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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello daleyboy, Most of the Echo 2-cycle leaf blowers that you can purchase at a hardware store will work. I will go out and see what size my Echo motor is on my Keene 140 Drywasher. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  2. Hello Uncle Ron, You didn't miss a whole lot this weekend. The pushes didn't produce a whole lot. I believe when I left there might have been about 6-8 gold nuggets found, all pretty small in size. Several of the pushes are down to bedrock and have been for some time. Take care, Rob Allison
  3. Hey Mike, Pretty hard deal to beat. Now you know why I stood by Coiltek and Doc from day one. Doc has always backed his products and never questions any warranty issued in the past. If there's a real problem with something, I know Doc don't hesitate to get it resolved ASAP. Coiltek and Doc are # 1. Rob Allison
  4. Hello Doc, I would agree with you. Even since the Internet forums first started I followed JP's posts on several of the Australian forums. From day one he was always helpful and one of the major contributors on the Australian gold forums. Now I've never nugget hunted with JP, but have met him several times when he visited several of the AZO outings. I know he spent most of his time talking about his prospecting adventures and helping others with settings and techniques. Being in business myself, this is what I see looking in at JP - JP is a guy that can support his family prospecting the Outback of Australia. He's a guy that has such a great passion for metal detecting. JP has found thousands of ounces. Whether or not he's the punch guy for Minelab, who wouldn't want to be? If I was prospecting the Outback of Australia for a living, I personally would want to be connected in some way to the best metal detector manufacture in the World, just like JP! Face it, Minelab is, and has been light years ahead of any manufacture out there. One day I might get to set foot on some Australia soil and I'm sure JP would be one of the first guys standing there willing to help. Just my views, Rob Allison
  5. Hello Gaine, It's my understanding as long as you pack them on your carry on bag(s), it's ok to have them. However, if you're taking more than more Li-Ion I recommend packing them in something so they can't touch each other or other stuff can't touch them. I'm flying Alaska Airlines this year, so I need to check into it closer. Rob Allison
  6. Hey Guys, Thanks for the great comments! Dawn and I both give the business 110%. We have some plans in the very near future to redo the entire website and forums, which should make it much easier for customers to view all the metal detectors and products available from Rob's Detector Sales. In the meantime, don't hesitate to call, email or PM me through the forums if you have questions or just want to chat. Rob Allison Rob's Detector Sales email (623) 362-1459 bus phone
  7. Hello Nathan, I've received them, check your PM's for replies. Also, give me a call tonight so we can touch up on plans. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  8. Hello Guys, 2dach - Iwould agree with JP. There is a lot of negative talk about the GPX-4000, but it's hard for me to bash the unit when I've personally found 500+ gold nuggets with it. Most of the areas I was hunting was shallower spots, so the Sensitive/Smooth or Sensitive/Extra worked great. If I wanted the GPX-4000 to run extremely quiet, I would go into the "Quiet" audio mode also. Jonathan Porter - How much difference in depth do you think the GPX-4500 is getting in "Normal" mode vs. Sensitive or Enhanced using the Deep Audio mode? The Special/Sensitive/Extra mode seems to really boost signals, but curious on how it's doing on larger nuggets at depth? Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  9. Hello Guys, Way2cool - Yes, they will work on all the Minelab SD/GP/GPX series. Matt - Thanks! Yep, the settings were on the sheet JP gave me, but also some tips we talked about through PM's. I'm hoping I can have a good run with the GPX-4500. Yep, have like 1 or 2 18.5s left in stock, sold 5 of them last night. The word is getting out about them and many are using them around Rye Patch and Northern Nevada with great success. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  10. Hello All, Many of you might have already seen some of these pictures, but thought I would post them here since my forum is back online. These pictures are from last Sunday hunting some old spots around the 24K Gold Hunters Claims. This was one of my first real hunts with the new Minelab GPX-4500 and Coiltek Goldstalker 18.5-inch Elliptical Mono Searchcoil. Man, what a great combination! J. Porter gave me some advice on what settings I should use with a big mono. Well the settings or combination worked, as I was able to find almost 9 Dwt's from some hammered spots. Below are some pictures from that hunt - Lon, a new GPX customer also managed to find his first gold nugget just minutes after arriving on the claims. Congrats to Lon and his quick success! Take care, Rob Allison
  11. Hey Uncle Ron, They were found between the pushes. I tried for a bit on the pushes, but didn't have any luck. I'm at school right now, but if you visit Bill's forum you can see the finds. I will get them posted tonight on my forum. P.S. Are you going to make the last push of the season? Rob Allison
  12. Hello Guys, Chris Hake will truely be missed. He was a great contributor to many forums and many of us learned a lot from him and his experiences. Warm regards, Rob Allison
  13. Hello 5150, I really look forward to coming home from work and checking out the latest talk on the forums. It's kind of a stress reliever for me. Four days was way too long to have forum withdrawls .... Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  14. Hey Lon, Congrats on your first gold nugget with the GPX! Thanks a million for your business also. Later in the day I looked down from the pushes and didn't see you around. Did you cut out early? I snagged three nuggets from around the pushes, one being just over 1/4 ounce. Here are a couple of pictures of you and your nugget. P.S. The last pushes are this weekend, hope to see you up there. Take care, Rob Allison
  15. Hello Guys, Mike C. - From what Doc stated it was the newer revised amp they named GoldScreamer. I haven't actually used one, so don't know personally. I've sold a bunch of them though. I had a picture on one of the posts, but will post another one so guys can see the new amp. Adam - You're very welcome. If you're interested in one just let me know. Talk with you all later, Rob Allison
  16. Hey Chuck, You're telling me. I was fighting with the ISP for days trying to get the forum back online. Great to see they got the issue resolved. Take care, Rob Allison
  17. Hey Gus, Yep, I believe I viewed that forum about "bashing 4000's." I believe I spent about 30 seconds there and realized I woudn't ever be back. I'm sure you would agree Gus, nothing is perfect, but the GPX-4000 in my opinion is one of the best, if not the best metal detector available at this time. I've seen some of your pictures and read your stories, so I know the GPX-4000 has been very well to you! I would also like to point out, I would bet more than 50% of those Australian Minelab haters are using Minelab PI detectors. Take care, Rob Allison
  18. Hello Guys, It's great to see others voice their opinion in defense of J. Porter. Let me tell you a little story .... When I first started electronic prospecting back in the early 90's there wasn't any Internet forums let alone the books and videos that are available today. I was fortunate enough to get with a few guys that spent a good portion of their lives looking for gold nuggets for an income. These guys spent just about every day in the field searching for that ellusive gold. Without these guys, especially Richard Doherty, I wouldn't be hunting gold nuggets today. I was just a young kid, early 20's, but took advantage of everything they could teach me. Many of these mentors are now passed, but there isn't a moment I don't think about them or remember our ventures in the Arizona goldfields. I know if I was a beginner today, the Internet forums would be a gold mine of information! We should all be thankful we have some of these great contributors on the gold forums today. I'm sure there are many just lurking, not willing to share, sure wish they would .... Take care, Rob Allison
  19. Hello Guys, I'm hoping to make the last push of the season also with a few friends, new customers and some new 24k members. Hope to see you all there April 26th. Rob Allison
  20. Hello Adam, Both the Detacc Super Sound Signal Amp and the new Goldscreamer Amp are much more powerful than the old Coiltek amp. I believe you have the older Coiltek one that looks like a small square metal box with a volume control on one side, correct? The other two amps above will have much cleaner and stronger response. Hope this helps, Rob Allison
  21. Hey Gary, Sure wish I could escape Arizona and head to the outback with you guys. It's been a long time dream to scan the outback of Australia with my Minelab! Wishing you and your wife the best of success in OZ. Keep us all updated. Rob Allison
  22. Hello Guys, JP - Great batch of gold! Heck, I'll take 50 grams a day anytime. Can't wait to hear what you turn up next. Keep up the great nuggethunting. Gus - I haven't heard many negative reports about the GPX-4000. I still have mine and doubt I will sell it anytime soon. I found approx. 600-700 nuggets with mine just playing around on the weekends. Biggest nugget was nearly an ounce, but hundreds of them were small, under a Dwt in size. A matter of fact, even though the GPX-4500's are selling very well, I'm still selling just as many GPX-4000's, which really surprised me since a new Minelab had been released. Take care, Rob Allison
  23. Hello All, Jerry & Patty are interested in letting their LDMA (Lost Dutchman Assoc. Mining Assoc.) go, so anyone that is interested can contact them directly. The membership can only be a "transfer." For more details you can contact them directly at -
  24. Hello Guys, I've viewed the new forum, but doubt I will ever return. I have no interests in reading personal attacks and information that is always so negative. I'm always open for debate on any detector or product, but not to continue to drive something into the ground or attack a person to no end. If you don't like Minelab's, or any other product, don't purchase it! I could write a book about metal detector flaws from just about every manufacture, but what good would it really do? Metal detectors are just a tool to help increase your chances of finding gold, not a Magic Wand like many expect. Just my thoughts, Rob Allison
  25. Hello Steve, There has been a lot of great feedback and some amazing gold found with the new coils, but many are keeping it secret for now. Wish I would tell you about some of the new California finds, but the finders asked me to keep it secret. I'm going to give the new Coiltek Goldstalker 18.5-inch elliptical mono a run on my new GPX-4500 this weekend if possible. Have some old patches to try the new coil and detector on. Great to hear about your success with the new coil. Thanks for sharing. Rob Allison