rob Allison
  18. Hello All, Gives you an idea what they are finding over in Africa. This group is using a Trackhoe to dig down to bedrock, then metal detecting the bottom and sides of the hole and dirt tossed out. The pieces the group is tossing out of the hole once detected are very sizeable. Most look like specimens (gold and quartz), but they could be solid and just extremely dirty from being in the ground for thousands of years. Looks like they are using a Coiltek UFO or Nuggetfinder 17-inch painted Pink or Orange. Now you know why there was a huge gold rush on Minelab metal detectors about 4-5 years ago! Take care, Rob Allison
  19. Hey Guys, This coils is quite popular now since it's tougher to get a hold of. The last couple I sold were going back East to be used on a Minelab PI for hunting battlefields for cannonballs. These coils can't be mounted to a normal lower shaft, but rather you need to build a cart, or pull them on a rubber mat. I've seen guys pull them by hand with a harness around their chest, while others like to pull them with a quad on a rubber mat. I've already got a couple inquires, so don't expect to have them long at this price. Border Boy - You don't need that coil, you have dug all my spots down to bedrock already .....
  20. Hello All, Just an update. I have a couple of new Coiltek 40x20 Mothership Anti-Interference Searchcoils. These coils are still a hot coil for not only nugget shooters, but guys hunting coin caches and deep treasures. The Anti-Interference coil allows you to eliminate a good portion, if not all the EMI noise. They were selling for $1,800 during the Gold Rushes in Sudan, Africa, but the normal price is $810.00. I'm letting them go for $750.00 with shipping included. It an be used on any Minelab Pulse Induction metal detector going back to the SD2000 up to the current GPX 5000. I'm keeping one for myself, others are available to the first ones interested.
  21. Hey Nv Miner, I agree with NV Chris, hit it with some Wink. When you get it all cleaned up, post another picture if you would.
  22. Hey NV Au Miner, Great looking specimens. You find them with a VLF detector? Wishing you many more! Rob Allison
  23. Hey Pastor Shep, Happy Birthday. Hope all is well. This is the last shot I have of you ..... Hope you're still getting out there chasing the Yellow. Rob Allison
  24. Hey Doc, I think if it wasn't for Dave Turin and Fred Dodge, the Hoffman's would be broke for one. Two, Parker is one of my favorites and I agree with Doc he has a great mentor, Tony Beets. No question Parker's Grandfather John see Parker in him back in the early Gold Nugget Mine days. I'm not a big fan of Fred & his Son's operation after they kind of screwed the Hoffman's out of the claims in the first season, and then wouldn't loan Parker the Generator when in need. Fred seems very self centered. I'm banking Parker does the best this season. Just my thoughts, Rob Allison