Didn't think it was a heart attack!

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Hi Prospectors,

Jan. 7th a.m. I had what I would call gas pains.That was all the discomfort I felt. My wife being a nurse took me to work with her and ran an e.k.g. her Doctor compared the new one to the past one and admitted me to the hospital for tests.X-rays showed some blockage and a stint and a balloon would was what I needed. Well to make a long story short I wound up with open heart surgery and quadruple bipass.I got home 2 weeks ago last Friday and I feel very good and strong as ever.But the doc's tell me to take it easy.

Good luck out there guys


You guys get after that gold.

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Whew! Glad you got through it good.

Hug your heart pillow :)
I just went though this with my dad. He should chime in here soon.

Good luck to you...take it easy and heal up.

Tom H.

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Thanks Border Boy,Tom and Pete,

Tom I just can't get much comfort out of the heart pillow,I read about you and your dad digging at Rich Hill He must be doing good I'm hoping.

Thanks again


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Yeah, i'm listening to you guys and it brings back a memory or two. Mike, I went in for a check up and wound up staying for a five way myself. I think that you can call us both very fortunate as there was no damage done to the heart and you recover faster and go on with life. It's been about four months for me and I feel strong as a bull but I watch it close and am diligent with my medication. I don't tire as much climbing the hills and can last a little longer between rest peroids. I will be eighty next birthday so figure that if I can do it so can you. The pillow is for when you cough or sneeze, don't do one or the other without it.

I'm enjoying the hobby again as you will be in a couple of months. Start off slow and find out just what you can do. You will probably loose a couple of pounds, which is good in most cases, but watch it and don't put it back on. Lots of luck recovering and also in the field.

Old Tom

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Old Tom,

Thanks for the kind words,I feel good and you have greatly encouraged my recovery.I'm going to go through a physical therapy program at the hospital and they have you hooked up to the heart machine and monitor while you exercise.So I'm confident in this program and hoping for the best.I'm happy for your recovery.



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That's great you're following through on the recovery exercise program .. I didn't do it and wish I would have ... My recovery program consisted of hiking all over Rich Hill and LSD swinging my Minelab ... What Tom said about the heart pillow ... I got so addicted to mine that I had to force myself off of it after 6 months ... It really helps when coughing or sneezing ... I still have mine ... My favorite nurses signed it for me when I checked out of the hospital ... Hang in there, it gets better every day! .... Cheers, Unc

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Hey Ron your recovery program sounds

good!Thanks for the chat. Mike

Hello Doc,I feel great and the surgen doc turned

me loose today and I can now lift 20 lbs.and

DRIVE again.Thanks for the chime Mike

Hey Lucky,I'll give it a couple more weeks and

do some day hunts here close.Thanks Mike

Hello Hawkeye, I was fortunate there was no heart muscle

damage and I feel strong as a Bull like Old Tom does

but I'll take your advice and pace myself. Thanks for the chat


Crazy Pete,You were lucky and I'm happy to hear that.Take good

care of yourself.I remember awhile back You received a chime from

Old Tom about the beer and ciggs.Don't overdue it mate.


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Mike: You aught to come to Bills outing the first weekend of March You, my dad and Uncle Ron could compare zippers! >

Heal fast

Tom H

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Mike: You aught to come to Bills outing the first weekend of March You, my dad and Uncle Ron could compare zippers! >

Heal fast

Tom H

Hey Tom,

Tell me more pm me sounds good and would enjoy meeting you all.

Thanks Mike

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Hey Mike,

Thanks God everything worked out well. You're too good of a guy to leave us. Take it easy for a bit, then hit it hard when you're feeling better. In the meantime, give me a call anytime to shoot the breeze about nuggethunting. :)

Hi Rob,Tuesday I got released from the surgen and I can drive now and lift 20 lbs.Thanks for the kind words I apreciate them.I will call your cell and we'll catch up.

Many Thanks


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Hey Tom,

Tell me more pm me sounds good and would enjoy meeting you all.

Thanks Mike

PM in your box with directions :)

Tom H.

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