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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hey Tom, I wish you would stop being so damn hard on the Yoto! Wow, those are some pretty good fixes. I used to carry several wire rolls of bailing wire also. I have a tool box in the back of my truck loaded with tape, wire, rope, jacks and other stuff. I will probably need it, but the moment I take it out, I will need it.
  2. Hello All, A recent customer of mine and friend sent some pictures of some of the gold they are finding in the California Mother Lode. It just blows me away for anyone that thinks all the gold has been found. These pictures show clearly there are some nice gold nuggets still to be picked up out there. California is such a gold rich State. Thanks for sharing these finds with us here on the forums. He is going to share some more in the very near future. The customer purchased a Minelab GPX 4500 metal detector just recently from me. Maybe I need an invite over and one of those cold Coors Lights! ... LOL P.S. Customer and friend requested the pictures stay here, no COPY/Pasting please.
  3. Hey Guys, I'm just about at the end of Season one. It's something to watch, much better than the fake ass Gold Rush. I prefer to watch Bearing Sea Gold than Gold Rush anyways.
  4. Hey Guys, Ya, if you're traveling alone, you should be a bit more prepared. I have a pretty good story for you - Years ago my Cousin and I were heading back deep into the Tip Top area in my old 1985 Toyota 4x4 with a 3-inch lift. The little truck was setup for prospecting, still wish I owned it. We were travel back in the night, as we both got a wild hair one night in Prescott and decided to head out for a prospecting trip. It must have been at least 10pm or so, we crossed a guy walking the road. It was a huge surprise to see anyone this deep into the backhills, but he broke down in his sand rail and was hiking out. He was out of water, had no supplies whatsoever. He kind of scared us, as back then we were just young pubs. We both told the guy we would give him some supplies, but we were heading back deeper in the hills and would be coming out the following afternoon. We agreed to pick him up on the way out, as we were not going to allow him to camp with us. The guy was a bit strange, we didn't know if he was some type of loose criminal or what. Figured the supplies we gave him would last him overnight and if he really needed a ride out he would be waiting for us at some point on the road. That evening we had a hard time sleeping, thinking the guy was going to sneak up on us .... LOL Believe it or not, we actually kind of hide the truck out on a high road where we could watch below us until the next morning. We spent 4-5 hours detecting and then headed back out. We were both curious if the guy would still be there. We actually found his broke down sand rail, so that was a valid story. Looks like he broke a tie arm on the front drivers side. He didn't have any supplies, as we quickly looked over the broken down sand rail. We passed the spot where we dropped him off and about a mile further down the road, there he was!! He was sitting on the side of the road waiting for us. We talked with him for a bit, he said he just wanted to get to New River so he could make a phone call. I asked him if he needed more water or food, but he said he would settle on a cold beer. We got him back into New River and he made a call and was able to get someone he knew to pick him up and head back into the area and get the sand rail out. I really don't think the guy would have walked his way out of there. He was at least 20 miles back into the back country with NO water, NO Food or NO supplies. It was just starting to get warm in the afternoon, so my best guess it was around April - May. I personally take about a case of water when I head out into the hills. Normally I will have 3-4 larger Gatoraide's also for the trip and food. I figure I could go at least 3-4 days with minimal food if I had plenty of fluids to keep in me. I also always have 3-4 Granola bars and several small packs of Nuts that have plenty of Salt.
  5. Hey Jen, Pretty interesting, but I would be pretty clueless on all the components. Glad to hear you're back using the GPZ 7000 again.
  6. Hello All, We sell several of Tom Bohmker's books and they sell very well. Here is a video with his Son - Josh Bohmker searching the old workings of where the "Brigg's Gold Pocket was found in Southern Oregon. Pretty good video of Josh explaining the history about the pocket and that pieces are still to be found by the persistent prospector. Great book by his Father on Southern Oregon can be seen here - Thanks for the great video Josh and White's Electronics.
  7. Hello All, Was scanning through my Netflix and happen to see a show called the "Aussie Gold Hunters." I must say, it's very interesting and I like it much more than Gold Rush. It's mostly about chasing gold nuggets, gold reefs and more. It'w worth watching three different groups of prospectors searching for that allusive gold. Here are a few Youtube trailers. You can find it on Netflix if you have it. I have watched all most of the first season and it's pretty interesting to watch. I believe there are two seasons right now.
  8. Hey Guys, Here is an interesting story about a guy that got stranded for days heading up to Crown King, Arizona. He was found on the third day by a guy driving a motorcycle. You can read the story here -
  9. Hey Jen, Wow, that is one huge find. Not much to look at as far as character, but 10 Kilo's of gold is one heck of a paycheck! I'm guessing somewhere in the ballpark of $320,000 just in spot value. As for the President, we all have our personal views. I agree, we should keep them off the forums, but he has made me over $XX,XXX in high tech stock in the last 6 months!
  10. Hey Guys, Fishing8046 - The specimen on the left has some quartz and iron as the host rock. This is very common for quartz specimens to have iron mineralization mixed with it. Iron is kind of like the Mother of Gold. AuWanderer - Some great looking pieces you have shown. Did you happen to find or metal detect them? Tom - Great Makro shot. I need to get a new camera with a good Macro lens on it. What are you using in that nugget shot? Hey Guys, What I forgot to add was one of the pieces is 35 Grams and the other is like 43 if I remember correctly.
  11. Hey Cowkiller, OUCH!! I have done something similar, scared the crap out of me. My eye was blurry for a few hours, that was the scary part. Wishing you a handful of gold on your next hunt.
  12. Hello All, It's been pretty slow here, so I figured I would post a picture of some gold specimens a friend just recently found.
  13. Hey Doc, I received my pair a few days ago, but picked them up today from the Shipper. They look great, so I'm hoping to get out soon with them and give them a run. Thanks for sending them!
  14. Hey Floater, I believe that entire AKAU operation is on Anvil Creek. I seen some huge gold nuggets from that creek back in the 90's when we visited the area. I have heard the owners are top notch! I might try to visit the mine sometime.
  15. Hey Andy, I have done the same many times, leave the detector behind and just walk around. This is one thing I really liked about the SDC 2300, as it would fit in my Camelpak Backpack and I could hike miles have have a detector on me if I wanted to spot check anywhere along the route. It only took about 30 seconds to get the detector out and fired up, check out a spot, pack it back up and on the way again.
  16. Hey Mike, Have you tried the new boots out yet? This winter season I'm trying to figure out a good boot to wear.
  17. Hey Floater, No problem, hopefully you can get someone to jump right in and take that place. I would like to get up there sometime, always heard good things about the camp, people, food and gold!
  18. Hey Guys, Across the International Border! I have a bunch of friends that prospect down there on private ground and have permits.
  19. Hey Grubstake, Thanks for the heads up. I thought I just seen a picture of Jerry on Facebook sitting up in his Hospital bed. Please keep us updated and hope he has a speedy recovery!! We will keep him in our prayers for sure.
  20. Darn, that is not good news. Prayers and Condolences for the entire Keene family. They have been around for a long time and have been for the prospecting/mining community. I have used Keene products my entire life from sluice boxes, dredges and drywashers.
  21. Hello All, About a week ago, a friend from down South send me this picture of a nugget they found. It's 51+ Grams and was found with a Minelab metal detector. I have a few more pictures I will post also, just limited on time. It's still out there .....
  22. Hey Tom, Those are some great pictures. Wow, the fire sure came close to some houses in the pictures. I have a good friend that lives up towards the top end of the Poland Junction Road, they were concerned their cabin was going to burn. It would be a scare seeing a huge fire come over the hill towards your house or cabin. I have hunted a few smaller burns in known gold areas, but never actually found anything. I did manage to get real dirty though ....
  23. Hey Uncle Ron, I think you are right, running would have been a huge mistake on my part. I never realized how much it takes to stop a bear in general until I seen a video of a claim owner that had Black Bear that would tear a lot of stuff up. They couldn't prevent the bear from damaging items, so they eventually took it their own hands to elliminate the bear with a Shotgun with Slugs. They hit the bear with 4-5 slugs before it went down, eventually dying I believe. I couldn't believe it, so I know you would have to have a high powered handgun (probably a minimum of a 44 Magnum with 6 shots or 50 Caliber). I have seen several videos where guys with rifles can't hardly get a single shot off as the bear(s) normally come out of nowhere ......
  24. Hey Guys, Sound great looking gold from different areas. Thanks for sharing. Sure wish I could get motivated and get back in the field ..... These pictures are sure motivating to say the least!