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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hey Guys, Jim French passed? Damn, Jim would come out every so often and we would meet up and hunt. Damn, he was always a great guy to hunt with. He had that old Bronco/Blazer vehicle that he would camp and prospect out of. Going from Left to Right, can someone ID everyone? Is Tom the third guy from the right side? Great pictures, hope to see more.
  2. Hey Guys, Some great guesses. Just remember, if you go over, you're out. I see no one guessed over 500 Grams as the scale clearly shows it's only a 500 Gram scale.
  3. Hey Chuck, I see the new High Freq. coils are now listed for sale on my Distributor site, so I can get them if anyone is interested. That being said, I believe you have to have the new update 4.0 correct? I will double check on this.
  4. Hey Jim, Yes, you can run the Minelab and Minelab Aftermarket coils on the TDI. That being said, I always tell people the coils best designed for the TDI, are the ones that come with it or are designed specifically for the TDI. The TDI is pretty forgiving, so it will run other coils, but you just have to get all the settings right to maximize performance with different coils. I also heard when you get large coils on the TDI, the seems to be act more erratically. I'm personally not an expert with a TDI, but this is what I know about them from the limited time I have played with them and other people buying searchcoils from us.
  5. Hey Bill, Yes, they are not available right now, but AZO is hoping for a batch of them in an upcoming order coming their direction. That is the best I know right now. I know guys are looking for them.
  6. Hello All, I'm bored, so are probably most of you. I figured I would run a small contest on "Guess the weight of the nuggets?" What you need to do is examine the pictures in this post and then post your answer by replying to this post. You must be a registered member, not a guest to post. I encourage all the lurkers out there to register an account with the forums and post your answer. You just might be the lucky $100 Winner. The $100 can be used for any product we have available. Rules to the Contest - Guess the weight in Grams only (31.1 grams to a Troy ounce) Reply and post your number Guessing over the amount you will loose, you must guess as close to the amount in weight without going over Only one guess/reply per member Review all prior guesses, any guess that is the same, the first member will be awarded that guess I will leave this running for a few weeks so allow people to register and guess I will end the contest on March 24th around 8pm Arizona time. I will also post a picture of the exact picture on the scale, to verify the true weight of the nuggets. HINT - There are well over 100 gold nuggets of various sizes. This will at least give you a good starting point for guesses. Question - you can email me at -
  7. Hey Lumpy, Great questions and I can follow up in a few days with a better answer. For now, we all know there is no 14x9 Open, just the solid design. The only opens right now in the EVO series is the 15-inch round and the 17x13 elliptical. That being said, I heard rumors of a larger EVO, but that is all I can say right now.
  8. Hey Jen, Great to hear, let me know what you think of the Pro-Sonic. They are tough to keep in stock right now.
  9. Hey AuWanderer, Thanks. I'm trying to get a few more along with some videos I was promised. The moment I get them, they gave me permission to post them. I heard of a 17 pounder, so I'm hoping I can get a picture of that one. They were not specific if the piece was a specimen or solid gold nugget. I guess either way it's one hell of a piece!
  10. Hey Wes, Thanks for the input. I've heard more good from mods than bad, so my guess is they work pretty well. The only two I knew that done mods back then were Ismael and Woody. I think Ismael quite the business and Woody is still running strong. I personally never have used a modded detector, but know many close friends that liked them.
  11. Hey Chuck, Do you mean you can tell the size or weight of the gold nugget from the response (signal) the coil gives you once you raise from off top of the gold nugget?
  12. Hey Guys, I'm sure someone will have a Gold Monster and if Deb from Minelab is coming down, she more than likely will bring one down. It will be a great VLF unit, like many other ones such as the Fisher Gold Bug series, White's Goldmaster and more. I know Jobe Wholesale, which is a Minelab Distributor will have one.
  13. Hey Tom, Ya, a nice chunk of gold. From what my friend mentioned, it's illegal to search for gold. I never asked him what would happen if they were caught using detectors or mining, but I guess since there is some really good, untouched goldfields in Russia, it's worth the risk to find the gold and then hopefully sell it outside of Russia. The demand for metal detectors and supplies over the last couple of years has increased into that region. I'm hoping to have a few more pictures coming soon from him.
  14. Hey Guys, I won't be setting up this year at the GPAA show. It just take so much effort to get everything down there. I heard they will have 30+ vendors, so it should be a decent showing. If I was going to be there Chuck, I was able to have a Gold Monster 1000 to display, none available for sale for a bit.
  15. Hey Jerry, Welcome back my friend. I received your order, will get it shipped today. I seen it come through late last night. Wishing you a ton of success with the GPX 5000. You might want to take a gander into the new coils that work great on the GPX series, which would be the new NF Evolutions and the Coiltek Elite's. Hope to see you posting more soon.
  16. Hello All, Here is a very nice nugget, I believe 500 Grams worth, found in Russia with a Minelab metal detector. A customer of mine sent it over and mentioned there has been nuggets up to 17lbs found within the last year with metal detectors. The Minelab GPZ 7000's are starting to get over there with the new 19-inch coils. I'm hoping to have some more pictures soon.
  17. Hey Jen, When you get a chance, please write a review about the new product on our online store if you would. Doing this will also generate a discount code for you at some point in the future.
  18. Hey Mike, No doubt a very nice piece of gold. I read some of the comments on the Youtube site, many believe it was staged. I'm not seeing it, but then again just about every time I find a nugget and post it on Youtube you get all the haters ..... LOL
  19. Hey Jen, The release date is getting close. Will be interesting when this unit hits the ground here in the US. I think it will be the #1 competitor against the long running Fisher Goldbug 2. Customer can pre-order this unit from us now. We already have about a dozen very interested customers that have paid in full.
  20. Hello All, Here is another video that was just released (March 5th 2017) on the upcoming Minelab Gold Monster 1000 metal detector. You can pre-order this unit now from us at Rob's Detector Sales.
  21. Hello All, A few buddies of mine over the years have used some mods placed on their Minelab Pulse Induction metal detectors. Most always claimed the units were better after the mods. I know there are much newer mods now being performed on the GPX 4500 and GPX 5000 by Woody. Curious if anyone is running these mods and what their thoughts were on them? What does the mod do for you over the stock unit - more depth, more sensitivity, more stability or all? Here is Woody's website - - How about this video -
  22. Hey Jen, We have them listed under the Headphone section since they are pretty much a headphone/external speaker device. Here is the link if anyone missed it - I received your order and will get it shipped today. Let me know about the battery, I sent you an email.
  23. Hey Chris, Excellent find and thanks for sharing them with us. I knew when you purchased the GPZ, you were going to find gold you missed with the Garett ATX. Wishing you many more with the new Minelab GPZ 7000 metal detector.
  24. Hey Jen, Great NF coil for sale above and looks like you grabbed it. Also, yes I believe I still have it. As far as I know, it worked fine as it was my GPX battery. Shoot me over an email at if you can and I will charge fully again tonight and check it out. If you bought it and there was an issues, we can get a new one from Minelab ..... LOL
  25. Hey Whitebutler, I believe during the discovery from what I was told it was dry out. The ground could have been moist, but not soaked. I have found when the ground is damp, normally the ground seems a bit more quiet and potentially able to achieve more depth. My best guess is the ground was moderate mineralization. Have you experienced a very erratic GPZ 7000 when you run sensitivity at 20? Once I get over about 11-12 I start to get too much background noise and don't like it. I prefer to run a very quiet, stable detector and concentrate in "certain zones" on faint, whisper type targets. We also get a lot of airplanes here and they do effect the GPX and GPZ for a few minutes.