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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello All, In Central Arizona many of the known goldfields carry copper, silver and gold. It's not uncommon to find all three metals in one area or wash. I have on hundreds of occasions found copper and gold in the same wash. Many times you will find a zone, which can be a series of washes and tributaries that carry a combination of the metals. Like most of us, we would prefer more gold than the other two, but majority of the time it's a handful of copper nuggets to a few gold nuggets. In some areas you will also find Galena, or lead nuggets. Here is a shot of some copper and gold found in the same wash during a days hunt in Central Arizona with a metal detector.
  2. Hey TxGoldDigger, Like most of the other guys stated, I'm using pretty much the same settings. The EVO coils are more sensitive and get a bit more depth in my opinion over the standard NF Advantage coils. For me here in Arizona, I use the Special/Sensitive/Extra for prospecting. I have used Normal and Sharp timing to achieve more depth in some areas.
  3. Hello All, We just got a small batch of the new Nugget Finder 19" EVO Searchcoils that we will be shipping out within the next couple of days. Many have been asking about these coils, we now have them available. Here is the online store link to order directly - Your price is $524 with free shipping. I can see some big nuggets coming from Gold Basin, Quartzsite, Rich Hill and other placers that have open ground with larger gold.
  4. Hello All, Just a FYI, we now have the new Nugget Finder 19-inch GPZ solid Searchcoil covers in stock. They are $45 + SH. We only have a limited supply and I know many were asking about them. Shoot me a phone call or email, as we don't have them on the online store as of yet. Link to online store - Thanks!
  5. Hey Mike and all, I went back and added a link to the online store and a picture. No, this is the new Nugget Finder skidplate/coil cover for the new Minelab GPZ 7000 19" searchcoil. It's a solid searchcoil cover or skidplate. Many have been asking when this will be here in the US, it's now available and we have plenty in stock. I'm going to add the new Nugget Finder 19" EVO Searchcoil to the online store today. We now have them also in stock. Thanks!
  6. Hello All, Just a FYI, we now have the new Nugget Finder 19-inch GPZ solid Searchcoil covers in stock. They are $45 + SH. We only have a limited supply and I know many were asking about them. Shoot me a phone call or email, as we don't have them on the online store as of yet. Link to online store - Thanks!
  7. Hello All, Today I received this teaser trailer from Garrett? Any ideas ......?
  8. Hey Chuck, That is correct, Minelab Americas did send us an email about the release being pushed back a bit. There wasn't any details on the reason, but I'm sure with any new product release, you want to make sure it's done right and not rush a product to the market. I'm hoping we might get some more detailed info on why, but I doubt it.
  9. Hello All, Just a FYI, we have a limited number of the new XP DEUS 9" Waterproof Round DD, High Freq. Searchcoils in stock. Please order if you're interested in one, they are in limited numbers right now. Order today at -
  10. Hello All, Just a FYI, we have a limited number of the new XP DEUS 9" Waterproof Round DD, High Freq. Searchcoils in stock. Please order if you're interested in one, they are in limited numbers right now. Order today at -
  11. Hey Whitebutler, Glad you were able to post it. What did you say the weight was on this piece?
  12. Hey Mike, You're very welcome. Thanks for the business and hope you find a real nice one with the new coil.
  13. Hello All, Took a friend and customer out today with his new Minelab GPX 4500 he purchased from us. We seen this Rattlesnake in the road today. Be careful, they are out and about.
  14. Hey Jen, Yep, I seen you posted it and I thank you for that. I just wanted to re-state to the forum members that might not have caught the disclaimer. Most don't mind if you give them credit on the original source used.
  15. Hey Rex, If you get a chance, I will only have a small number out of the gate of the new NF 19-inch coils. Please shoot me over an email or give me a call so we can get you on the list ASAP. You can email me at - or call 623.362.1459. Jen - Commission checks, I thought Doc had you taken care of! I seen you posted the 1/2 nugget find on all the other forums besides here. I get it, I'm the "red headed step child, or at least my forum is!"
  16. Hey Will, It's been years since I have been there, but I believe the nearest locations are Dolan Springs, Kingman and Meadview. Kingman will have everything you need as it's a large city. You shouldn't have any problem camping on BLM land out there around Gold Basin. There are a number of prospecting clubs that also have claims in the area.
  17. Hey Tom, Great nuggets you and your Dad located. The Fisher Goldbug Pro and Fisher Goldbug 2 are great for the very small nuggets some of the PI's and other detectors will miss right on bedrock. I have a Goldbug 2 that I need to take back to a few washes and crumb crunch! Thanks for sharing your adventure with us.
  18. Hey Jen, As much as I love my GPZ 7000 along with the GPZ 19-inch coil, this Nugget Finder 19-inch will open some new deep ground up for the SD, GP or GPX users. I should have some of these new Nugget Finder 19-inch coils in a week or so. I know I won't have a bunch, so first come first serve on them.
  19. Hey Jen, Great video my JP. Just shows the power of the 19-inch GPZ coil if you're running in the correct mode for the ground your working, along with the type of gold that is located there. JP is not only a subject expert, he is a master detectorist! Great video and Thanks for sharing. Keep in mind this video was from Minelab's Treasure Talk Blog and Steve Herschbach's Forum. Please make sure you support and visit both sites as a courtesy of them allowing this video to be posted here on our forums.
  20. Hey Dennis, Thanks for the great advice on the Northern Lakes. I might head up that way in the next month or so with the family to get out of the heat.
  21. Hello All, Got to see a picture of the new Nugget Finder 19-inch EVO Searchcoil. The coil looks great and should be here in the US soon. Reports say it's very sensitive to small gold still, but has max depth penetration. Would be interesting to compare this coil on a GPX to the GPZ 7000 with the 19-inch coil. Once I have solid word they are on the way, I will post it.
  22. Hello All, I still have 20-30 books not listed yet, but have added a few more books on the online store. We now have the new Quartzsite Gold Atlas, Volume 3, Dave McCracken's Dredging books, and more .... You can view them here -
  23. Hey Guys, I love having three flagship detectors, the GPZ 7000, GPX 5000 and the SDC 2300. However, when you look at how much money is sitting on the floor, I have decided to downsize and keep the GPZ and now have a Fisher Goldbug 2 (again) with the 6.5-inch coil for dink hunting.
  24. Hey Jen and Chuck, To be honest I have been so busy with my day job I haven't heard a peek from Minelab on the new Gold Monster 1000's release date. I remember at the Conference hearing something like mid-April.