Quit My Day Job, Going Prospecting

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Hi Guys,

It has been in the works for several years, but it happened kind of suddenly at the end. I realized recently I do not have to spend another winter in Alaska waiting for spring so I can go prospecting. Last week I turned in my resignation at the business I co-founded in 1976. My partner and I sold it to the employees a couple years ago, and I do think they can handle it now without me. They are a really great bunch of people.

Since I got into business while in high school I am a bit ahead of the curve. Too young to retire really, so time to just go do what I want to do full time, which is prospect and metal detect for gold and write. I have a dredging operation with my brother planned for this summer with lots of detecting possibilities on the side.

I have a lot of content I created scattered about the internet, much that I want to disassociate from any commercial websites, so I have set up my own website at DetectorProspector.com where I can host my stories, and sell my gold, used mining gear, and hopefully in the future my books. It is non-commercial and so I am trying to set up link trades with anyone interested HERE. I already have this forum listed and Rob's store also as he gave me a thumb's up to post here. Thanks Rob! If anyone else would like to trade links let me know. If I can build some traffic I can get a little income via Google Ads to help supplement everything else.

I will finally be moving to Reno this spring and my brother, the other prospector in the family, is in Phoenix, so I expect to be all over the western US when I am not in Alaska. Hope to finally meet up with a lot of you.

So with that I can well and truly say Happy New Year!

Steve Herschbach

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Happy New Year. These are exciting changes.

I am sure I join many people who are familiar with you and what you are about

in congratulating your new efforts.

It is fun to know you are locating to Nevada

it will give people a better chance of being able to say hi in person.

Best of luck in your new endeavors.


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Congrat's! You'll really enjoy getting up early, humping the hills for miles and a skunk want bother you much because a day out doing what ya love still beats the beast day of work! Robin, and I are just finishing up our Holiday's in Arizona and will be heading back to our main camp in NorCal via a stop here and there to test our luck on the drive home. Until our next hunt, see ya soon!


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Thanks guys!

I will be on the forum more often to keep up on what is happening in the "real world". Living up here is like living on another planet sometimes. I am planning a major gold dredging operation for this summer in Alaska. I really enjoy metal detecting but dredging is a more consistent way to find gold, and I would like to get a lot of gold this summer! I just posted my plans with photos at my reactivated Steve's Mining Journal HERE if anyone is interested in what goes into planning a dredging operation. Lots of work but could pay off very well at current high gold prices.

I am trying to talk Rob into coming up so I put put him on the nozzle while I sit back and relax!

Steve Herschbach

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Hey Steve,

Just have a few seconds to post, but Thanks for sharing all your honest experiences here on the forums. Wishing you much success now that you have time to play. I'm thinking very seriously about the dredging deal, so don't count me out to early. We can talk more about it.

Hope to see you posting here more in the future.

Rob Allison

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Congratulations Steve! I think it is wonderful that you have worked so hard and now get to enjoy life. Besides, if you owned that business, and it was successful, as we all recently learned, "You didn't do that, somebody else did that." LOL, yeah RIGHT!

Sure is funny, all the times over the earlier years when I had to go to the bank and get a loan to meet expenses, or take a second mortgage on my house, to keep the doors of my business open, I was the only one signing those papers and sticking my neck out.

But I think you have the right idea. As I recently told someone, Being a self-employed small business owner just isn't as much fun as it used to be. It's not that business isn't great, because it is.

Please look me up when you get down in this part of the world and we will go out detecting again.

And it would be my honor to swap links with you.


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Good Deal Steve, I am not far behind you. I put my first summer of dredging in last year and you are right I love detecting but the 5 inch proline payed the bills for sure. I have been trying to get up to Alaska the last couple years I have a nice claim up the 40 mile, Good luck.


PS what do you pay youre dredgers ( hint, hint) :P

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Thanks guys!

I will be on the forum more often to keep up on what is happening in the "real world". Living up here is like living on another planet sometimes. I am planning a major gold dredging operation for this summer in Alaska. I really enjoy metal detecting but dredging is a more consistent way to find gold, and I would like to get a lot of gold this summer! I just posted my plans with photos at my reactivated Steve's Mining Journal HERE if anyone is interested in what goes into planning a dredging operation. Lots of work but could pay off very well at current high gold prices.

I am trying to talk Rob into coming up so I put put him on the nozzle while I sit back and relax!

Steve Herschbach

Hey I'm an advanced certified diver! Have been for 31 some years with over 2000 ocean dive hours under my weight belt.

Got my wet suit, my dry suit, got it all. Let me know when you need me, just keep the air and warm water flowing, Rob and I will keep the nozzle aimed at the yellow stuff.


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Justin, up in the 40 Mile? PM me. I am afraid I have never paid anyone to dredge though. I usually work alone or in loose partnership with somebody. I prefer that when working with somebody I run my dredge and they run theirs. Work together but separate. That eliminates a lot of issues while still having another person around. This is the first time I have actually worked with and shared the production of a single dredge with somebody else since the 1990s. Then it was my brother and this time it is my brother again. I am really looking forward to that.

I owe you one Doc so if you really are interested I will be emailing you today with some product questions.

Steve Herschbach

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Oh great, now I have to dive with Doc!! :o I'm hoping I can get up that way. Would it be worth dragging a 4-inch up that way, or it that too small for that area?

I have a gallizion potential projects and areas of interests, so I'm hoping I can make it up there, if not, I'm hoping Doc will give it a whirl.

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Congrats Steve!!!

Sounds like fun!!!!!!!!!

40 mile area...yes!

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