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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hey Jeff, Congrats on the finds. Thanks for always being a great customer and friend. Wishing you and your wife many more gold nuggets!
  2. Hey Guys, Thanks! Tom - Thanks for the info on the Lake. Thanks for the invite. I just want you and your Father to know, I appreciate all the times you have opened up to me and invites me out. Don't think for a moment I don't think about your generosity my friends. I'm so busy most of the time by the time I have a day off I'm so tired to do anything. Ddog - I will search for that video. Might be interesting.
  3. Hey Cowkiller, Nothing I have heard about a small coil. Originally I heard of a 11-inch coil, so I'm not ruling it out. The 14x13 is so sensitive, but a small coil would be nice for better pinpointing and working in tighter spots. If I hear something, I will certainly post it here. If anyone else hears anything, please keep us informed. Thanks!
  4. Hey Mike and Dennis, Ya, I figured that was the cord, but then I thought you were talking about an adapter from Garrett. Both the Z-Lynk and Pro-Sonic are selling well and have had good feedback on both on the GPX series.
  5. Hey Mike, I almost pulled the trigger last month and purchased a real nice Bass boat. Figured I was a bit burned out on nugget shooting, been doing it for over 20+ years now pretty hard. Thought it would be nice to get out on the Lake with my Father and fish for a bit. He convinced me I would only use it once in a great while, so I didn't do it. Any good Lakes up in the pines that you can fish from the banks and have decent luck? Figured when it gets hot down here in the Valley, the family and I might head up North and do some fishing/camping.
  6. Hey Jen, Congrats on the new patch. Are you using the NF EVO 15-inch Round or 17x13?
  7. Hey Tom, You're right, I'm sure I will be ready once it's too hot to detect ....
  8. Hey Mike, Sounds good. I will let you know when the Gold Monsters are on the way!
  9. Hey Matt, I know we kept a pretty good tally on the weight and it went over a few pounds out of this zone. Makes you think what the old-timers got in some of the really good areas they worked the crap out of. I need to get out and start scanning again, I know there are more out there. My motivation level this year has been about "zero."
  10. Hey Guys, When you mentioned the "adapter" are you talking about the SDC adapter we sell that is the waterproof end to the standard 1/4 inch jack?
  11. Hello All, Sad to hear that Smokey Baird, one of the long time great nuggetshooters of the Northern Nevada range has passed. I heard he was battling Cancer for some time. Smokey touched a lot of nuggetshooters over the years. I met him back in the early 90's when a few of us make a trip up to Northern Nevada to explore some of "Oakie" Jim Malone's claims and give Rye Patch a whirl. We met him off the road heading up to Jim's place and he chatted for over an hour. He was very friendly and helpful since we really didn't have a clue at that time where we were really going. Over the years I would talk with Smokey along with many of my customers bumping into him in the field around Northern Nevada. He will truly be missed. You can see some of his pictures and gold on Bill and Linda's page - God Bless you my Friend. There is no doubt you're in Heaven for all the great help you have been over the years!
  12. Hello All, Thanks for all that participated in the recent "guess the weight" contest. The story behind these gold nuggets is a nice nugget patch. Several years ago in a pretty well known gold nugget region, several partners and I found an overlooked placer zone. The old-timers poked around, so we know they found some gold, but just didn't investigate it further to find a larger overlooked zone. Here is a portion of the gold nuggets that were found in this overlooked nugget patch. The contest weight was roughly 6 ounces, but contained over 300 gold nuggets ranging in sizes from just a few grains to around 3/4's of an ounce. Sure wish I had this collection still, but the Baby need new shoes! Congrats to GPX Power for winning the recent contest. Below is a picture of the gold nuggets found in this nice patch. Keep in mind, this was only a portion of the gold. The area is now under private claim and currently being worked.
  13. Hey Guys, The Contest has ended. I wasn't able to get the picture uploaded last night, but the total gold weight was 186.7 Grams. Mike C, (GPX Power) is the winner. Congrats! Thanks for all the people that participated in the contest. Sorry to disappoint everyone thinking it was much more weight .....
  14. Hello All, We just received the new book written by Dr. Erik Melchiorre - Gold Atlas of Quartzsite, Arizona - Volume 3 Plomosa Mountains. This is the 3rd book written about the Quartzsite area. A must have if you prospect or metal detector around this region. Some great pictures, maps and much more. The book is 216 pages. We have attached a link directly to the online store for anyone that wants to purchase it -
  15. Hey Guys, I got your comments on the range of guesses, but since we have already started and over a week in, we will just leave it. I understand when someone guesses close to you, it kind of sucks, but you don't know the weight, so just 1/10 over the weight and your out. I have looked at the guesses and there is a wide range of guesses.
  16. Hey Guys/Gals, I'm just glad to be honest Minelab built the Gold Monster. For the last 3-4 years, Minelab was way behind on a new VLF. The Eureka Gold was loosing interests fast when it was listed at over $1000 MAP, then they lowered the price and I still didn't see a big pick up in sales. There are just too many VLF's on the market ranging from like 20khz to 71khz. Many of the newer VLF detectors are running that mid-range freq from around 48-55khz or so. This seems to be the new range where most high end VLF's will benefit on not solely small gold, but a much wider range of gold and able to balance in higher mineralized ground. From what I experienced over the years with VLF's the high freqs ran great on exposed bedrock, mine dumps and places with low to moderate mineralization. However, the mid-freq VLF's seem to run much smoother on high mineralization where large amount of iron or volcanics were present in the soil. I love the GB2 @ 71khz with the small 6.5-inch coil on many dumps that contain just traces of gold in the ore or quartz. Also, if you're drywashing and vac-packing, you can't beat running the GB2 over these areas after the bedrock is cleaned off. The Gold Makro with the small coil does close to the same, but I still give the edge on very small gold to the GB2. The Gold Monster 1000 in my opinion will not be running against these units solely. I have heard and even mentioned it might be Fisher Goldbug 2 competition, but I meant more of the Original Gold Bug and Pro, which operate at 19Khz. It will be interesting to see and no doubt increase Minelab's sales in the VLF range, which I feel they lost over the last 3-4 years with the Eureka Gold.
  17. Hello All, Many are asking about the new High Freq Searchcoil by XP DEUS along with the latest v4.0 update. Here is all the information you need about the new update - I should have the 9-inch Round High Freq coils very soon if anyone is interested. They will be $425.00 with FREE Shipping from us. You can read about the coil here on our site -
  18. Hello All, I personally haven't tried the Garrett Z-Lynk wireless system on a Minelab GPX series, but a customer wanted to know if you can use it with a speaker? He has a GPX 5000 with Doc's Goldscreamer Power Pack and wanted to know if he could use this wireless system with a external speaker? I told him I have used this system with headphones, but haven't with a speaker as of yet. Curious if anyone has and what is their experience with a external speaker? Does it provide enough power to push it? If I can't get any feedback in the next couple of days for the customer, I will check it out on my GPX 5000. Thanks in advance.
  19. Hey Chuck, We are no ruling out lessons the VLF's, including the new Gold Monster, but if we offered lessons for every unit we sold, we would never get to enjoy ourselves .... LOL We sell a lot of VLF's, including coin/relic units outside of the PI's. We pretty much offer the training on the PI's, regardless of manufacture. Most of the VLF's are so simple to use, you don't need much time in the field to get started.
  20. Hey Guys, Mike is correct on this unit was originally designed for the African market only, but I'm guessing since the Eureka was pretty much outdated, it was time to release a replacement. The Gold Monster will be a interesting detector to use and very simple. Most of the local miners/prospectors don't have any education, or minimal at best, so this unit will be very simple to use.
  21. Hey Jim, The NF Sadie 8x6 Mono will work fine on the TDI. I actually sell a lot of the Sadie's to TDI owners that are looking to get max sensitivity working shallow areas along with exposed bedrock.
  22. Hey Jerry, Yep that was the vehicle he drop. He always had that thing packed full. I will always remember him for his smile and great personality. The last couple of years I thought about him, thinking where he might be camping and prospecting. I'm not sure on when he passed, or the cause, but he was always great to have around. What I can tell anyone that is reading is this - I started searching for gold on a serious note back when I was around 20 years old. Most of all the guys that took me under their wing were in their 50-60's. Most of them are now long gone, only just a few that are still around today, but out of the nugget shooting game. Cherish the times around the campfires as one day the guys will no longer be there.
  23. Hey Guys, Speaking of learning curves, this question comes up often on phone conversations with new customers. I think the GPZ 7000 and the SDC 2300 are two of the easiest unit to use. The GPX series are a bit more complex with all the switches, knobs and menu screen. It's easy to get setting really screwed up and your timings off with all the controls. The flip side, with all the user control, you can really fine tune and maximize your performance over a lot of different ground conditions.
  24. Hey Guys, Found a picture with Jim French from 2003. This was taken in Gold Basin. We spent about 4 days prospecting some new ground there. From left to right, it's Dave, Me (Rob Allison), Tom and Jim French. Man those were fun times and I even hit a small patch on this trip. Like Jerry mentioned in a prior post, I'm definitely not at fit as in this picture. I will see if I can dig up some others, many of my pictures got destroyed.