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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hey Doc, I have a bunch already pre-sold, so hopefully you will have enough for both of our customers. I will shoot you over an email. Rob Allison
  2. Hello Reno Chris, I was just stating where this "mud pipe," or Hydrothermal vent is located, there is a lot of Kaolinite clay at the surface. I believe this location is one of the sources of the gold on top of the Mountain. This system is not related to the Johnson Mine ore body from what I've seen. Take care, Rob Allison
  3. Hey Dakota Slim, The Kaolinite clay in this spot is a dull White and very Earthy looking. The clay can be various colors depending on the weathering of other minerals present. I've seen this clay from Yellowish to Reddish in color in different locations thoughout the Southwest. Take care, Rob Allison
  4. Hello Guys, I know about this "Cough Oir" or "Golden Cup" very well and it does exist on top of Rich Hill. I was a carekeeper for many years under the old owners, Jack and Laura Culp. Laura used to talk about the "mud pipe or vent" often. Her Grandfather actually tried to tunnel into the "vent" to find the source of a lot of the gold on top of the mountain. I've been to the "vent" many times and even in the tunnel her Grandfather dug and worked. One of the patented claims on top of the mountain is called "Cough Oir." The "pipe or vent" is actually the remains of an old Hydrothermal vent. There are many signs of the vent, one sign is the Kaolinite clays that are seldom found around alteration zones. This was just one source and actually not the more productive one on the hill. The gold from this source is much more "buttery" color compared to many of the other veins around Rich Hill. I actually have a Geology background and found less gold when I spent years studying the books. More book work and less field work caused me to believe the books too much and put "blinders" on and only see one dimentional, if this makes any sense. I probably have 200-300 books on geology, ore deposits, mineralization, rocks and minerals and just about every freaking US bulletin, open file report, old maps and anything else you can get your hands onto. A good friend used to own a used and rare book store, so I pretty much got everything that he came across in the US. Take care, Rob Allison
  5. Hey Ethan, Welcome to the Nuggethunting Gold Forums! Great questions and glad the guys on here were able to troubleshoot the problem for you. Also, always make sure you're not in the "Cancel" mode while you're out hunting, as this will kill about half, if not more of your sensitivity and depth. You might consider one of the new Lightweight Coiltek Goldstalker coils for your new GP3500. These new coils (round and elliptical) are amazing. Hope to see you posting more in the near future. Rob Allison
  6. Hey Guys, Flakmagnet - The 14-inch Elliptical is a real sleeper of a coil. I found all the nuggets with this coil. Matt - Was using the 14-inch Elliptical this day. This coil is awesome if the gold isn't too ... too deep. I hear the 6-inch coils are being shipped right now. Uncle Ron - Yes, everyone was using either a GPX-4000 or 4500 with the Coiltek Goldstalker 14-inch Elliptical Mono's. Mike C. - Many VLF, SD and GP's walked over these ones. A matter of fact, I scanned over these spots for years and never heard them with prior detectors. I'm sure with the recent rains, newer coils and detectors helps. Take care, Rob Allison
  7. Hey T-Bone, Pretty traggic to hear such a thing. Heard there was 2-3 killed from the Fighter Plane crash. Thanks for posting, Rob Allison
  8. Hey Uncle Ron, Congrats on another great find! Sure gives all the new guys some encouragement when they see these type of finds still being picked up out there. Hey get rid of that old Babbo and get a big Boy's Metal Detector! LOL .... Take care, Rob Allison
  9. Hey Guys, Gus, yep Chris is my cousin. We spent a lot of time together in the goldfields in the early to mid 90's. Here is a picture of us standing at the base of Rich Hill when the getting was pretty good. Back then an ounce a day wasn't uncommon. If you found less than 1/4 ounce per day that was a bad day. Hey, which one is better looking? LOL Hey Al C. - I've done very well around Greaterville with a Minelab. However, the grass is a big problem right now. I believe the last time I was down there the grass was 3-4 foot tall. Be prepared to dig a lot of iron rubbish if you haven't already down there. Take care, Rob Allison
  10. Hey Gus, It't don't matter what you're using if you're finding gold! I had a few Nuggetfinder coils and my Cousin is the US Nuggetfinder Distributor! Keep up the great Nuggetfinding out there. Ralph said to tell you Hi again today. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  11. Hello All, Today some friends and I hit some old patches here in Arizona. After an entire day of hunting we turned up 15 gold nuggets, 13 of them I found (1/4+ ounce). We were all using Minelab GPX Series Metal Detectors and Coiltek Goldstalker Mono Searchcoils. Take a gander at the new finds. Nothing real big, but plenty of yellow in the bottom of the holes. Take care, Rob Allison
  12. Hey Gus, That is a great showing of gold nuggets. Just goes to show if you're persistant and spend enough time in the field the gold is out there to be found. Nuggetfinder? Haha.... It don't matter what you use, you just have to get over the gold nuggets. How much gold is pictured there in ounces? Great finds, please continue to post and show us what you turned up. Rob Allison
  13. Hey Grubstake and Everyone, I've been very busy at work, school and the business, but most sadly a friend and co-worker got killed Tuesday. I worked with this guy a bunch and learned a lot from him. He was killed by 500KV lines entering into a major power plant in Arizona. He will be missed by thousands, as he touched many people's heart. I just can't grasp he is really gone. Today was the viewing and services. P.S. Grubstake, Dawn and I "Thank" you greatly for the Baby gifts. I will give you a call. Take care all, Rob Allison
  14. Hey SkipperBill, Even with the GPX-4000 and GPX-4500 there will be places where you might not achieve a perfect ground balance. For the most part, I don't have much of a problem with the GPX-4500 with all the various timings. For heavy mineralization, the Sensitive/Smooth is probably the best choice. If this don't do the trick to achieve a nice smooth ground balance, you might have to play around with the audio, gain & motion. If this don't seem to work, you might have to resort to using a DD coil in those areas. As far as the pushes, keep in mind that is some very bad mineralization. You not only have the rich red, iron clay, but the decomposed metamorphic bedrock can very hot in spots. When in doubt, shave a few inches off and see if the audio increases. Using "Tracking" can also be another option if you find a hot spot. Tracking will normally balance the spot out within a few passes. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  15. Hey JP, Seeing all the gold makes it look easy, but I'm sure you worked for every Gram you found. Just goes to show it's still out there for the people that really want to chase it down. There is no doubt you have a nose for the gold in the Australia Outback. Goldstalkers? I really love them! Take care, Rob Allison
  16. Hey Guys, Karl - Great to hear from you. Dennis asked me about you about a week ago. Give me a call one of these evening and we can catch up on stuff. Mike C. - Thanks Bud! Jerry - Heck, I'm just getting lucky. Actually, we have been pounding some dirt exploring new spots. Almost two ounces of the good stuff within the last three trips into the field. Take care, Rob Allison
  17. Hey Guys, I have no clue what type of attachment I posted, but I fixed it! You can know see the pictures the customer send over. Congrats. Rob Allison
  18. Hello All, Yesterday Leaverite and I decided to explore some old patches along with trying to find some new ones. We spent the entire day hiking and exploring around this placer area, but never found any new patches, but found a lot of new spots to try. We spent about three hours swinging through some old patches and ended up finding five gold nuggets. There is no doubt the Minelab GPX-4500 contributed to these finds, since many of these patches have been hammered to death. I ended up with four gold nuggets, biggest is 7.1 Dwts (1/3 ounce) and three smaller ones that weight just over a Dwt combined. Leaverite found a nice 0.7 Dwt also. Picture below are the gold nuggets we found using the Minelab GPX-4500's and Goldstalker 14 & 18.5-inch Elliptical Mono Searchcoils. The nugget on the far left is Leaverite's, mine are the four on the right from the big one over. Take care, Rob Allison
  19. Hello All, Here is a short testimonal from a customer in California that purchased one of the new Coiltek Goldstalker Searchcoils. I will let him add details and some information about his new finds he just found (picture 2). P.S. Thanks for the business Rick, wishing you the best out there. Take care, Rob Allison
  20. Hey Guys, Frosty - Great to hear from you. Do you still have your Minelab metal detector? Any plans to come back out to Arizona for some nugget hunting? Hammer - We went back to check out some surrounding spots near there, but we struck out. Seen some interesting country, but couldn't get our searchcoils over gold this time around. Don - The top nuggets were all found with the Coiltek 18.5-inch elliptical Mono. The four nuggets I found in the second picture I was using the Coiltek 14-inch elliptical, but took the picture on the 18.5-inch. The bottom nuggets were found by another partner of mine and he was using the 18.5-inch elliptical Mono also around the Prescott region (Bradshaw Mountains). Take care, Rob Allison
  21. Hello Zippoz, The Otto Lower Shaft is what I prefer. This lower shaft is much stronger than the Minelab one. The cost is $45.00 + shipping (normally $6 - 8 for Priority Mail). Give us a call if you want to order one. Take care, Rob Allison
  22. Hello Guys, Here are those four new pieces I found last weekend. I'm anxious to get back to this location and explore more. Lots of old prospects and no sign of any metal detector being in this area. Found the four below with a Minelab GPX-4500 and Goldstalker Mono Searchcoil. Take care, Rob Allison
  23. Hey Tony, Personally I have never hunted with a silent threshold, but have heard of others doing it and also read some Internet forum posts about it. I personally think you need some type of audio reference (threshold) in my opinion to find those very ... very faint ones, but then again I haven't really played around with a silent threshold either. Would be interesting to see what others have to say about it and if they are still getting those faint whispers. Take care, Rob Allison
  24. Hey Ken, You have that right, Grubstake is a classy guy! Sure wish I could have met Gary about 15 years ago when I first started to really hunt gold hardcore. Speaking of you, somehow our phone converstation got dumped. I was talking away and all of a sudden I noticed you were not there anymore .... I tried to call back, but your phone was busy. Give me a ring when you get into Arizona. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  25. Hello Tool, All of the new Goldstalker searchcoils are selling very well. These new coils are extremely light and built very well. They will work on any Minelab PI ranging back from the SD2000 up to the GPX-4500. It's hard for me to tell you what one is best, since I use them all in different areas. I really like the 14-inch elliptical for shallow areas and bedrock type conditions. I've probably used the 18.5-inch elliptical the most so far, since it was one of the first ones to be released. I've done very well with this coil, paying for it about 5 times over now. I'm just starting to get reports back from the rounds (16 and 18) since they are the newest Goldstalker coils. I've used the 16-inch more than the 18, since most of my areas are not as open. I've found some very small gold with the 16-inch at depth and a few multi-pennyweight pieces at depth. I'm also testing the new Goldstalker 6-inch round Mono and it's hot as a pistol on small gold. It also gets great depth for the small coil. This coil won't be released until Jan. 2009. P.S. LuckyLundy, I will post your picture on a new thread today. Thanks for sending it. Take care, Rob Allison