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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hey Guys, The customer had dug some other really nice pieces over the Holiday. I'm hoping to have some new pictures of specimens/nuggets. The GPZ 7000 is hitting stuff missed by other detectors I guess.
  2. Hey Capt. D, Thanks for the info on the "Forget me Not" claim(s). I was unware they had a claim back there. The maps from Weaver in all honest are not that great, I can see members struggling with them. I haven't traveled the Dynamite Shack road in a few years. The last time I was on it, it was rough, but passable. My best guess beyond hiking to the claims from the road would be to use this access if all possible. I would recommend a high clearance 4x4 or quad. Hope this helps a bit,
  3. Hello All, If you click on top of this forum, it will show you the new "Christmas Bundles" we are running on Minelab metal detectors. Some great deals and the Military 15% discount applies to any of them. If you order over "Black Friday" Weekend we are giving you a free bonus item included with the purchase of any of these bundles. If you have any questions, call, text or email us using the information below. These offers start today, orders prior to Nov. 27th don't apply. Rob's Detector Sales Office - 623.362.1459 - leave a message if we miss you Text or Cell - 602.909.9008 Email - We would love to earn your business. We are only a call or email away. Happy Holidays from Rob's Detector Sales!
  4. Hey Jared, Welcome to the forums for starters. The TDI is White's first run at a PI for gold. Minelab's first run was the SD2000 back in the early to mid 90's. Minelab has made the biggest movements in the gold hunting PI's from the SD series (3 detectors), to the GP series (3 detectors) and then the GPX series (4 detectors). Minelab is now moved into Zero Voltage Technology with the new GPZ 7000. Both are great detectors, the TDI and Minelab PI's. The TDI can use Minelab coils and aftermarket coils. I just sold a great conditioned GP3000 for $1500 about a month ago. I have seen the GP Extreme's from about $1000-$1500 depending on condition and accessories. The lightweight battery system you mentioned is available for the SD/GP series, 4 pin, or the GPX series 5 pin. It's called the "Doc's Goldscreamer Power Pack System." It's a must have in my opinion as it allows you to be wireless and you don't have lug around the bigger battery or wear the harness. Here is a direct link to the battery system if anyone wants to look - Currently, I don't have any used PI's in stock. However, I would recommend checking the Classified section of this forum and others to see what is out there. Hope this helps a bit. Glad you joined the forums.
  5. Hey Guys, Great reports coming from both coils. The NF 12-inch Evolution and the 11-inch Coiltek Elite are not yet available here in the US. Some field testing is being done, but not yet released to the public.
  6. Hey Guys, Here is an updated pictures of some other pieces he found right around the 3 ounce specimen piece. The second largest was 14 Grams. Not a bad hit with the GPZ 7000.
  7. Hello All, Well customers are finally submitting their finds after months of swinging the new Minelab GPZ 7000 across old and new goldfields. Here are some impressive finds from a customer that has hammered these areas with the GPX series in the past. These are just a few of his finds with the GPZ, some up to an ounce in size. Thanks for sharing and congrats on your recent success with the Minelab GPZ 7000.
  8. Hello All, A long time friend and customer of mine here in Arizona sent this picture over. Some new nuggets from a new area. He was using a Minelab PI I believe. Hopefully he will follow up on this post and add more to the story. Plenty of yellow metal still out there to be found with a metal detector. Congrats and thanks for sharing with us here on the forums.
  9. Hello all, A GPZ 7000 customer texted me this picture this weekend. He said this was the biggest one so far. The specimen weight almost 3 ounces and has over 1 ounce of gold within. He said they also found a 14 Gram solid in the nearby area at depth. The big piece was found at over 2 foot deep and they were using High/Yield and Difficult due to the high iron content in the ground. He promised to send over some more pictures. Here is the 3 ounce piece. It was a slow start for them, but they are on a roll now once they got a good feel of the Minelab GPZ 7000 metal detector. Wishing them much more luck. Thanks for sharing with us!
  10. Hey Roo, I agree, both are great coils. Getting great field reports from both coils. I'm trying to encourage the users to post, but most want to pound the ground. I guess I can't fault them for that, they have a new toy and want to play with it. The Coiltek does seem just a tad bit heavier, but not a crazy difference. We have them both in stock, $405 for the Coiltek Elite and $495.00 for the NF 17x13 Evolution. We are offering free shipping on both and cable clips.
  11. Hey Tom, Congrats, always nice to pick up at least one piece. I haven't been out in about 3 weeks now. I'm getting very itchy!!
  12. Hey Guys, For years I would use those Gem Jar Display cases, as they are very nice. That being said, once you get a few of those full with hundreds of nuggets, it's hard to store them in a safety deposit box due to the size. You don't want a bunch of display cases that someone can break in, grab a bunch of display cases and run off. It's too easy to get robbed that way and too hard to store when you get a number of them stacked up. That being said, many years ago I seen a very successful nugget shooter (now passed) store nuggets in a coffee jar. He had 2-3 big Folgers (not sure the brand) cans in the cabinet. He opened it, I seen the cans, he reached up and pulled one down. The can was full of coffee grains, but he reached in and pulled out a small sack. Inside the small sack was about 15 ounces of nuggets, roughly a small handful. It was a pretty slick way to hide nuggets. If someone broke in, who is really going to look for coffee, or 2-3 cans of coffee.
  13. Hello All, I'm unaware of any Weaver claims beyond the "gate" at Rich Hill. The Roadrunner Prospectors' Club had a few back there, but there is still access from the old Dynamite Shack road.
  14. Hey Guys, We have the new Nugget Finder 17x13 Searchcoils in stock. Great field reports from Australia on them, along with some early field reports in the US. They will work on any Minelab PI, which includes the SD, GP or GPX series. Click the link below to see the coil on our online store - Give us a call if you have any questions on this new coil. $495.00 shipped to your front door US Priority Mail. Limited supply, call to get yours now!
  15. Hey Guys, We have the new Nugget Finder 17x13 Searchcoils in stock. Great field reports from Australia on them, along with some early field reports in the US. They will work on any Minelab PI, which includes the SD, GP or GPX series. Click the link below to see the coil on our online store - Give us a call if you have any questions on this new coil. $495.00 shipped to your front door US Priority Mail. Limited supply, call to get yours now!
  16. Hey Paul, I seen one somewhere on a forum or some listing for like $6800, think it was in California. I can't seem to find the listing anymore. Seemed pretty cheap for a like new GPZ 7000, so I sometimes questions those deals. I seen another one where a guy's trip got canceled and he had it listed for $8000. You can always buy one from us for $9,999.00 or use a Military Discount and get it shipped to you for $8500.00. Don't worry, Justin's patches are safe ..... LOL
  17. Hey guys, I forgot to mention the cover that Tortuga stated by Eureka Worx. We have the short power cords in stock for the GPX and SD/GP series on our site or Ebay. We actually sell a bunch of them for guys doing to very thing - mounting the stock battery to the side.
  18. Hey Way2cool, Ya, very hard to hear the signal over the Internet. I'm sure it was just a slight variation in the threshold that caught his attention. I'm sure they are in a patch, so they are checking all targets. For the most part, if you were not in a patch and know there might be faint signals like that, the average guy would probably blow right passed it. I'm sure they have found enough gold in the nearby area to try different coils and combinations. The new NF Evolution coils are getting some good reviews. I will have them in stock hopefully this week.
  19. Hey Tom, Congrats on the find. Sure beats the skunk to have at least one piece in the bottle before you get home. Little guys like that can sometimes lead to more gold upstream.
  20. Hey Guys, I never have used the Sun Ray headphones, but heard great things about them. I have always been a DetectorPro guy. I started with the GrayGhost, then the Gray Ghost Ultimates for many years, then tried the Nuggetbusters and then the release of the Black Widow's. For the last 6-7 years I have only used the Black Widow's. I think they have the highest audio output and fit my head right. Another plus is Gary Storm at DetectorPro is a stand up guy and fixes any issues with the DetectorPro headphones right away. I will pay a bit more knowing there is a lifetime warranty and top notch support anyday.
  21. Hey AHorton10, Ya, the Doc's Goldscreamer is a bit expensive, but a proven lightweight battery system that mounts to the side of your Minelab PI. I guess you have to pay a bit more for the "ease of use" of this product. The system is actually $469.00, the most expensive piece is the regulator cradle, which holds the li-ion battery, but also has a built in Signal Enhancer. The signal enhancer alone is about $125.00, so that is one reason the battery system is more expensive. The $499 model has the Slimline External Speaker included. I have seen many homemade systems, all of them have failed to be honest. There was a guy that was making them for about $250.00 at Stanton Arizona a few years back, but once the units started to fail and the batteries wouldn't work anymore, the guy bailed from the Stanton Camp and has yet to be seen to my knowledge. Can someone that has some electronic knowledge build one, no question YES! The replacement Li-ion battery for the GPX 5000 is $440.00. This is a also an expensive replacement item.
  22. Hey Guys, I haven't heard anymore as of late. That being said, I would like to clear the air a bit - There are a lot of rumors about past clubs ripping people off. I have never been on the board side of any club, or that much involved, just an outside member wanting to detect. Sure I have heard they have closed down and took money from paid members. What I can tell you is when these clubs were running, the moral was high and many were finding gold. Funny, handfuls of guys that claimed they got burned in prior deals for some reason were back in the new clubs detecting. Funny, if you got burned once, why come back and give it another whirl (just saying)? My best advice on clubs if you're uncertain about them, join early when the club is trying to recruit memberships. Always the first couple years of these clubs ran strong and many found gold, much more gold than they paid in memberships. Don't join these clubs expecting to hit it rich. If you enjoy the outdoors, want to find a nugget or two (in hopes of more) and really enjoy metal detecting, then these clubs might be for you.
  23. Hey all, I had a guy call me and purchase some items from Stanton, Arizona recently. As we were talking about the Minelab detectors, he mentioned he heard there was a new club starting up that might do pushes. My first thought was Ellie, which was the prior owners of several clubs that used dozen to push material for the club to metal detect. This was the first I heard, curious if anyone else has heard this from a solid source? The pushes were always fun and a lot of nuggets were found.
  24. Hey Guys/Gals, This is just a last minute reminder the GPX Promo's that have been a huge hit this month are about to end. These two deals below are the best deals I have seen in about 15 years from Minelab. These both are top of the line Pulse Induction Gold Detectors with many extras. The price is mind-blowing for the product you get and accessories. Call us today at 623.362.1459 to lock into this deal, or text message us at 602.909.9008 for quick questions or inquiries. Promo 1 - Minelab GPX 4500 Universal Package - $2699.00. This included all stock accessories, plus these items for FREE - Minelab 15x12 Commander Mono Searchcoil with skidplateMinelab Pro-Find 25 Pinpointer Minelab Soft Carry BagMinelab Fluffy Vest Factory 3 Year WarrantyShipping/InsuranceLifetime Support Beyond the saleField Instructions in Arizona - 1 day lesson on proven mining claimsPromo 2 - Minelab GPX 4800 Metal Detector - $2649.00. This includes all stock accessories, plus these items for FREE listed below. The GPX 4800 are an English version, but one panel has Spanish writing. Minelab Eureka Gold Metal Detector (value of $1049)Minelab Baseball CapMinelab Fluffy VestFactory 3 Year WarrantyShipping/InsuranceLifetime Support Beyond the saleField Instructions in Arizona - 1 day lesson on proven mining claimsCall, text, email or ask us questions here if needed. Like I said, this deal expires Oct. 31st 2015, no freebies added after that date. Looking forward to earning your business!