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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hey Angmo, That new Coiltek 18.5-inch elliptical is one hot searchcoil. I believe I sold 5-6 of them just t0 24K members for this last weeks pushes. Elly stated majority of the Minelab users are using Coiltek searchcoils, the others are using Minelab Commanders. These new Coiltek Goldstalkers are amazing. Thanks for joining the forums and great doing business with you. P.S. Any chance you can get a picture of the gold nugget you found? Take care, Rob Allison
  2. Hello All, I just had a few questions for the guys out there that know all about this new Arizona OHV permit deal. I understand it will be available for sale for $25 after Jan. 1st 2009 at this website - I have a new Polaris 500 EFI Quad with the RV License plate, not the MC plate. My quad is not street legal at this time, but I do have all the other stuff such as a head light, brakes, license plate ... ect. Will this new OHV sticker allow me to cross main dirt roads that would normally require a street legal quad? I don't plan on running paved roads, just want to cross and drive temp on them if needed. Just trying to get the run down on this new OHV sticker. Take care, Rob Allison
  3. Hey Lucky, That is the new name for you, "Lucky!" I'm sure there is some luck involved, but I'm sure it's mostly skill, location and metal detector you're using. I would be leaving those Golf Clubs home also if I was picking up 3/4's of an ounce per trip. Congrats once again on another successful nuggethunting trip. Take care, Rob Allison
  4. Hey Guys, Ralph mentioned there were a few found today, but didn't mention the sizes of them. A good friend is heading out Tuesday to give his new Coiltek 18.5-inch Goldstalker a run at some of the possible deeper gold. Mike C. - When I talked with David last night, he said he felt bad about all the questions he was asking you. I sure hope he finds a nugget or two up there. If not, I will get him over at least one nugget in the Bradshaw's with all the rains we had lately. My friends gold nuggets above are from push 5. He said he found them all within a few feet of each other. He found the medium sized one first, then the larger 2 Dwt piece and then the dink. He said there were footprints all around them! With all the interference, I'm sure they were easy to miss. Lon - Thanks once again for the referral. Great to hear you got over some nuggets up there also. Any size to them? Take care, Rob Allison
  5. Hey Guys, A good friend just send me a picture of the three gold nuggets he picked up off the pushes Saturday. The biggest was 2 Dwt, then .55 Dwt's and a small .10 Dwter! All three were found with the Minelab GPX-4500 Metal Detector & Minelab 11-inch Round Commander Mono Searchcoil. Congrats to my Buddy Rick. Rob Allison
  6. Hey Steve, Would love to get on one of those adventures with you, but I'm so limited on time. Let me know when you do another run like that, I might be interested. Dennis and I have been talking about that area for many years. Keep it under your hat, I think there is a lot of potential out there. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Congrats on your new finds! Rob Allison
  7. Hey JP, Sorry I missed this post. Dawn and I were under the weather for a few days around Christmas. Hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas and wishing you a Happy New Year. Don't be such a stranger on the forums, we all enjoy your company! Wishing you the best, Rob Allison
  8. Hey Guys, Congrats on another good batch of gold you found. You guys continue to kick butt up there! Thanks for always posting the pictures and stories, gets us all pumped up on the other side of the computer screen. Take care, Rob Allison
  9. Hey Guys, Steve - Kitty found a nice 6.4 Dwter with her Tesoro Lobo. Steve, her husband found the first gold nugget to score another year membership. He also scored a nice 2 Dwter right after that, but then Kitty found the 6.4 Dwter to beat his bigger one. I know Steve had 4 gold nuggets when I left as I seen them. Kitty had the once nice piece. Several other members had 1-2 nuggets each. Some guys were not showing their gold nuggets. One member had 3 dinks, but didn't even show Elly as he wanted to re-check the spot the following day. Mike - Yep, heard you were up there and David was asking you a bunch of questions. Thanks for helping him out. He requested to take his field instructions a few weeks from now in the Bradshaw's, so I knew he would have questions for someone out there. Lon is a good guy and I will have to make it right for him when he wants something again for the referral. Congrats on the ones you found up there. The SL could be exciting to see, something I wanted to do for a long time. P.S. Steve, I didn't take any pictures from the claims. I just stopped up there to see what was going on and what was being found. Ralph called today (Sunday) and said he thought few more were found this morning on pushes 2 & 5. The gold nuggets I found were not found on the 24K claims. Take care, Rob Allison
  10. Hello All, Today I stopped over at the 24K pushes and talked with Elly. Many nuggets were being found from little ones, Dwters and up to a nice 1/3 ouncer. I stopped back towards the end of the day and heard of about 20-30 nuggets found the first day with the coil restriction at 12 inches. I'm sure tomorrow when the larger coils get over that ground some bigger ones will be found at depth. I found two gold nuggets in a different spot today. Have another project going on out there and had to miss the pushes. Take care, Rob Allison
  11. Hey Uncle Ron, I know when I was testing the coil in the Bradshaw's, it was more sensitive then the Coiltek Joey 9x5 Mono. We all know the Joey can find very small gold, so this new Goldstalker 6-inch Round will be a real winner when it comes to small gold. Hope to hear some reports soon. Rob Allison
  12. Hello All, It's not my place, or my forums to talk about others or their past. I just want to keep this forum to related topics as always. This has always been one of the most informative gold prospecting/nuggethunting forums on the Internet. We have a great bunch of members and contributors, so lets keep to what we do best. Lets share our stories and show those finds! Hope you all understand and respect what I'm doing here. I'm closing the post. Rob Allison
  13. Hey Uncle Ron, Just got back from Congress. Was at the 24K Meeting tonight and it was snowing in Congress. Looks like Rich Hill was getting hit hard with snow. The pushes might be full of snow tomorrow. Take care, Rob Allison
  14. Hello All, Just wanted to wish everyone out there on this forum a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Wishing you all Health, Wellness and a handful of gold nuggets for the 2009 season. Rob & Dawn
  15. Hello All, I just wanted to let you all know the new Coiltek Lightweight Goldstalker Searchcoils are really kicking butt and taking names. I'm getting more and more reports about what they are finding in old patches and the customers are very impressed. This kind of reminds me when Coiltek first introduced the 14-inch solid round and just about everyone that owned a Minelab had to have one. These new Goldstalker coils are selling just as well, if not better than those days. Two customers have noticed the "gold tone" sounds more distinguisted on the Goldstalkers than the Minelab Commander Searchcoils. I'm not sure what Coiltek is doing these days, but Trev is on to something big time!! One reason I never second guessed him. I've personally sold my own coils in the field several times cause a customer didn't want to wait a week to receive one. Biggest nugget/specimen so far I've heard about is a 17 ouncer from the California area. Take care, Rob Allison
  16. Hello All, Dawn and I are doing our best to get current and backorders out ASAP. Dawn came down with Food Poisoning and I'm battling Flu like symptoms, but we are still trying to get everything out on a timely manner. If you haven't heard back from us, please give us another call. The phones have been ringing off the hook the last couple of days. Thanks, Rob Allison
  17. Hey Uncle Ron, You should have received it already, or at have it today at the latest. Let me know .... I'm here battling flu like symptoms. Rob Allison
  18. Hello All, Here are some nuggets that I recently found with the GPX-4500. Biggest nugget was nearly a Dwt, but they all add up. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Rob Allison
  19. Hey Guys, Here are a few pictures of the new Coiltek 6-inch Mono Searchcoil. The weight of this coil is 12-13 ounces max. This will be a very hot selling coil. Take care, Rob Allison
  20. Hello Guys, Always great to see those pictures of dredging and gold! I love to dredge and can't wait for enough water to run across our claims here in Arizona. Hope you guys continue to post more dredging pictures. Thanks for always sharing. Rob Allison
  21. Hey Guys, One of Doc's packages arrived today, but the coils didn't. I should have them tomorrow and will get them out ASAP. I pretty much have them all sold besides maybe one or two. If you want one of the first ones, shoot me over an email or call me directly at 623-362-1459. The first batch will sell for $179.99, then the price will go to the original selling price of $199.99. Take care, Rob Allison
  22. Hello All, Both searchcoils have sold. Thanks for looking. Rob Allison
  23. Hey DigDeep, Right on Bro!! Hope you score some more from that 4 hour hike spot. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  24. Hey Don, Not sure what the White might be over at the Beehive, haven't been around that place in a long time. However, it would surprise me if it was Kaolinite. Ben is still out there, actually mining the Twin Tunnel area, East of the Beehive Mine. He also now owns the Octave Mine and surrounding claims. You can visit his Beehive Mine website at - Take care, Rob Allison
  25. Hello All, I have two like new searchcoils that I'm wanting to sell. Both are in excellent condition, only used one or two times in the field max. These coils will go quickly, so get with me ASAP if you're intersted. (1) Minelab Commander 11-inch Round Mono Searchcoil - Regular Price $279.97, YOUR PRICE - $225.00 SOLD (1) Coiltek Goldstalker 18.5-inch Elliptical Mono Searchcoil - Regular Price - $454.00, YOUR PRICE - $400.00 SOLD Purchase both of these coils together and you can take them for $600.00!! If you would like pictures I can send them over to you. If you're interested in either of these coils, you can contact Rob's Detector Sales at - 623-362-1459 or email us at - Take care, Rob Allison