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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello All, Well due to the amount of complaints, the 24K Gold Hunters Club is limited searchcoils size to 11-inch and under for the pushes. This will only be for the first day of the push, anytime after that you're welcome to use whatever size you wish. We are trying this to see if limited the size of the coils will help some of the PI interference. The coils that will be allowed in the push will be - Minelab 8-inch round Minelab 10x5 elliptical Minelab 11-inch round Coiltek Joey 10x5 elliptical Coiltek 11-inch Round Coiltek 11-inch Platypus NF 10x5 elliptical NF 10-inch round All Minelab PI's come with a stock 11-inch coil, so this is why we went with that size and smaller. Hopefully this will make it better for all. Take care, Rob Allison 24K Board Member
  2. Hello All, Hopefully the forum is loading back to normal speed for all you. For a couple of nights they were doing upgrades to the server, so it took forever to load. I couldn't even get on with high speed internet. If you still have trouble loading the forum, please send me an email at - I need to go through and "Prune" (delete) the forum. There is like 3 years worth of posts still on the forum. I'm sure if I elliminate some of the older posts the forum will load quicker for slower internet connections. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  3. Hello All, Due to the recent spam attacks all new forum members must be validated before you can post. I will have to personally hand sort all the new memberships to keep this spam crap off the forums. Kind of sucks that new members will have to wait to be validated, but this is the only solution for now. I think this is one of the best gold forums on the Internet and I plan to keep it up and running for the better. Hope you all understand, Rob Allison
  4. Hello All, Jim W., head of claims security sent me these picture tonight to post. Picture 1 is Little Dave, Assistant Carekeeper of Stanton holding a nice nugget he just found. Didn't get the weight on the piece, but will know more tomorrow about it. The second picture is a group working a gold dredge on the claims. There is water available, you just have to dam it up to run a dredge. The use of water makes it easy to dredge, highbank or just pan down your concentrates from drywashing. Take care, Rob Allison
  5. Hello All, Today Leaverite and I decided to spend today exploring a new placer area. I've been wanting to spend more time prospecting this location, but been very limited to free time. Today we spent the entire day working up and down big washes and small gullies, but only one single nugget was found. I found a nice 3 Dwt nugget right in the middle of a mid-sized drainage that had some exposed bedrock. We both went up and down this wash, hit all the side feeders and even parts of the bench with no luck. Really thought I was onto a new patch, but ended up being a "One Nugget Patch" instead. I know there is more gold in the area, but it's going to take some time pinpointing it down. Below is the nugget I found today with the Minelab GPX-4000 & Coiltek 14-inch Round Mono Searchcoil. Take care, Rob Allison
  6. Hello Grubstake, Happy Birthday to a special friend. Wishing you the best, Rob Allison
  7. Hey Grubstake, Shrimp is Great, but so is Lobster! Rob Allison
  8. Hello Steve, Great to hear you finally has some time to spend with the GPX-4000 and got over some gold. Sounds like you have an interesting spot going on. I'm sure you got 99% of the gold if you were using the Coiltek Mini UFO. That Coiltek coil can find them down to just a few grains! There might be a few dinks left, but I'm pretty certain you got the cream of the crop out of that wash. I've went back to some of those washes you worked in the "You know what range" and you done a damn good job! You could have left a few for me since I had to drive a million miles. Haha.. Congrats on the new finds. Hope you find a handful more in the near future. Thanks for all your friendship and business over the years. Rob Allison
  9. Hello Jade, Was trying to get a few more close friends to help with the booths since last year I couldn't BS much due to the high traffic. It will be great to see you again, make sure you stop over. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  10. Hello Shep, When I'm in the normal prospecting mode I've been in "Slow" mode, but when I know I'm in a patch I'm using the "Very Slow" mode and it seems to work better on deep targets. I also like a higher "Gain" over a lower "Gain" with the "Boost or Deep" mode. Different ground conditions might have different results with these settings. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  11. Hello Guys, This post is like 3 years old. The pictures will eventually get deleted after they become so old. Uncle Ron - Ray Mills called tonight and mentioned he invited you on a hunt, but couldn't get a hold of you. Take care, Rob Allison
  12. Hello Guys, Great to read about "Your a Prospector IF ..." When I first met my girlfriend Dawn about 12 years ago I was doing a bunch of gold dredging. I took her out to Dinner one night in my old 85' Toyota 4x4. She opened the glove compartment to place her keys or something in there and had a very "puzzled look. She later asked me if I was some type of drug dealer ... I had no clue what she was talking about until she mentioned my glove compartment was filled with small glass vials. She has no clue those were for gold flakes and fines, not drugs! Take care, Rob Allison
  13. Hello Karl, Good talking with you this morning. Greaterville has always been a great nugget hunting spot, but getting tougher to find nuggets down there. Most spots have a bunch of trash unless you're on the benches or hillsides. Arivaca is also another good spot like Way2Cool mentioned. Some smaller Mountain Ranges in the area are also noted for gold nuggets. Look me up when you get down here. Rob Allison
  14. Hello All, There has been some debate on the "Gain" Adjustment since the GPX-4000 has been out. Some are maxing out the "Gain," while others are running a lower "Gain," but running the Audio in Deep or Boost. I've done some brief testing on these adjustments, but curious what others are finding out? Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  15. Hello All, Just wanted to let you know "Rob's Detector Sales" will be setting up three booths at the upcoming Mesa GPAA Gold Show. The dates are Feb. 3rd and 4th, Saturday and Sunday. I will have a full line of Minelab Metal Detectors including the new GPX-4000, Minelab Searchcoils, Coiltek Searchcoils and Accessories, Walco and Hodan Prospecting Picks, Snake Gaitors, Tons of Headphones, Gold Scales, Batteries Systems and Chargers, Bungee Cords, Swingy Things, Books, DVD Videos, Hats, Shirts and tons of other detecting goodies. I will have several good friends working the booth with me, so there will be plenty of people to answer your questions on products or just general help. If everything works out I will have a raffle and give out FREE prizes throughout the weekend. I will be able to take Visa, Mastercard or Cash at the upcoming show. Make sure you visit my booth before you make any purchase. I will have some great bargains, especially on detector packages. Hope to see some of you there, Rob Allison
  16. Hello Bunk and All, I will be up there Sunday. Have to meet with a new Minelab owner and show him the ropes. Will probably be up there around 8 - 8:30am. See you there, Rob Allison
  17. Hello All, Looks like the "Porn Pushers" are starting to raid my forums. It's just a matter of time until they found me. I might have to change the forum so new members will have to be validated before they can join. This will elliminate the "Porn Pushers" from just posting whenever they want. Actually, most of these porn sites have "Bots" that do all this for them. They aren't actually doing it .... What do you all think? Rob Allison
  18. Hello Guys, That is actually my biggest solid gold nugget, but have a bunch of quartz/gold specimens that weigh more. If I remember correctly that nugget was found in 2003. I was offered $4,500 the minute I unearthed it, but decided to hold it for a trophy. About a year later I took the nugget down to the Arizona Dept. of Mines and Mineral Resources and one Geologist stated he wouldn't sell it for less than $10,000. A Private collector offered me $7,200, but I decided to hold it. If I find one bigger I might let the little one go. Big Nuggets are still out there, Rob Allison
  19. Hello Dredgebug, Searchcoil configuration (DD vs. Mono) is kind of like a preference for nuggethunters. If the ground seems to be hot (very mineralized) the DD's are more stable. The trade-off might be a slight loss in depth and sensitivity vs. a mono on that same ground. I try to use a Mono Searchcoil everywhere I can. On the GPX-4000 this is much more possible vs. the prior GP models. A Mono Searchcoil will give you greater depth at the hot spot, more sensitive to small targets, hot on the outer edges and is easier to pinpoint with. The only time I would use a DD is if I couldn't hunt the ground with mono or the area was so trashy it would require the use of the discrimination feature. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  20. Hello Iggy, Man oh man, figured someone would ask about it. I was featured in Minelab's GP Extreme 2-page ad that was in all the major prospecting magazines. Found that nugget at 28-inches with the GP Extreme and Coiltek 14-inch Round Mono Searchcoil. The gold nugget was just over 9 ounces solid (3/4 pound) and one of my biggest to date. Where was it found? Arizona! Take care, Rob Allison
  21. Hello Shep and All, Well I'm not going to break down what I do for field instructions since I think my training is unique. I heard some dealers spend about 15 minutes and call it quits with the customer(s). I've even heard of all the promises the dealer tells the customer before the sale, but the customer finds out they never will get the support and field instructions like they were promised. I spend the entire day with the customer if he purchases a new Minelab Metal Detector. I don't do any outside training anymore, my training is for new puchases only. Many dealers used to charge $150-$300/day for instructions for non-detector puchases, but most have gone away with this. I get a lot of calls where a customer wants to purchase from another dealer or Kellyco, but wants me to spend the entire day with him. Due to my schedule (a very busy one) I only dedicate my time to customers that purchase from me. This is part of my service, 110%! Purchase from me and you will get all the training/support you need, more than a day if needed. P.S. I know it might sound crappy, but why would someone want to spend $4000 on a new detector and not get the training and support along with it? Take care, Rob Allison
  22. Hello Rich, Yes, I have 3 booths reserved for the GPAA Mesa Gold Show. I will have a couple of friends helping me out at the show, but should have a good display of products. If you go, make sure you stop by my booths and introduce yourself. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  23. Hello All, Just wanted to give a big "Congrats" to the three Minelab Dealers that won some nice prizes. I know one of them was Gerry from Gerry Detectors in Boise, ID. Awhile back Minelab ran a deal where if the dealers sold so many detectors within a certain time frame they would get a really nice Minelab Dealer Plaque & Minelab Briefcase. Every time you order a detector you would get one entry into a prize drawing. I believe the prizes were a cruise, Las Vegas trip & Big Screen TV. I believe Gerry won the trip to Las Vegas. The other two dealers were back east if I remember correctly. Looking forward to seeing my Dealer Plaque. Only a few Arizona Minelab Dealers received them. Take care, Rob Allison
  24. Hello arahi666, Thanks for the comments about the forum. Wish I had more free time to spend on it. I check it a couple times per day and try to respond as much as possible. Wishing you the best of luck over there, Rob Allison'
  25. Hello arahi666, I clueless about that one ... The US Price on the Minelab GP3500 was 3,499.95, the price on the new GPX-4000 is $3.998.95. The price on new PI gold detectors is normally $500 higher than the last model. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison